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Thread: My Casino back-rooming.

  1. #301
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by OppsIdidItAgain View Post
    Numerals exist in nature

    Go jump in the lake and find number 492.

    Or better yet, sit around the campfire and look for 78230.

    Just WHERE do you find numbers in nature?
    You must be smoking the good shit. Here is one example of many.

  2. #302

  3. #303
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Dating myself...
    Well apparently no one else will.

  4. #304
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by OppsIdidItAgain View Post
    Numerals exist in nature

    Go jump in the lake and find number 492.

    Or better yet, sit around the campfire and look for 78230.

    Just WHERE do you find numbers in nature?

    A perfect example of this is the nautilus shell, whose chambers adhere to the Fibonacci sequence's logarithmic spiral almost perfectly. This famous pattern shows up everywhere in nature including flowers, pine cones, hurricanes, and even huge spiral galaxies in space.
    Name:  index.png
Views: 471
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    Name:  index2.jpg
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    Magic of music is to make any instrument sound great. What a forum of thus satisfaction, despite the clowns and other losers. I found the numeral, 78230, in nature, given that the time of my final-1 post was 7:08, and, its spot #304=(2^2+300)-->23. And, by the sizes of the little, images: 7.8KB, and, 4.8KB=(2^4X0.3)-->23; p<[1/(5X050X5)^2]. (300/4)=75; (16-0.3)=15.7-->1/57-->75. (296/53.333...)=5.55. (1200/16.3)-->[10X7+2+1].[6][196√91][9][183]; (1200X16.3)-->[1961-7+2]. (78^2 - 23^2)=5555. Ha!

  5. #305
    Originally Posted by OppsIdidItAgain View Post
    I have zero idea why anyone would bother with a retired lawyer, let alone a disgruntled nutty stranger on the internet who "gets off" on the totally fucked posters.

    In Ontario, there's something called "the Law Society referral service", by which anyone may receive a free half-hour legal consultation, usually over the phone, with a qualified lawyer in just about any area of practice.

    I recall that it's limited to twice a year, but, I have personally employed it, on several occasions in a year, without any negative feedback. A computerized menu, with immediate referrals. If you don't like the lawyer's response, you may ask the Law Society online, in writing, for another referral.

    Surely there is something like it in the US.

    Advice that costs nothing is frequently worth its price.

  6. #306
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Willing to show whatever amount of money you like so you can see how much of a waste your life has been. Call it what you will to make yourself feel better about basically having nothing. You don’t know anything about staking. You don’t even have the money for yourself let alone anyone else. I’ve been backing poker players since about 2009. I know infinitely more about basically everything in the poker world then you, because my money is in play everyday.

    I don’t like frauds, or left wing freaks like you. I don’t like low functioning people who say things like people who brag about their wealth or accomplishments are insecure. That comes out of the mouth of broke losers who look for reasons not to do anything. Successful people hang out and gravitate toward other people who
    are successful. We all brag and talk shit to each other. It what normal successful highly competitive people do. You wouldn’t understand obviously.

    Now some facts for you. Big tits Bart momma’s boy Hanson posted a graph recently of about 4600 hours of play at 5/10 NL. His hourly was around 125 per. Remember you seem to think $50 per hour is obtainable in standard 1/3 games lol. I made my first million at poker playing only cash games online. I played live for 3 years after Black Friday I know what the fucking win rates are. Poker is not easier today it’s orders of magnitude harder then it was back then. No shot at beating 1/3 live for $50 per over 2500 hours or so today. Maybe back during the original boom. Not today

    Nothing I’m saying is false.
    Wise up as Rob would say
    I am on my phone so don't care to properly trim down your wall of defensiveness. Your first claim is most poker players are brokr and deep in makeup. Then you brag how you're so invested in them that you know all about poker. Lol. Not very sharp or you are just totally full of shit.

