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Thread: Documentaries

  1. #501
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    EDIT: OK... I'm counting on you to listen to it and review it for me and let me know if it's worth listening to.
    And Fuck Dan Druff and everyone else at Music and Sporting Events constantly recording the show right in front of my view.
    Fuck That!
    There is a lot of overlap here with respect to the Rogan episode with James Fox. Therefore, I would recommend not listening to Viva's James Fox episode. I agree with you about bringing phones to events.
    I don't like banning anything, but they are out of control holding up their phones, while I am behind them, and it completely obstructs my view for the entire show.
    One of the last shows I went to see was Eric Burdon at the Golden Nugget a few years back.
    Very small venue with a couple hundred people but the whole show was them holding up phones and recording.
    I had enough after that.
    It's not as bad at the Knights/NHL games.
    Most of that is before the game or during the break or just quick snapshots.
    That's fine.
    Take a picture.
    I'm all for that but obstructing peoples view who paid good money to watch a show is out of control.
    It's like the people at the Dallas Stars Games standing for entire 20-minute periods.
    Mother Fuckers... I paid for this seat... Sit the Fuck Down!
    I didn't pay to stand for the entire sporting event, lul.
    I miss the good old days when everyone just got drunk and didn't have constant cell phone addiction.
    Worst Thing that happened was a few drunken fights broke out.
    You can't even help take anyone's picture anymore cause they say they want the "selfie" effect.
    Get Off My Lawn!

  2. #502
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I don't like banning anything, but they are out of control holding up their phones, while I am behind them, and it completely obstructs my view for the entire show.
    One of the last shows I went to see was Eric Burdon at the Golden Nugget a few years back.
    Very small venue with a couple hundred people but the whole show was them holding up phones and recording.
    I had enough after that.
    It's not as bad at the Knights/NHL games.
    Most of that is before the game or during the break or just quick snapshots.
    That's fine.
    Take a picture.
    I'm all for that but obstructing peoples view who paid good money to watch a show is out of control.
    It's like the people at the Dallas Stars Games standing for entire 20-minute periods.
    Mother Fuckers... I paid for this seat... Sit the Fuck Down!
    I didn't pay to stand for the entire sporting event, lul.
    I miss the good old days when everyone just got drunk and didn't have constant cell phone addiction.
    Worst Thing that happened was a few drunken fights broke out.
    You can't even help take anyone's picture anymore cause they say they want the "selfie" effect.
    Get Off My Lawn!
    Great points Monet. I would guess that if cell phones were banned almost no one would attend an event, only people like you and I would show up if they banned them - so they would almost never do it due to the drastic loss in profitability from the attendance drop. Most people are influenced by those around them and probably never reflect back to the days when pay phones were all over the place and if you weren't home the person would just have to try and call you again later or your parents and/or siblings would give you the message if they were home (probably) when you were called by someone and then the person that called would get a return call (perhaps). For me cell phones are an intrusion on my concentration and I think that you are probably in that camp too. Obviously they come in handy when on the road or walking for checking to see if some place is open, for ordering take out, road service (if driving and there is a car issue), etc. - but incoming calls are a distraction.

  3. #503
    Article about the opinion of the Russian former head of the Roskosmos space agency regarding the United States landing astronauts on the moon.
    Name:  oMZZKj8.png
Views: 353
Size:  17.7 KB

  4. #504
    The recent Steven Wright Rogan podcast was pretty solid. Steven's always been one of my favorite comedians. I fell asleep during the podcast, so I will probably re-listen to the 2nd half.

  5. #505
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    The recent Steven Wright Rogan podcast was pretty solid. Steven's always been one of my favorite comedians. I fell asleep during the podcast, so I will probably re-listen to the 2nd half.
    I listened to some of it when it first aired.
    Not great in my opinion.
    Mostly just them constantly jacking each other off.
    Steven Wright was hilarious, but I don't think he has been relevant for over 20 some odd years.
    Not a bad listen to fall asleep to

  6. #506
    Guess this happened a couple weeks ago in Vegas.
    These are not the lights that I saw in the sky, but they are similar to the 1 orange and 1 white orb that I saw.
    Appeared to be a couple hundred yards or so away from me and seemed to move closer to us and move back away.
    Probably further away from me as it's pretty hard to judge distance at night.
    They didn't flash like these ones in the video.
    They were more solid in color but they did seem to slowly pulsate.
    I got tired of watching them for about 20 minutes or so and figured they were headlights on a jeep or something like that.

    I should mention that when you're out by Lake Mead you will see one bright light like this every 5 to 10 minutes or so.
    Usually just one bright light and they always veer off to the airport runway.
    Those Jumbo Jet Headlights are bright!

