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Thread: Redietz Has Resorted To Making Threats Behind The Scenes

  1. #161
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    No! You absolutely do not have my permission to try to describe me, or find a picture of someone you think looks like me.
    MaxPen why don't you start sending PMs to people with UNKewlJ's description, the way UNKewlJ did when he and rat fink Boz were busy sending around via PM the name of a person they decided was MDawg.

    Since UNKewlJ did that he obviously condones that sort of thing.

    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    It never ends with this guy.
    He posts one thing today and a week later tells everyone he was lying.
    And does it how many times now?
    GTFOH... Spiderman!
    One thing you can tell, when UNKewlJ makes with the all bold sentences one after another something has really gotten to him. You can practically see the hand cocked onto his side, the belt elbow and the high pitched whiny voice complaining, "Now wayyyyt a minute, Misterrrrr."
    Last edited by MDawg; 09-21-2023 at 07:24 AM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  2. #162
    Redietz lives in a fantasy world. People aren't going to track down Crimm and kick his hotel door in and beat him up or whatever. Just rubbish. Good stuff though.

    The EV of going to Vegas hasn't changed for Mickey.

  3. #163
    I'm actually going to disagree with everyone calling Mickey a pussy.

    There are two possibilities:

    Mickey absolutely does not believe there is any potential for the threat to be carried out-If that is true, then that would make Mickey's intent to get Redietz banned from the site. I guess some could see that as a bitch move, but I'm fairly neutral on the matter. I can't imagine Red would care very much were he banned.

    Mickey believes there's a non-zero chance of the threat being carried out.-I would say that this thread actually makes Mickey the opposite of a pussy, if that's true. The reason why is because Mickey would be continuing to antagonize a guy who he thinks made a potentially credible threat against him. That's not really something a pussy would do.

  4. #164
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post

    Keep it simple for me. Is Mickey a bitch or not?
    Keep it simple for me. Are maxpen's pronouns ze/zir or they/them?
    Do I need to repost your lady boy pic?

    Only trannies insist on using pronouns....RIP
    Yes! the classic Crimm pic, passed out at the bar, is as legendary as the Singer at steering wheel of Newell pic! Never gets old!

  5. #165
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    MaxPen why don't you start sending PMs to people with UNKewlJ's description, the way UNKewlJ did when he and rat fink Boz were busy sending around via PM the name of a person they decided was MDawg.
    I did not send around PMs about anything. I said what I had to say publicly. That sending PMs, working people behind the scenes is your thing. Something you have done many times and still do. Something Dan Druff even caught you doing and made a thread specifically telling you to stop. And yet you still do it.

    You are not an advantage player, who "hides" for a lack of better term from the casinos. You tell us that you play rated, receive a ton of high-end comps and that casino personnel know and love you. So why is it necessary for you to hide who you are? Why do you not use your real name, proudly as Alan, redietz and others do. And the answer to that is because then some other members of these forums that have the know how, would be able to see that you are not winning like you claim....that this great adventure is baloney fiction. That your story is just that...a fiction fantasy story.

    Now despite that I see a difference in doxing an advantage player who has to try to keep his identity from the casinos in order to make a living and a guy just telling and writing a fantasy story, the rules of this forum do not distinguish between the two. Dan Druff told me publicly to stop doing what I was doing that it was against the rules.

    That rule being:

    3) You may not post personally identifying information of any members of the site, or their family members. Personal information is defined as last names, phone numbers, address, workplace or school information, family member information, pictures (unless already voluntary posted by the member). You also may not link to other sites where such information is displayed.

    So you KNOW it is against the rules and yet you are still encouraging Maxpen to do violate that rule and dox a fellow advantage player.

    The bottom line is you are a sleazebag...Big time. You are nothing but a troll...a re-incarnated troll at that, trying to tell or write a fiction/fantasy story. The story is based on Las Vegas from the 80 and 90's that you are obsessed with and frequently post picture and clips of movies about. Right down to your little "Pope of Las Vegas". It is fiction. You aren't a real winning player doing anything special to show a profit from casinos. You are a guy with some money that bets somewhat big and is comped accordingly. Just the way Las Vegas works. Comps to entice a losing player like you to keep playing.