    I'm not going to argue with you. You're clueless in this area and that is that.
    You literally know nothing about gambling. Nothing about having money, basically nothing about running a business. You said something in the past that Google paid you or something. I Don’t recall the details but it’s obvious you know nothing about business either.

    You remind me of that lefty freak John Reeder who has that podcast risk of ruin. He spends all day on twitter talking about how bad elon, and trump are lol.

    Guys like you are worthless. Wouldn’t be missed if you passed.

    Like I said show me the success the money the accumulated wealth of others you helped create ?

    You can’t so go back to the fake life like Kewj

  7. #307
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post me the success the money the accumulated wealth of others you helped create ?

    Why care about accumulating wealth for others?

    Accumulate wealth for yourself; fuck everybody else.
    Last edited by MisterV; 05-28-2023 at 08:44 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  8. #308
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Willing to show whatever amount of money you like so you can see how much of a waste your life has been. Call it what you will to make yourself feel better about basically having nothing. You don’t know anything about staking. You don’t even have the money for yourself let alone anyone else. I’ve been backing poker players since about 2009. I know infinitely more about basically everything in the poker world then you, because my money is in play everyday.

    I don’t like frauds, or left wing freaks like you. I don’t like low functioning people who say things like people who brag about their wealth or accomplishments are insecure. That comes out of the mouth of broke losers who look for reasons not to do anything. Successful people hang out and gravitate toward other people who
    are successful. We all brag and talk shit to each other. It what normal successful highly competitive people do. You wouldn’t understand obviously.

    Now some facts for you. Big tits Bart momma’s boy Hanson posted a graph recently of about 4600 hours of play at 5/10 NL. His hourly was around 125 per. Remember you seem to think $50 per hour is obtainable in standard 1/3 games lol. I made my first million at poker playing only cash games online. I played live for 3 years after Black Friday I know what the fucking win rates are. Poker is not easier today it’s orders of magnitude harder then it was back then. No shot at beating 1/3 live for $50 per over 2500 hours or so today. Maybe back during the original boom. Not today

    Nothing I’m saying is false.
    Wise up as Rob would say
    I am on my phone so don't care to properly trim down your wall of defensiveness. Your first claim is most poker players are brokr and deep in makeup. Then you brag how you're so invested in them that you know all about poker. Lol. Not very sharp or you are just totally full of shit.

    I'm not going to argue with you. You're clueless in this area and that is that.
    You literally know nothing about gambling. Nothing about having money, basically nothing about running a business. You said something in the past that Google paid you or something. I Don’t recall the details but it’s obvious you know nothing about business either.

    You remind me of that lefty freak John Reeder who has that podcast risk of ruin. He spends all day on twitter talking about how bad elon, and trump are lol.

    Guys like you are worthless. Wouldn’t be missed if you passed.

    Like I said show me the success the money the accumulated wealth of others you helped create ?

    You can’t so go back to the fake life like Kewj
    You are such an idiot.

  9. #309
    Final update:

    This case has now been resolved as I reached a settlement with parties involved yesterday. Well, it really isn't resolved until I have cash in hand which I am told will take several weeks to a month. We will be receiving the settlement amount into a escrow account set up by my lawyer, while we apparently wait for a judge to approve the settlement terms. Only then can money be disbursed.

    But I do have the signed settlement agreement in hand, drawn up by plaintiff's attorneys. My attorney calls this document a release. I don't know if that is the legal term but I call it the settlement agreement. I waited until I had this so I knew just what I can an cannot say, as I have agreed not to discuss the amount of the settlement, nor the plaintiff by name.

    So it was 61 days from this incident until settlement. I am shocked at how quickly this was resolved. I thought it would be a year or even more. My attorney says every case is different, but that this plaintive was very motivated to put this behind them. Motivated, smotivated. These bastards didn't want any details of this asinine and illegal behavior getting out. But I guess it worked to my advantage.

