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Thread: My Casino back-rooming.

  1. #461
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Because this is a freaking gambling forum dude. I am sure there are about a million political forums to discuss that shit. There is even a politics section here. Why should this discussion dominate the Las Vegas section of a gambling forum?

    You know what this place is like? It is like the senior citizens day care center where people drop off their aging parents while they work. You'll have the exact same discussion among the privileged old white guys expressing their grievances over the checker board.
    I was asking why you announced you were quitting.
    Because he's so UNKOOL, hell Tasha is even way cooler!......Right MIA Boz

  2. #462
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    .....Right MIA Boz
    By the way, what happen to Mr. BOZ?

  3. #463
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    .....Right MIA Boz
    By the way, what happen to Mr. BOZ?
    Holed up in an all black prostitution joint in New Orleans from what I last heard.

    The slots are oddly good there.

  4. #464
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    .....Right MIA Boz
    By the way, what happen to Mr. BOZ?
    Nothing happened to him.
    He comes over here and he has to constantly read about how he's a dirty stinking rat so he doesn't come over here.
    He and Mission146 are selling their bullshit over at PFA.

  5. #465
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    .....Right MIA Boz
    By the way, what happen to Mr. BOZ?
    I don't think he's pulling a DIME. Boz has been known to take extended vacations from the forums. About 1/10th of Marathon Mission dissapearing acts He should come back soon, at least to PFA BLOAT thread.

  6. #466
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    .....Right MIA Boz
    By the way, what happen to Mr. BOZ?
    I don't think he's pulling a DIME. Boz has been known to take extended vacations from the forums. About 1/10th of Marathon Mission dissapearing acts He should come back soon, at least to PFA BLOAT thread.
    He should be up here at his condo by now. I don't think getting involved in any of kew's hoaxes takes precedence over whatever else he's working on.

  7. #467
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    So either you are embarassed by this whole thing like you should be and want this thread to work its way off first-page or you just absolutely completely totally can't help yourself.
    I am not the least bit embarrassed by this thread. If you think I have something to be embarrassed about, you are reading too many PM's from Mdawg, who is apparently PMing people like you.

    I shared a event, an experience that I had as a blackjack player who plays for a living, just like I have shared hundreds, maybe thousands of experiences since I joined my first forum in 2006. I have shared both good experiences and bad. Winning and losing. This happened to be probably the most negative experience I have had. I shared it just as I have all the others, protecting myself by mis-directing away from the actual casino. At other times I will also delay the telling of an event by weeks or even longer if need be, although that was not the case with this.

    Again, this was not some good experience that I am proud of. This was the single worst experience of my career. I would have so much rather this never occurred, and I went on my way doing my thing for another 10+ years. The money I get from this settlement will be a fraction, of what I stood to make in over 10 years. Even less over 15 years. So I can't imagine why people think this is some great thing I made up.

    One other thing. I have never had anyone question what I do or how I do it until I got to this forum. I suspect that is because their are fewer blackjack players on this forum, and more people/players that admittedly don't know anything about blackjack card counting, including a very definite group of trolls. This is the first forum that anybody suggested a player couldn't do what I have done in Las Vegas for 10 years. Those people were Rob Singer and Blackhole and to a lesser degree, the late Alan Mendelson. None of the three even plays blackjack let alone have any card counting advantage play knowledge.

    I took the time to explain to all of them, some of the techniques I used that allowed me to be welcome to continue to play. Blackhole started a long running thread where I answered every question in detail. Didn't matter because none of them wanted to hear it. They had their little minds, devoid of any blackjack card counting knowledge, made up.

    So my point is there are people, admittedly both trolls, plus Alan, who I do not include in the troll group, but he did at times engage in some trolling behavior (we all do), that bitched and moaned that a player couldn't do what I do without major heat issue and countermeasures. So along comes this incident, a botched 86ing, and I share it, and they bitch and moan, not wanting to believe that either.

    The fact is that it doesn't matter what I say with this group that I have labeled the "troll patrol". If I say the sky is blue and grass green....they will fight me, because I said it. And it really saddens me that you seem to be moving in that direction too. I just thought more of you than that.

