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Thread: Redietz Has Resorted To Making Threats Behind The Scenes

  1. #61
    I just love these jerk-offs that after acting like a complete asswad say "I just post here for entertainment".

    Hitler just killed Jews for entertainment. I guess that makes it ok.

    Just act like a normal and decent person. If your life is such that you need to act out on an internet forum for entertainment, then find something else to do.

  2. #62
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I just love these jerk-offs that after acting like a complete asswad say "I just post here for entertainment".

    Hitler just killed Jews for entertainment. I guess that makes it ok.

    Just act like a normal and decent person. If your life is such that you need to act out on an internet forum for entertainment, then find something else to do.
    You're such a doofus. A normal person doesn't construct an elaborate internet persona for years based on lies. Talk about "finding something else to do".

  3. #63
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post

    I already posted that.
    The Fucking Guy has been nothing but Tough Guy Bullshit for over ten years.
    I just never said anything about it.
    Obviously the Covid Vaccine, his heart attack and medication has Fucked Up his head beyond recognition.
    He is best buddies with Rat Fink Boz... Nuff Said.
    All these tough guys scared of COVID vax because they're too tough for COVID.
    You're so stupid.
    I'm not scared of it.
    I just don't trust most medicines.
    Yes, I am susceptible of taking some NyQuil and Aspirin now and again because I've been brainwashed.
    But the truth of the matter is that none of this shit really helps you.
    I like the NyQuil cause it will knock you the F--- Out.
    Everything else is pretty much psychosomatic.
    But you keep thinking that the shot did anything for you which it didn't.
    And get ready to booster up.
    You like putting things into your body... good for you... do what you like.
    But don't force everyone else to take heroin when they do not need it.
    The shot was proven to do something and it was significant.

    It is one thing to claim how bad it is for you because that has some truth to it. There are side-effects and I underestimated them to some degree.

    However to claim the vax did nothing is a complete fantasy and disproven all over the place by studies.

    Next thing you're going to start telling me about lizard people.

  4. #64
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Stop trying to control the inevitable.
    Planet Earth has survived for much longer than mankind and will continue to do so.
    It's basically indestructible.
    Wise Up.
    I can't recall the last time I saw a person say the Earth will vanish or that it will die in itself in some way.

    What people far smarter than you have been saying that it will become uninhabitable until it reaches some new stasis with whatever population happens to still be around.

  5. #65
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    You're such a doofus. A normal person doesn't construct an elaborate internet persona for years based on lies. Talk about "finding something else to do".
    You are an idiot if you really believe this.

    You people just make up complete bullshit. Male prostitute, homeless, Pacific Islanders. Up until last week another was that I don't even live in Vegas, until Dan Druff felt the need to confirm that I did.

    What is wrong with you people?

    I am a mid-level AP, who moved to Vegas to continue my card counting career, which is considered bottom of the barrel of AP play. Absolutely nothing remarkable about that, nor anything remarkable about my results. And yet, some haters like you come up with all kinds of conspiracy theories because you have decided you don't like me or something about me.

    Are you really this big of an idiot?
    Last edited by kewlJ; 09-20-2023 at 02:01 PM.

  6. #66
    Well there must be a lot of idiots here because pretty much everyone believes it.

  7. #67
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post
    Well there must be a lot of idiots here because pretty much everyone believes it.
    Not that it matters but you kind of need to clairfy.
    Believes that Redietz threatened MickeyCrimm.
    Or that we believe that MickeyCrimm is serious?
    Either way it doesn't matter.
    Even if this whole thing is a troll job it doesn't hide the fact that MickeyCrimm is a Fucking Little Bitch.
    Chicken Shit Mother Fucker if you will.

    Fucking Guy driving all around the country from Shithole to Shithole and scooting around on his scooter trying to find Cherry Pies and Diamond Mines.