    I feel like I could have possible gotten a bigger settlement or even a jury verdict and award had I waited closer to, or took this the distance. But legal expenses also would have risen and as I think everyone knows, like the plaintiff, I also didn't want my name and stuff getting out. So again, this probably benefited everyone.

    I do NOT feel like I am the winner, nor won anything. I don't know what the future holds as far as blackjack, but most definitely, it is becoming harder and harder for me to play. I feel like I traded some or all future blackjack earnings for what will amount to a several years of what I normally earn (that is as much as I can say about the numbers). And I would have NEVER made that trade before this incident, so no, I am NOT the winner of this entire affair.

    Another part of this agreement that I do not like is that I cannot pursue a claim against the security guard that was involved. The reasoning is that the same information that they didn't want made public, could be made public in a case involving only him. I have mixed emotions because while it may surprise some of you I don't hold that person as responsible as I do the casino involved. He was just a pawn doing what he was told. And I wasn't going to get any real money from him anyway. But I still would have liked him to be held somewhat responsible. I will have to settle for him losing his job. After collecting unemployment he will probably be working security in another casino by end of summer.

    While I can't name the casino involved, it is at this point that I can tell you who it wasn't. It was not South Point Casino. I never said that it was. While some go back and check that, what I said was a casino south of the strip with a laughing emoji pointing to “south”. Yes, that was an intentional misdirect on my part. I further pushed that misdirect when I told redietz who was visiting South Point for breakfast to tell them I said hi. Fact is there are half dozen casinos south and southeast of the strip.

    For those of us that share or have shared anything on these forums, there are two things we must do to protect ourselves. First is to delay whatever we are sharing for a couple weeks, or even months if possible. Check with mickeycrimm. I believe he does this with the pictures he posts. The second thing is to change names and places. Anyone that doesn’t understand why we need to do this….just take a look at this incident with the trolls and haters trying to find more information to dox/harm me. I didn’t really change the name because I never named the casino, I just pointed in a different direction (mis-direct) and then didn’t correct when people went there. Many of the AP’s in this town knew it wasn’t South Point. I had to ask a couple not to disclose that.

    I was so concerned about one particular enemy who has done everything in his power to harm my career, trying to sabatoge this case as it played out, that I contacted Mike Shackleford, who I hoped has some influence over him and asked Mike to do what he could to control this fucktard. Mike agreed and tried, but it didn't matter. This guy did everything he could to expose who I was. As AP's trying to remain ahead of the casino industry, we worry about casino personél and the related database companies using something we say to harm us. The real threat now, is these trolls and haters.


    So 2 final things. First, the person that posts as troll Rob Singer injected himself into this, as he does with everything I say or share. I didn’t set out to catch him lying again, but he hung himself YET AGAIN, when he claimed he had some top secret source at South Point that confirmed that an incident occurred, but I was to blame and South Point was taking legal action against me. Since this incident didn’t happen at nor involve South Point, this was just more completely made up bullshit from the troll that is Rob Singer. Now, I know this person isn’t really dangerous, like some of the others that I have dealt with on these forums, but how many times does this guy have to prove that he is nothing but a bullshitter who has trolled gambling forums for decades now.

    The final thing is I am done with this now. Forums and all. I really am. I have willingly participated and enjoyed some trolling games as well. But only negative can and has come of it for a player in my situation. This whole incident came about as a direct result of an asshole on these forums doxing me. A disgruntled storyteller, upset because I dared call out his fantasy story and claims which defy both that math and the way Las Vegas casinos work.

    I don’t know why I have repeatedly engaged with these trolls. That is on me. I plead stupid. But if I don’t learn from this incident, and continue engaging with gambling forum internet trolls, then the true definition of insanity applies.

    As for my career going forward, I will be transitioning away from the game of blackjack and card counting which has served me so well for 2 decades now, leaning on an AP friend and maybe a couple guys on the forums if they are willing to share anything that can help me. I don’t expect anyone to hand over the keys to the kingdom, but anything a few fellow AP’s want to share will be appreciated. I hope to move into other areas of APing and if I am still able to play blackjack, have that be a very small part of my overall APing. Maybe there is hope for this little salamander yet, JG. But what I am NOT going to do is share any of it on forums. There just is no reason to. THAT has become crystal clear to me.