    Here is a little hint for you. There are a number of Las Vegas based AP's that participate on this forum. Some regularly and some less frequently from time to time. Most have connections to other Vegas and/or non-Vegas AP's and some have connections within the industry, which is fairly common among AP's in this town. A friend that works here, a brother-in law that works there. If my sharing of this incident wasn't accurate, you would have had a half dozen of these people, people you know, that would have been screaming this is not true. There has not been a one. Just a handful congratulate me, when again, I see nothing worthy of congratulations. I did not win in this situation. But I did share it as I have shared so many experiences. It is that sharing of anything that most definitely is coming to an end. I am not going to put myself through that anymore, whatever I do going forward.
    This was a 23x base unit hit. Niiiiiice 1 AIQ.

  8. #468
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I guess if I have anything at all to be embarrassed about, it is that because I am not a lawyer, I didn't know exactly how everything I was going through worked. I speculated about some things based on how I thought they worked. And I was wrong about some, like the timeline I was given says 60 days to respond when in Nevada it is 21. I am NOT a freaking lawyer, nor have gone through anything like this.

    And yes, I mixed up plaintiff and defendant in one post. THAT is ALL these troll haters have on me.....something I said from the very beginning.....I am not a lawyer, don't know how everything works, had never been through anything like this and was learning some as I went. That is it! That is what they have on me. Well that and their ridiculous blinding hate.

    Now I guess the real question of the day is: What would Donald Trump, former casino owner, think or say?
    Watch more of The People's Court, bro.

  9. #469
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    There are a number of Las Vegas based AP's that participate on this forum. If my sharing of this incident wasn't accurate, you would have had a half dozen of these people, people you know, that would have been screaming this is not true. There has not been a one.
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Here are the reasons kewlJ's story might be true:

    - He names the casino (South Point). If he were making up the story, he would probably not name the casino.
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    It was not South Point Casino. I never said that it was. I never named the casino

  10. #470
    Cracks me up some of the numbers I see speculated about my settlement. I mean all over the place. The multimillionaire personal injury lawyer on another forum, came up with settlement amounts of $750k and $75 in the very same post today!! I guess that is not surprising from a guy who said he made half a million over 7 months and then the next day said he was about even over those same 7 months. All over the place!!!!

    I wish I could share the amount I got, or will be getting, as I haven't received anything yet. Only because I have shared what I have made over this journey, just as a reference as to what kind of money card counting with a focus on longevity was worth. And this episode or event, unpleasant as it part of that journey. But I can't. I am not allowed. But it just isn't a lot if you base it on potential earnings over 10 years. Maybe that is not fair to do, I don't know.

    I find it very strange that a multi-million dollar attorney is so obsessed with what I make and now a modest settlement amount related to what I make. Is that common? Does Warren Buffet and Elon Musk obsess over what people earning much less than them make? Mark Cuban, Bezos, Bill Gates? I have never seen that. It seems strange to me. Almost <- makes you think none of his numbers are what he says, not that anyone would care.

  11. #471
    KJ, MDawg is more concerned about whether what you have reported is actually true.

    So for the record, please answer the following question: Did you in fact receive a broken arm while being backroomed, and have you in fact settled the claim with the help of an attorney?

    I ask for clarification because I seem to recall you saying to the effect that you'd out-troll the trolls, or something like that.
    What, Me Worry?

  12. #472
    Answer is yes to both of your questions, MrV.

    You are not remembering incorrectly that I have previously said something along the lines of "out-trolling the trolls". What I meant was mickeycrimm's philosophy of hitting back twice as hard with the name calling and attacks. I didn't mean I would create an alternative really like some of these guys do and have done for 20 years. THAT is just nuts.

    Also despite that I embraced Mickey's philosophy of out trolling the trolls, you just can't win with that. How does the saying go? If you wrestled with pigs in the mud, you get dirty? Something like that. So as soon as you begin, they have gotten what they want.

  13. #473
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    It was not South Point Casino. I never said that it was. I never named the casino
    This is very telling and, likely suicidal, to a tightly wound up concocter like kew.