    Last edited by monet; 05-21-2023 at 04:31 AM.

  7. #507
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I got tired of watching them for about 20 minutes or so and figured they were headlights on a jeep or something like that.
    Interesting news clip Monet, thanks for posting. I hadn't thought of that take - in areas where it is flat for very long distances, things can appear airborne which actually are on the ground, like a jeep. Please disregard my post if you weren't surrounded by vast featureless flatlands during your camping trip with your uncle.

  8. #508
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I got tired of watching them for about 20 minutes or so and figured they were headlights on a jeep or something like that.
    Interesting news clip Monet, thanks for posting. I hadn't thought of that take - in areas where it is flat for very long distances, things can appear airborne which actually are on the ground, like a jeep. Please disregard my post if you weren't surrounded by vast featureless flatlands during your camping trip with your uncle.
    I was camping near the two lane highway.
    Not much traffic on there and hardly any at night.
    The area was flat near me but where I was looking was down the mountain.
    I actually couldn't sleep as I had a severe case of sunburn.
    And a little freaked out so I thought I would just drive home and come back at sunrise.
    I drove down the mountain and when we got about a mile down the road, I seen a vehicle trekking through the desert.
    And this was in the same location that I would have been looking down at.
    So, it could have easily just been people off-roading through the desert.
    That explains the two orbs that I saw but not the odd moving lights that basically had us surrounded.
    And it's pretty tough to explain the pairs of lights dancing or zigzagging in the sky miles away from us.
    Doesn't matter.
    Probably just the military doing secret agent spy scope stuff.
    I never heard of John Lear before, but it appears he is the son of Bill Lear who invented the Learjet.
    Anyways, I guess old John was a huge UFO Fanatic.
    He claims we have alien bodies on ice.
    I never heard of "Operation Majestic 12" or MJ12 before either.
    I guess he wasn't talking about Michael Jordan.

    One thing that I found interesting is how George Knapp interviewed him.
    Interesting approach.
    Question and Answers and the interviewer allows the interviewee to speak and finish his sentences.
    No condescending attitude or constantly telling the interviewee that they are wrong.
    Unlike Krystal Ball when she "fake interviewed" Robert Kennedy Jr. the other day.
    Crystal Ball... Fuck Off with that stupid name lol.

    Turns out that Electromagnetic Facilities are ET's Kryptonite!
    Hard to listen to that or say it without laughing.

    Last edited by monet; 05-21-2023 at 05:37 AM.

  9. #509
    I find it interesting that we have Nixon, Carter and Ronald Reagan all claiming to have seen UFOs and or Aliens.
    Not sure if Nixon said anything publicly but Jackie Gleason said Nixon changed his life by showing him a UFO.
    Funny how when they get into office they STFU about it.
    Probably just manipulating the public to vote for them by telling them they will open the UFO Files to the public.

  10. #510
    I hate when I get like this, constantly searching around the internet.
    I found this relic.
    You might like it tableplay.
    It is longwinded but interesting.
    Probably knock you out faster than NyQuil.
    Would be nice to find a better copy.

    Last edited by monet; 05-21-2023 at 08:42 AM.

  11. #511
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    One thing that I found interesting is how George Knapp interviewed him.
    Interesting approach.
    Question and Answers and the interviewer allows the interviewee to speak and finish his sentences.
    Viva (really nice guy - I have nothing against him) could learn a thing or two about interviews by watching that John Lear interview by Knapp. Thanks for the interview clip (I think I remember watching it a few years back) and detailed account of what you and your uncle saw. I'll add the Dr. Coleman doc to my youtube queue - thanks for the reco. The youtube channel Cadaber ( has various mysteries like disappearances and such and I have been listening to one of them (Mystery of David Glenn Lewis) - average but solid, the channel's podcasts might be worth a listen and these would seem to be from the "if you've got nothing better to listen to" bag.
    Last edited by tableplay; 05-21-2023 at 08:48 AM.

  12. #512
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    One thing that I found interesting is how George Knapp interviewed him.
    Interesting approach.
    Question and Answers and the interviewer allows the interviewee to speak and finish his sentences.
    Viva (really nice guy - I have nothing against him) could learn a thing or two about interviews by watching that John Lear interview by Knapp. Thanks for the interview clip (I think I remember watching it a few years back) and detailed account of what you and your uncle saw.
    Yeah, I don't get it.
    When I grew up it was ask a direct question and wait for the answer.
    And after that you asked a follow up question.
    Now it's all about making a 2-minute statement before asking a 3-part question for the interviewee to answer.
    Makes no sense.