    The very last thing I want to say is to several specific people:

    To Robert Argentino: the man that posts as Rob Singer, which is more or less a made-up character. Rob, find happiness in your final years. I sincerely wish that for you. I don't know what your real life is like that you felt it necessary to carry on the charades that you have for 2 decades now. That is just nuts, dude. Find happiness.

    To the person who posts as Mdawg: Dude you will forever baffle me. You were born into a wealthy family and have been given every advantage in life. You are a lawyer. I assume at least fairly successful. And this is what you do, make up "adventures" of gambling exploits that defy both the math and the way the Las Vegas casino industry actually works? I will never understand that. Nor will I understand your anger at someone who just said "these claims can't be true as told". To the point that you really tried to destroy someone's livelihood. I just don't get it. Was This "story" really that important to you? Dude just enjoy the advantages in life you were giving and stop this ridiculous stuff.

    To mickeycrimm: You are a tough cookie dude. You are like the father in the johnny cash song, fighting in the bar with his son who he named "Sue", where after rolling around on the floor fighting the father come up and "cuts off a piece of his ear". That's ok. That is who you are. Hit back twice as hard. Through all our differences, I have learned a good deal from you for which I am grateful for and hope to be able to put some to use. I will continue reading everything you say, looking for those nuggets of information and wisdom.

    That is it. Good bye (for real) and good luck. I will keep and be in touch privately with some of you.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 06-01-2023 at 02:37 PM.

  10. #310
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Final update:

    This case has now been resolved as I reached a settlement with parties involved yesterday. Well, it really isn't resolved until I have cash in hand which I am told will take several weeks to a month. We will be receiving the settlement amount into a escrow account set up by my lawyer, while we apparently wait for a judge to approve the settlement terms. Only then can money be disbursed.

    But I do have the signed settlement agreement in hand, drawn up by plaintiff's attorneys. My attorney calls this document a release. I don't know if that is the legal term but I call it the settlement agreement. I waited until I had this so I knew just what I can an cannot say, as I have agreed not to discuss the amount of the settlement, nor the plaintiff by name.

    So it was 61 days from this incident until settlement. I am shocked at how quickly this was resolved. I thought it would be a year or even more. My attorney says every case is different, but that this plaintive was very motivated to put this behind them. Motivated, smotivated. These bastards didn't want any details of this asinine and illegal behavior getting out. But I guess it worked to my advantage.

    I feel like I could have possible gotten a bigger settlement or even a jury verdict and award had I waited closer to, or took this the distance. But legal expenses also would have risen and as I think everyone knows, like the plaintiff, I also didn't want my name and stuff getting out. So again, this probably benefited everyone.

    I do NOT feel like I am the winner, nor won anything. I don't know what the future holds as far as blackjack, but most definitely, it is becoming harder and harder for me to play. I feel like I traded some or all future blackjack earnings for what will amount to a several years of what I normally earn (that is as much as I can say about the numbers). And I would have NEVER made that trade before this incident, so no, I am NOT the winner of this entire affair.

    Another part of this agreement that I do not like is that I cannot pursue a claim against the security guard that was involved. The reasoning is that the same information that they didn't want made public, could be made public in a case involving only him. I have mixed emotions because while it may surprise some of you I don't hold that person as responsible as I do the casino involved. He was just a pawn doing what he was told. And I wasn't going to get any real money from him anyway. But I still would have liked him to be held somewhat responsible. I will have to settle for him losing his job. After collecting unemployment he will probably be working security in another casino by end of summer.