  8. #68
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post
    Well there must be a lot of idiots here because pretty much everyone believes it.
    Not that it matters but you kind of need to clairfy.
    Believes that Redietz threatened MickeyCrimm.
    Or that we believe that MickeyCrimm is serious?
    Either way it doesn't matter.
    Even if this whole thing is a troll job it doesn't hide the fact that MickeyCrimm is a Fucking Little Bitch.
    Chicken Shit Mother Fucker if you will.

    Believes that KewlJ has "constructed an elaborate internet persona for years based on lies".

    I was referring to his post above mine. For some reason I don't like quoting KewlJ, he's just too verbose.

  9. #69
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post
    Well there must be a lot of idiots here because pretty much everyone believes it.
    Not that it matters but you kind of need to clairfy.
    Believes that Redietz threatened MickeyCrimm.
    Or that we believe that MickeyCrimm is serious?
    Either way it doesn't matter.
    Even if this whole thing is a troll job it doesn't hide the fact that MickeyCrimm is a Fucking Little Bitch.
    Chicken Shit Mother Fucker if you will.

    Believes that KewlJ has "constructed an elaborate internet persona for years based on lies".

    I was referring to his post above mine. For some reason I don't like quoting KewlJ, he's just too verbose.
    lol... my bad... carry on.
    My statements still stand.

  10. #70
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    The shot was proven to do something and it was significant.
    I think they already knew prior to any "trial" that the vax would keep people out of the hospital with Covid. The problem is there is ALWAYS a trade off. Everything I've seen points to this probably being the most dangerous vaccine ever. Apparently too many reported problems with it to the CDC:

  11. #71
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    You're such a doofus. A normal person doesn't construct an elaborate internet persona for years based on lies. Talk about "finding something else to do".
    You are an idiot if you really believe this.

    You people just make up complete bullshit. Male prostitute, homeless, Pacific Islanders. Up until last week another was that I don't even live in Vegas, until Dan Druff felt the need to confirm that I did.

    What is wrong with you people?

    I am a mid-level AP, who moved to Vegas to continue my card counting career, which is considered bottom of the barrel of AP play. Absolutely nothing remarkable about that, nor anything remarkable about my results. And yet, some haters like you come up with all kinds of conspiracy theories because you have decided you don't like me or something about me.

    Are you really this big of an idiot?
    I'm not claiming you are homeless or a Pacific Islander. Prostitute may be a real thing but thats not me bringing it up anymore. I'm not here to insult you specifically. I may have posted a picture of some dude surfing the sewers when LV had a big rain but you loving to act persecuted.

    What I wonder now is how much of this is driven by the sheer rush you get from the attention vs some strong need to present yourself as something you're not.

    TBH if I was as bad as you say I am I would have brought it up with someone that there is a behind the scenes theory that you're not even a dude. The way you lie about everything really throws it out there as a valid question. It would make sense some housebound woman would choose to pretend to be some flamboyant gay card counter. Never details with you. Especially details out of LV. Are there near the casinos out there still spreading 3:2 as you claim to play at?

  12. #72
    You people are just freaking nuts. And I guess I am right there with you.

    This forum is now exactly like the final days of Gamblers Glen....a hand full of mostly bitter, angry people hating on each other. The only difference is we are currently about 8-10 when Gamblers Glen was 3 at the very end. Despite those of us that have tried to change that course, that seems to be the predetermined destiny.

  13. #73
    Originally Posted by jdog View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    The shot was proven to do something and it was significant.
    I think they already knew prior to any "trial" that the vax would keep people out of the hospital with Covid. The problem is there is ALWAYS a trade off. Everything I've seen points to this probably being the most dangerous vaccine ever. Apparently too many reported problems with it to the CDC:
    It was so weirdly politicized I don't really think you could infer much from comments reported to CDC If they are public comments then I'm not surprised at all. I mean how long has there even been a website? Would people who got sick from the flu vaccine to bother to even track it down?

    I agree it was bad and perhaps the most dangerous ever but I have no clue about various vaccinations. My gut feeling is that some earlier vaccinations were actually worse but either way wouldn't surprise me.