    I have more respect fro the hundreds of degenerate gamblers running around Vegas than I do you. At least they are honest.

  6. #166
    Mdawg the bottom line is your fiction story, for whatever purpose you were telling it is dead. At it's height you were posting identical daily reports at 5 different forums simultaneously. Now you are down to just Wov because no one responds anywhere else. And at WoV, you get one or two responses from someone like chump change or occasionally from SooPoo, who is just playing with you. For whatever reason you were telling or writing this fantasy is over.

    I know you blame me for that.....thus this vendetta. It really wasn't my was yours. You tried to push this bullshit on forums where there were real players that KNOW how things work, some that play for a living. And many of them called you out, as they/we have a right to do.

    It is over dude! Just stop.

  7. #167
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    One thing you can tell, when UNKewlJ makes with the all bold sentences one after another something has really gotten to him. You can practically see the hand cocked onto his side, the belt elbow and the high pitched whiny voice complaining, "Now wayyyyt a minute, Misterrrrr."
    My apologies it's not a belt, but a bent elbow.

    Of course if I were UNKewLyingJ, I'd say that was no mistake, I made that typo protect my privacy.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  8. #168
    Thank you for posting the PM, Mickey.

    Taken in its entirety, I understand how it could be construed as a threat, IF WHAT HE SAYS IS IN FACT TRUE.

    Basically it's a Sicilian thing: "You insulted my woman, so the men in her family must come at you to remove the stain on her honor."

    Redietz has long claimed to be "connected," i.e. to have mob associates; does he?

    Who knows?

    Is his woman from a mob family with vengeful family members?

    Who knows?

    Not sure I'd construe it as a VIABLE threat, however given the battle you guys have been having I can understand how you might consider it a "gotcha" moment.
    Last edited by MisterV; 09-21-2023 at 09:58 AM.
    What, Me Worry?

  9. #169
    Name:  drama-queens-drama-v1gpyr.jpg
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    Micky lost all his LV privileges.

  10. #170
    Not a lot of people know this, but one of the requirements for being featured in the prestigious Tipsters And Gypsters Newsletter is that you kill a man with your bare hands.

  11. #171
    Mickeycrimm, do you spend a lot of time in Las Vegas these days?

    Now admittedly, I don't know a lot of things about a lot of things. Maybe I am naive, but I am just not familiar with a lot of Mob activity in Las Vegas these days. Just don't hear much. So according to redietz the mob that used to run casinos and sportsbook is now on the other side of things running sports betting syndicates? Are they fixing games? I would think that wouldn't go unnoticed.

    Maybe that is why winning by 34-10, when Iowa got the ball back with less than a minute left last week, instead of taking a knee like most teams would, they threw 3 straight passes, scoring a TD with 33 seconds left to cover the 28 point spread. Is that what you are telling me redietz? How can I get in on that?

    So redietz who seems to have many different girlfriends that do many different things in many different location, has a girlfriend from a Mob family that runs this Mob back sports betting syndicate. And the mob that I don't hear much about is monitoring airport travelers and people driving into Vegas, as mickey would if he visited, looking for Mickey Crimm because he made an off-color comment about an unnamed redietz's lastest girlfriend.

    I am just trying to figure this all out.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 09-21-2023 at 11:34 AM.

  12. #172
    I will say this and it isn't specific to anyone or anything (maybe)

    There are a number of people on these forums that seem to be living or thinking we are living in the 1980's or 1990's. A fascination, including posting movie clip which weren't even a real rendition of that now long ago time.

    You people do know that it is now 2023 don't you?

  13. #173
    KJ, if you believe the mob has left sin city I suspect that you are mistaken.

    They've "sanitized" and used their money to buy into legit businesses and enterprises.

    The mob tried to build a false front of respectability in order to get casinos built in Atlantic City, i.e. put on a "clean" face, when the true ones in control were mobsters.