    While I can't name the casino involved, it is at this point that I can tell you who it wasn't. It was not South Point Casino. I never said that it was. While some go back and check that, what I said was a casino south of the strip with a laughing emoji pointing to “south”. Yes, that was an intentional misdirect on my part. I further pushed that misdirect when I told redietz who was visiting South Point for breakfast to tell them I said hi. Fact is there are half dozen casinos south and southeast of the strip.

    For those of us that share or have shared anything on these forums, there are two things we must do to protect ourselves. First is to delay whatever we are sharing for a couple weeks, or even months if possible. Check with mickeycrimm. I believe he does this with the pictures he posts. The second thing is to change names and places. Anyone that doesn’t understand why we need to do this….just take a look at this incident with the trolls and haters trying to find more information to dox/harm me. I didn’t really change the name because I never named the casino, I just pointed in a different direction (mis-direct) and then didn’t correct when people went there. Many of the AP’s in this town knew it wasn’t South Point. I had to ask a couple not to disclose that.

    I was so concerned about one particular enemy who has done everything in his power to harm my career, trying to sabatoge this case as it played out, that I contacted Mike Shackleford, who I hoped has some influence over him and asked Mike to do what he could to control this fucktard. Mike agreed and tried, but it didn't matter. This guy did everything he could to expose who I was. As AP's trying to remain ahead of the casino industry, we worry about casino personél and the related database companies using something we say to harm us. The real threat now, is these trolls and haters.


    So 2 final things. First, the person that posts as troll Rob Singer injected himself into this, as he does with everything I say or share. I didn’t set out to catch him lying again, but he hung himself YET AGAIN, when he claimed he had some top secret source at South Point that confirmed that an incident occurred, but I was to blame and South Point was taking legal action against me. Since this incident didn’t happen at nor involve South Point, this was just more completely made up bullshit from the troll that is Rob Singer. Now, I know this person isn’t really dangerous, like some of the others that I have dealt with on these forums, but how many times does this guy have to prove that he is nothing but a bullshitter who has trolled gambling forums for decades now.

    The final thing is I am done with this now. Forums and all. I really am. I have willingly participated and enjoyed some trolling games as well. But only negative can and has come of it for a player in my situation. This whole incident came about as a direct result of an asshole on these forums doxing me. A disgruntled storyteller, upset because I dared call out his fantasy story and claims which defy both that math and the way Las Vegas casinos work.

    I don’t know why I have repeatedly engaged with these trolls. That is on me. I plead stupid. But if I don’t learn from this incident, and continue engaging with gambling forum internet trolls, then the true definition of insanity applies.

    As for my career going forward, I will be transitioning away from the game of blackjack and card counting which has served me so well for 2 decades now, leaning on an AP friend and maybe a couple guys on the forums if they are willing to share anything that can help me. I don’t expect anyone to hand over the keys to the kingdom, but anything a few fellow AP’s want to share will be appreciated. I hope to move into other areas of APing and if I am still able to play blackjack, have that be a very small part of my overall APing. Maybe there is hope for this little salamander yet, JG. But what I am NOT going to do is share any of it on forums. There just is no reason to. THAT has become crystal clear to me.


    The very last thing I want to say is to several specific people:

    To Robert Argentino: the man that posts as Rob Singer, which is more or less a made-up character. Rob, find happiness in your final years. I sincerely wish that for you. I don't know what your real life is like that you felt it necessary to carry on the charades that you have for 2 decades now. That is just nuts, dude. Find happiness.

    To the person who posts as Mdawg: Dude you will forever baffle me. You were born into a wealthy family and have been given every advantage in life. You are a lawyer. I assume at least fairly successful. And this is what you do, make up "adventures" of gambling exploits that defy both the math and the way the Las Vegas casino industry actually works? I will never understand that. Nor will I understand your anger at someone who just said "these claims can't be true as told". To the point that you really tried to destroy someone's livelihood. I just don't get it. Was This "story" really that important to you? Dude just enjoy the advantages in life you were giving and stop this ridiculous stuff.