    We already know his publicly available "case" does not appear anywhere on the Clark County website. In fact, no news organizations have reported on it LIKE THEY HAVE FOR EVERY ONE OF NERSESIAN'S CASES--CONFIDENTIAL OR NOT. And did kew actually name the casino? Well, as Dan said, if he didn't then his claim likely is horseshit. So what does an Einstein like kew do? Yup--he tells everyone that he did not name the casino, and can't. Why not? Because he knows he'll get sued if that particular casino was notified of his libel, and most probably, slander because all kew does is yap.

    Now kew, how about naming ALL those "LV AP's who reside on this forum" that can verify your fairy tale! And tell us how they know what they know, and how you "know they won't expose anything". Did they sign the same NDA that you did? that you can't stop yapping about??

    You need to better craft your lies.....

  14. #474
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I didn't mean I would create an alternative really like some of these guys do and have done for 20 years. THAT is just nuts.
    Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

    Thanks for weighing in Ron. I hate the through that I am taking you away from your high-end summer camper at Lake Tahoe, just for you to continue your obsessing about "little old me". Ron, it should be a fun time at Tahoe over the next week. Lake Tahoe is a very gay friendly and popular destinations for the California, slightly older gay crown during Pride month. Have fun Rob.

    Ron, because I am in a good mood today (why wouldn't I be), I'll treat you like a decent person and respond. But this is a one time only thing. In the future if you want me to respond to anything you say you are going to have to say my name, or admit what every knows, that like everything else, you have no clue what it is.

    I have never named my attorney in this matter. It is you people that continue to speculate who it might be. Now my attorney, whomever he may be, told me very early on that publicity of this event through the news media "was a way to bring the other side to their knees". That was a direct quote. But at the time, I made it very clear I was not interested in that strategy, for reasons that are surely clear to anyone with half a brain or any understanding of advantage play and players. I later tried to bluff saying I would do whatever it took, but I think everyone that knows even a little about me, understood, I would not be taking that route.

    Ron, you are wrong about the assumption that every case the attorney you are speculating about gets tried in and using the media. Some do, because like I have already explained, it is a pretty advantageous tool. But many don't because not just the casino but both parties don't want that. The guy you have mentioned without knowing if he has any involvement or not, has tried well over 100 cases of casino abuse, back rooming, wrongdoing of that nature. I think it is 160 or in the neighborhood. Really only a few have made it to the news. That has to be the strategy pursued and my guess is most cases involving AP's, neither side wants that.

    This is just yet another case of you talking about something you have no idea about, Ron.

    I am not going to speak to or for any other AP's. What they know, who they know. They are free to do that if they want. But no decent AP is going to try to sabotage another AP's case or situation, but saying what he knows, just to try to harm the original AP. That is how you trolls operate, not AP's. We have some decency.

    So nice try Ron. Swing and miss. Strike number 4,862.

    What is my name Ron? No more correspondence with you until you come clean. Shit or get off the pot.

  15. #475
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post

    1) This is very telling and, likely suicidal, to a tightly wound up concocter...

    2) In fact, no news organizations have reported on--CONFIDENTIAL OR NOT...

    3) And did kew actually name the casino? Well, as Dan said, if he didn't then his claim likely is horseshit.

    4) So what does an Einstein like kew do? Yup--he tells everyone that he did not name the casino, and can't. Why not? Because he knows he'll get sued if that particular casino was notified of his libel, and most probably, slander because all kew does is yap.

    5) Did they sign the same NDA that you did? that you can't stop yapping about??

    6) You need to better craft your lies...
    Wow just Wow...

    Put aside your option on believing KJ's claim or not for a minute and just read what Rob wrote...

    Rob, in the process of trying to discret KJ, you virtually described your own fictitious $1.5 Million Video Poker win from last summer.

    In your short post above, I only had to remove a few sentences to be left with 6 facts that fit YOUR very own lie. I didn't change anything, only removed text that was not relevant, along with adding in the numbers 1 through 6.

    1) Suicidal (Check), Concocted lie (Double Check)

    2) No news organization reported on what would be the largest VP win in history (Check)

    3) Did Rob name the casino? NOPE -- As Rob said himself, it's Horseshit. And Horseshit it is (Check)

    4) Rob says he doesn't name the casino due to some agreement or NDA. (Check)

    5) More NDA talk...