  14. #74
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post
    Well there must be a lot of idiots here because pretty much everyone believes it.
    Not that it matters but you kind of need to clairfy.
    Believes that Redietz threatened MickeyCrimm.
    Or that we believe that MickeyCrimm is serious?
    Either way it doesn't matter.
    Even if this whole thing is a troll job it doesn't hide the fact that MickeyCrimm is a Fucking Little Bitch.
    Chicken Shit Mother Fucker if you will.

    Fucking Guy driving all around the country from Shithole to Shithole and scooting around on his scooter trying to find Cherry Pies and Diamond Mines.
    I admire Micky's life regardless the level of his success. Probably a troll job and who cares. Quite amusing. But really who would take Redietz serious for a death threat. I'd love to know why they were PMing to begin with. lol

    It would be tragic if some big 300 lb Italian guy just knocked him and his scooter over via some PITT maneuver.

    This place needed some perking up. This Kewl shit will forever be a broken record. You know that.

  15. #75
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    If they are public comments then I'm not surprised at all.
    Not comments. The CDC built a whole system exclusively for reporting and tracking adverse Covid vaccine events. I think once they realized they had essentially created a billboard showing nearly 1 million people required medical intervention after the vaccine, that they had better shut it down. Check out the article.

  16. #76
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    TBH if I was as bad as you say I am I would have brought it up with someone that there is a behind the scenes theory that you're not even a dude. The way you lie about everything really throws it out there as a valid question. It would make sense some housebound woman would choose to pretend to be some flamboyant gay card counter.
    This statement just proves how fucked up you and others on this forum are.

    But I am going to focus on one word that you wrote to prove to you just how blinded and fueled by hate you are AinQ.


    You don't know me. You haven't met me. You haven't seen me from afar. You haven't spoken to me.

    And yet you will state that I am flamboyant based on nothing more than your hate and bigotry against gay guys.

    There is nothing flamboyant about me. Nothing! I myself don't really care for that kind of behavior. I like sports, I played sports. I don't like shopping or musicals or Cher. You just have the need to demonize based on your own bigotry, hatred and insecurity.

    And the really sad part is this is a whole forum of like minded people. With a few exceptions like MrV, this is a forum of older white bitter aggrieved guys intolerant of anyone that is different in any way.

    Thank you for proving my point. It is always just a matter of time with you insecure bigots. You just can't help show who you are. Some try to hide it for a while, but in the end, you just can't help yourself.

  17. #77
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    This is why APs want to stay anonymous. No one wants a hit called on them by someone's old mob connections.

    Right... "Stay Anonymous" but post over 50,000 posts on every gambling forum combined with twitter at all hours of the day.
    And then cry and threaten to call the police cause someone said they were gonna hit him over the head with a Monk Shoe lol.
    Not to mention beg Dan Druff like a little bitch, to ban Redietz, lol lol lol.

  18. #78
    Mickeycrimm is the epitome of an advantage player. He can find and play an advantage in almost any game. Things that many of us don't understand after it is explained 3 times. That he chooses to grind away traveling around playing lower limit type plays, seeing and experiences different places around the country is his choice. It seems to me like he is really enjoying himself. But people here want to demonize him for that because they have found something about him that they don't like.

    This a supposed to be a gambling related forum people. It should be players like mickeycrimm sharing whatever experiences they want to share. It should be me, a mid-level card counter grinding away in Vegas sharing whatever I want to share. And other real players sharing what they want to share (as long as it doesn't defy the math and reality of how things work). What the fuck is wrong with you people? You just want some kind of hate forum to try to tear others down.

    I obviously don't understand this older, white aggrieved angry guy mentality. Can someone explain in simple terms why the fuck you people are so fucking angry?
    Last edited by kewlJ; 09-20-2023 at 03:14 PM.

  19. #79
    Originally Posted by Gottlob1 View Post
    Easy as hell to get yourself admitted, but, you might have to get a lawyer involved to get yourself out
    You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave

  20. #80
    Originally Posted by Keystone View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Monette is butt hurt
    He`s just irritable. He hasn`t gotten any pussy from TablePlay lately
    More sexual fantasies from the faggot Kuntstone.

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