    To mickeycrimm: You are a tough cookie dude. You are like the father in the johnny cash song, fighting in the bar with his son who he named "Sue", where after rolling around on the floor fighting the father come up and "cuts off a piece of his ear". That's ok. That is who you are. Hit back twice as hard. Through all our differences, I have learned a good deal from you for which I am grateful for and hope to be able to put some to use. I will continue reading everything you say, looking for those nuggets of information and wisdom.

    That is it. Good bye (for real) and good luck. I will keep and be in touch privately with some of you.
    A judge has approved this? Why would a judge ever be involved? Why do you need an escrow account? You haven't been to court yet and the judge would never "approve" anything. I'm so confused.

    Does this many any sense to any lawyers/law school dropouts?

  11. #311
    Well, I still don't know if KewlJ was a short order cook, a professional blackjack player, or a male whore in Pahrump, but I'll give him this. He weaves a dramatic narrative. You have fake deaths, marriages and deaths, evil doxxers, backroom arm-breakers, and after-the-fact-"misdirection" that would have been unnecessary if you simply don't make public the narrative. I guess some people like action.

    I'm kind of burned out on following professional blackjack exploits. If anyone tracks film contributions, that documentary featuring KC traveling the country in an RV (shades of mickey and Singer) was shot five/six years ago. At the end, based in Las Vegas, he says he is quitting blackjack. So kewlJ's narrative ends the same way, five/six years later. Is that coincidence, fate, or plagiarism?

    I have no answers. Handicapping gay card counters is a tricky business. I'm a college football guy.

    Good luck, KewlJ. And don't count cards at South Point. 'Nuff said.

  12. #312
    Redietz being sensical or dare I say funny?

  13. #313
    Don't forget the evil brother hijacking his account.

  14. #314
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post
    Don't forget the evil brother hijacking his account.
    Good point.

    I feel badly that I told him multiple times to not pursue action versus South Point, and now he informs that SP was not the locale.

  15. #315
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    like the plaintiff, I also didn't want my name and stuff getting out.
    This is are the plaintiff...they are the defendant.

    Didn't you notice that in the dozens of places it appeared in the legal documents you read?

    I guess your attorney never bothered to explain that to you either.

    Is this part of the misdirect?

    What a phony. Good lord, have you no shame?
    Last edited by coach belly; 06-01-2023 at 04:45 PM.

  16. #316
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    A judge has approved this? Why would a judge ever be involved? Why do you need an escrow account? You haven't been to court yet and the judge would never "approve" anything. I'm so confused. Does this many any sense to any lawyers/law school dropouts?
    Not sure what's actually going on, given KJ's seeming confusion about how shit goes down in The Law.

    Assuming a suit was filed, it would be reasonable for the defendant to not want the money to be disbursed until the judge has signed an Order of Dismissal, effectively "killing" the pending law suit.

    Also it would be reasonable for the casino to send payment to KJ's attorney to keep in his trust account until the Order of Dismissal is entered; only then would KJ get his cut.
    What, Me Worry?

  17. #317
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Not sure what's actually going on, given KJ's seeming confusion about how shit goes down in The Law.
    MrV, I will respond to you, as well as any other "normal" members like Dan Druff, Axelwolf mickey, reditz, basically any of the non-trolls, of this forum for a brief time (a day or two), because I feel like I owe it to the normal members to clear up anything that I can clear up.

    I am laughing at your comment about my confusion about how the law works. I am NOT a freaking lawyer. I have never been through anything like this before, didn't know how most of it works, been wrong about how I thought some things worked and surprised about other things, including times line involved. I am a freaking guy that gambles for a living NOT a lawyer!!!!

    The fact that Mr Gotchya wants to jump up and down and scream because I used plaintiff where it should have been defendant, is all you need know about that guy. Now watch as several jump up and down and because I am willing to clarify things for a brief period.