    6) Straight from he horses mouth, "You need to better craft your lies Rob". (Check)

    Rob, you see how rediculous you look?

    Wise up
    Last edited by PositiveVariance; 06-10-2023 at 01:43 PM.

  16. #476
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I didn't mean I would create an alternative really like some of these guys do and have done for 20 years. THAT is just nuts.
    Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

    Thanks for weighing in Ron. I hate the through that I am taking you away from your high-end summer camper at Lake Tahoe, just for you to continue your obsessing about "little old me". Ron, it should be a fun time at Tahoe over the next week. Lake Tahoe is a very gay friendly and popular destinations for the California, slightly older gay crown during Pride month. Have fun Rob.

    Ron, because I am in a good mood today (why wouldn't I be), I'll treat you like a decent person and respond. But this is a one time only thing. In the future if you want me to respond to anything you say you are going to have to say my name, or admit what every knows, that like everything else, you have no clue what it is.

    I have never named my attorney in this matter. It is you people that continue to speculate who it might be. Now my attorney, whomever he may be, told me very early on that publicity of this event through the news media "was a way to bring the other side to their knees". That was a direct quote. But at the time, I made it very clear I was not interested in that strategy, for reasons that are surely clear to anyone with half a brain or any understanding of advantage play and players. I later tried to bluff saying I would do whatever it took, but I think everyone that knows even a little about me, understood, I would not be taking that route.

    Ron, you are wrong about the assumption that every case the attorney you are speculating about gets tried in and using the media. Some do, because like I have already explained, it is a pretty advantageous tool. But many don't because not just the casino but both parties don't want that. The guy you have mentioned without knowing if he has any involvement or not, has tried well over 100 cases of casino abuse, back rooming, wrongdoing of that nature. I think it is 160 or in the neighborhood. Really only a few have made it to the news. That has to be the strategy pursued and my guess is most cases involving AP's, neither side wants that.

    This is just yet another case of you talking about something you have no idea about, Ron.

    I am not going to speak to or for any other AP's. What they know, who they know. They are free to do that if they want. But no decent AP is going to try to sabotage another AP's case or situation, but saying what he knows, just to try to harm the original AP. That is how you trolls operate, not AP's. We have some decency.

    So nice try Ron. Swing and miss. Strike number 4,862.

    What is my name Ron? No more correspondence with you until you come clean. Shit or get off the pot.
    19x his own base bet. Not the greatest score but you got a good response out of kewl.

  17. #477
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    Wow just Wow...

    Put aside your option on believing KJ's claim or not for a minute and just read what Rob wrote...

    Rob, in the process of trying to discret KJ, you virtually described your own fictitious $1.5 Million Video Poker win from last summer.

    In your short post above, I only had to remove a few sentences to be left with 6 facts that fit YOUR very own lie. I didn't change anything, only removed text that was not relevant, along with adding in the numbers 1 through 6.

    1) Suicidal (Check), Concocted lie (Double Check)

    2) No news organization reported on what would be the largest VP win in history (Check)

    3) Did Rob name the casino? As Rob said himself, it's Horseshit. And Horseshit it is (Check)

    4) Rob says he doesn't name the casino due to some agreement or NDA.

    5) More NDA talk...

    6) Straight from he horses mouth, "You need to better craft your lies Rob".

    Rob, you see how rediculous you look?

    Wise up
    Rob has been doing this for quite a while PositiveVariance. Almost everything he says, not just about me, but about anyone he is attacking and trolling, really applies to him. This is called projecting.

    Even Rob can't be so stupid that he doesn't know this (or can he? ), so I assume he just likes the attention so much that he is willing to play the part of the buffoon.

  18. #478
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post

    4) Rob says he doesn't name the casino due to some agreement or NDA. (Check)

    5) More NDA talk...
    I think the concept of a DNA is worth discussing as it relates to gambling, advantage play and advantage players on these forums.

    I was involved with legal action that resulted in a settlement. Again, I am not an attorney and haven't asked, so MrV, Regnis or any other attorney can correct me, if I am wrong, but I believe it is pretty common for a settlement to be confidential and have some such language written into the settlement. Often the party settling is doing so to avoid any kind of bad publicity. And that is exactly what occurred in this case.