  13. #513
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    I'll add the Dr. Coleman doc to my youtube queue - thanks for the reco. The youtube channel Cadaber ( has various mysteries like disappearances and such and I have been listening to one of them (Mystery of David Glenn Lewis) - average but solid, the channel's podcasts might be worth a listen and these would seem to be from the "if you've got nothing better to listen to" bag.
    Nothing new here for you probably.
    Just more confirmation that a select few rule and govern the world.
    It's just funny to go back to the mid 90s and see this guy detailing out what is going on in the world today.

  14. #514
    One thing Dr. Coleman says here, early on, is something we touched on earlier with "everyman was his own government".
    Well this is another way to say it:

    Liberty is based on Individual Freedom, We are individual people, We are not the Mass.

    Somewhere, along the way, we lost sight of this and or got it robbed away from us.
    Marxism crept in and is basically strangling us now.
    Last edited by monet; 05-21-2023 at 09:09 AM.

  15. #515
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    I'll add the Dr. Coleman doc to my youtube queue - thanks for the reco. The youtube channel Cadaber ( has various mysteries like disappearances and such and I have been listening to one of them (Mystery of David Glenn Lewis) - average but solid, the channel's podcasts might be worth a listen and these would seem to be from the "if you've got nothing better to listen to" bag.
    Nothing new here for you probably.
    Just more confirmation that a select few rule and govern the world.
    It's just funny to go back to the mid 90s and see this guy detailing out what is going on in the world today.
    Yes a lot of these 80s and 90s interviews are gold since people's patience/attention span and sense of pacing hadn't yet been destroyed by the internet and Smart Phones.

  16. #516
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    I'll add the Dr. Coleman doc to my youtube queue - thanks for the reco. The youtube channel Cadaber ( has various mysteries like disappearances and such and I have been listening to one of them (Mystery of David Glenn Lewis) - average but solid, the channel's podcasts might be worth a listen and these would seem to be from the "if you've got nothing better to listen to" bag.
    Nothing new here for you probably.
    Just more confirmation that a select few rule and govern the world.
    It's just funny to go back to the mid 90s and see this guy detailing out what is going on in the world today.
    Yes a lot of these 80s and 90s interviews are gold since people's patience/attention span and sense of pacing hadn't yet been destroyed by the internet and Smart Phones.
    I'm only 12 minutes into this lecture but man... he's geeking me up!
    When he gets into that "Free Trade is Piracy" "You've all been brainwashed" bit, lol... that's good.

  17. #517
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    One thing Dr. Coleman says here, early on, is something we touched on earlier with "everyman was his own government".
    Well this is another way to say it:

    Liberty is based on Individual Freedom, We are individual people, We are not the Mass.

    Somewhere, along the way, we lost sight of this and or got it robbed away from us.
    Marxism crept in and is basically strangling us now.
    Their best strategy would have been to just let us older guys die off rather than this aggressive totalitarian bullshit which will require far greater resources to quell than a quiet die off because once you've tasted freedom they can't put the genie back in the box. Young people were born into the restrictions so they don't know any better.

  18. #518
    17 minutes into this now and that's a new angle that I didn't hear of before.
    MI6 assassinated Lincoln and Kennedy!
    Kinda makes sense, on the surface, since MI6 basically taught the CIA everything they know.

  19. #519
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    17 minutes into this now and that's a new angle that I didn't hear of before.
    MI6 assassinated Lincoln and Kennedy!
    Kinda makes sense, on the surface, since MI6 basically taught the CIA everything they know.
    It also means that MI6 has been around for a very very long time since Lincoln and Kennedy served their times as presidents several decades apart as you know. It would be great to get Groubert's take on this doc since he believes Lyndon Johnson ordered the hit on Kennedy so that he could become the president IIRC.

  20. #520
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    17 minutes into this now and that's a new angle that I didn't hear of before.
    MI6 assassinated Lincoln and Kennedy!
    Kinda makes sense, on the surface, since MI6 basically taught the CIA everything they know.
    It also means that MI6 has been around for a very very long time since Lincoln and Kennedy served their times as presidents several decades apart as you know. It would be great to get Groubert's take on this doc since he believes Lyndon Johnson ordered the hit on Kennedy so that he could become the president IIRC.
    It's interesting.
    It appears they like to put people into the Presidency that they can easily control.
    He went into a thing about Carter which made me think about how easy it is to control Biden.
    And after you posted up about the Biden Crime Family it all starts to make sense and come together.
    That Biden Family really runs deep into corruption and manipulation.
    How anyone can think their vote actually matters or that the powers that be are going to let millions of peasants decide anything is hilarious to me.
    I get it though, ignorance is bliss.

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