  18. #318
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    A judge has approved this? Why would a judge ever be involved? Why do you need an escrow account? You haven't been to court yet and the judge would never "approve" anything. I'm so confused. Does this many any sense to any lawyers/law school dropouts?
    Not sure what's actually going on, given KJ's seeming confusion about how shit goes down in The Law.

    Assuming a suit was filed, it would be reasonable for the defendant to not want the money to be disbursed until the judge has signed an Order of Dismissal, effectively "killing" the pending law suit.

    Also it would be reasonable for the casino to send payment to KJ's attorney to keep in his trust account until the Order of Dismissal is entered; only then would KJ get his cut.
    Once you settle a claim, you sign several documents that mark the ending of the legal process, such as:

    Settlement agreement - represents the contract between the parties, setting forth the terms of their agreed-upon settlement.
    In its simplest form, the settlement agreement states that for a specific amount of money paid, the lawsuit is dismissed. In a more complex form, this type of document can stipulate:

    Payment limits and plans. Confidentiality clauses. Other terms particular to the claim.

    Once you sign the settlement agreement, there rarely is a turning back option. Only in exceptional cases of fraud or mutual parties’ mistake can the document be set aside.

    Full liability release - another important document that can be part of the settlement agreement. It releases any and all claims you as the plaintiff may have against the defendant.
    This means that you cannot bring the same claim again against the defendant. Some documents can also stipulate that you are forbidden from bringing any other claim for any issue, at any time, based on any facts or circumstances against the defendant.

    After these documents are signed, the checks are issued, and your attorney will disburse the settlement money to all necessary entities:

    You. Medical lien holders. Themselves for outstanding fees and costs.

    Settlements can occur after a lawsuit has been filed. In this case, your attorney will file a dismissal with prejudice.
    Magic of music is to make any instrument sound great. What a forum of thus satisfaction, despite the clowns and other losers. I found the numeral, 78230, in nature, given that the time of my final-1 post was 7:08, and, its spot #304=(2^2+300)-->23. And, by the sizes of the little, images: 7.8KB, and, 4.8KB=(2^4X0.3)-->23; p<[1/(5X050X5)^2]. (300/4)=75; (16-0.3)=15.7-->1/57-->75. (296/53.333...)=5.55. (1200/16.3)-->[10X7+2+1].[6][196√91][9][183]; (1200X16.3)-->[1961-7+2]. (78^2 - 23^2)=5555. Ha!

  19. #319
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I used plaintiff where it should have been defendant
    That doesn't say anything about me.

    If you read and signed documents, and really have a document in hand, then there's no way to be uninformed or confused about the fact that you are the plaintiff.

    But you didn't know that until I enlightened you.

    How can that be?

    I'll tell you made it all up and you don't have your story straight.

  20. #320
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    A judge has approved this? Why would a judge ever be involved? Why do you need an escrow account? You haven't been to court yet and the judge would never "approve" anything. I'm so confused. Does this many any sense to any lawyers/law school dropouts?
    Not sure what's actually going on, given KJ's seeming confusion about how shit goes down in The Law.

    Assuming a suit was filed, it would be reasonable for the defendant to not want the money to be disbursed until the judge has signed an Order of Dismissal, effectively "killing" the pending law suit.

    Also it would be reasonable for the casino to send payment to KJ's attorney to keep in his trust account until the Order of Dismissal is entered; only then would KJ get his cut.
    Ok well this seems like a reasonable explanation. To me, I would expect the defendents to just write a check and have Kewl sign something indemnifying them going forward. Hand him the cash and be done with it.

    What you said makes sense even if a bit shocking. Once Kewl signs off then it seems like they'd be good to go and judge would not even need to be involved. The plaintiff drops the lawsuit, signs the document and receives the money. A few details here and there I am missing. The handoff aspect of it is more complicated.

    TBH I never bought this story as most people haven't. This just seemed like a way for Kewl to cut and run from this whopper. I don't think him getting defendent and plaintiff wrong to be as big of a deal although lol....

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