    Now Rob came up with this weird NDA thing last year regarding his "supposed 1.5 million dollar jackpot, that is NOT the way that normally works. Casinos WANT a large jackpot being publicized. It is great publicity for them. They probably would pay for that kind of publicity. So even if the player requests not to be named, the jackpot itself will make the news. That is one of many reasons everyone KNEW Rob's claim was baloney. Well that and the pictures on a computer screen in the storage area of a house.

    The other time a NDA came into a discussion about AP/gambling play on these forums was when Mdawg paid Michael Shackleford to verify a short winning session, which proved nothing about Mdawgs long-term claims of winning. Mdawg had Shackleford sign an NDA that he wouldn't say anything, nor describe Mdawgs play. If Shackleford did say something he would have had to post that Mdawg was playing a progression wagering type deal, that in no way could result in all the long-term winning he claimed. Mdawg couldn't have that, hence the NDA

    In fact Shackleford broke the NDA agreement and actually said something like that, later removed it and suspended himself for breaking the NDA. That is how uncomfortable Mike was with Mdawg using him via a NDA to mis-represent Mdawgs claims. He was willing to break the agreement and pay the price. Whatever you think of him and other things he does or doesn't do, you have to admire that about the guy some of you call "Rusty".

  19. #479
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post

    4) Rob says he doesn't name the casino due to some agreement or NDA. (Check)

    5) More NDA talk...
    I think the concept of a DNA is worth discussing as it relates to gambling, advantage play and advantage players on these forums.

    I was involved with legal action that resulted in a settlement. Again, I am not an attorney and haven't asked, so MrV, Regnis or any other attorney can correct me, if I am wrong, but I believe it is pretty common for a settlement to be confidential and have some such language written into the settlement. Often the party settling is doing so to avoid any kind of bad publicity. And that is exactly what occurred in this case.

    Now Rob came up with this weird NDA thing last year regarding his "supposed 1.5 million dollar jackpot, that is NOT the way that normally works. Casinos WANT a large jackpot being publicized. It is great publicity for them. They probably would pay for that kind of publicity. So even if the player requests not to be named, the jackpot itself will make the news. That is one of many reasons everyone KNEW Rob's claim was baloney. Well that and the pictures on a computer screen in the storage area of a house.

    The other time a NDA came into a discussion about AP/gambling play on these forums was when Mdawg paid Michael Shackleford to verify a short winning session, which proved nothing about Mdawgs long-term claims of winning. Mdawg had Shackleford sign an NDA that he wouldn't say anything, nor describe Mdawgs play. If Shackleford did say something he would have had to post that Mdawg was playing a progression wagering type deal, that in no way could result in all the long-term winning he claimed. Mdawg couldn't have that, hence the NDA

    In fact Shackleford broke the NDA agreement and actually said something like that, later removed it and suspended himself for breaking the NDA. That is how uncomfortable Mike was with Mdawg using him via a NDA to mis-represent Mdawgs claims. He was willing to break the agreement and pay the price. Whatever you think of him and other things he does or doesn't do, you have to admire that about the guy some of you call "Rusty".
    Standard 19x but took 2 spins/lines. So those 2 lines really only returned 10x base unit.

  20. #480
    Yes, in almost all settlment agreements there is language that prohibites discussing details of the settlment, specifically the amount recieved
    Many go as far listing damages for each occurrence.
    ie $10,000 In damages to be paid to defendant for each occurrence.

    Speaking of when Shakleford met MDAWG, I remember there were several guys, I don't remember all the names but DARKOZ does come to mind, that actually thought MDAWG had some sort of winning system after Shaq's meeting. This opinion of there's did not last long. I knew it was some sort of progression as well, knowing he would win that session 19 out of 20 times. I guess if MDAWG would have lost, and hit that 1 in 20, he would have disappeared from the forum or most likely offered some type of other bet, that had a progression that would be HIGH RISK, LOW REWARD but would most likely result in a session win. Standard martingale stuff -- trading many small wins for one massive bankroll busting loss.
    Last edited by PositiveVariance; 06-10-2023 at 02:47 PM.

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