    Read "The Boardwalk Jungle" for info about that if interested.

    They don't own publicly traded corps like MGM, but I suspect some of the smaller casino operations in town still have, ahem, "connections."

    No proof, just my suspicion.

    The mob may still have some influence in certain unions in sin city, for example concessions such as laundry (they used to, anyway, per my understanding).

    Why would a blood sucking flea leave a dog just because he starts to scratch?

    This is just my suspicion and I could be completely wrong, but there it is.
    Last edited by MisterV; 09-21-2023 at 11:50 AM.
    What, Me Worry?

  14. #174
    Could could be very right MrV. Like I said, I don't know a lot of things about a lot of things.

    I just find it interesting that mickeycrimm is #1 on the mob hit list for a pretty minor comment about an unnamed girlfriend that we hadn't even heard mentioned before.

  15. #175
    And isn't Dietz a name of German origin?

    I thought the mob didn't take kindly to outsiders dating their women?

    I would think Redeitz should be more on the lookout for finding a horses head.

    Anyway carry on.

  16. #176
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    You people do know that it is now 2023 don't you?
    You people do know that on 9 December, 2023, Halley's Comet reaches its aphelion, ie, its farthest point from the Sun, don't you?

    The next perihelion of Halley's Comet is 28 July 2061, when it will be better positioned for observation than during the 1985–1986 apparition, as it will be on the same side of the Sun as Earth. The closest approach to Earth will be one day after perihelion. It is expected to have an apparent magnitude of −0.3, compared with only +2.1 for the 1986 apparition. On 9 September 2060, Halley will pass within 0.98 au (147,000,000 km) of Jupiter, and then on 20 August 2061 will pass within 0.0543 au (8,120,000 km) of Venus.
    Name:  Halley pic.jpg
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    Name:  Halley's_Comet_animation.gif
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    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder + Bill Yung + 1HitWonder ---> GOTTLOB1 = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  17. #177
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Like I said, I don't know a lot
    Definitely could have used a brush up on what days are court holidays, what it means when a civil case is sealed, what day NOT to claim your fictional settlement funds have arrived via ACH, what day Halloween landed on in 2021, how long it takes a programmer to do anything, and so on....

    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post

    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    At this point this fraud's claims aren't t even worth entering a discussion about.....RIP
    The thirteen most major UNKewl lies I can think of concern (1) his lie about Moses showing up at a condo he claimed he lived at, (2) a condo it turned out that he has no ownership in, (3) his faking his own death, (4) lying about ever having been robbed, (5) the nonsense about MGM execs showing up at his apartment on Halloween to give him player records on someone who isn't even MDawg, (6) the backrooming lawsuit, (7) the lie about being doxxed, or ever having his name placed in any casino database, (8) the rigged shuffler, (9) $50. free play for $100K win on a slot progressive, (10) $50K multi hand VP hit, (11) winning a car, (12) lied about whether or not he was gay, (13) the lie about even having a dead "soul mate" which he recanted.

    That rigged shuffler story, besides not making any sense, reaffirmed in my mind that this guy really doesn't play much table games, because I'd expect such nonsense from a recreational player, not a card counter.

    And as usual, as he gets hemmed in, he is changing the story on some of these. Even renounced the existence of his "soul mate" claims he lied about him and his gay marriage too!
    Since this thread is about MickeyCrimm, why not end this post with a quote:

    MickeyCrimm on the UNKewl one: This is not meant as a joke at KJ's expense. There has been quite the change in KJ over the last few years. We all know of his heart problems and his bout with covid. He is bound to have suffered from a lack of oxygen to the brain multiple times, especially with the covid. And that has obviously caused some major mental deterioration as we all have witnessed in his postings. He no longer can remember simple facts and gets confused. I have nothing against KJ but it is hard to ignore the deterioration of his mental faculties.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  18. #178
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post
    Not a lot of people know this, but one of the requirements for being featured in the prestigious Tipsters And Gypsters Newsletter is that you kill a man with your bare hands.
    LOL... probably the best post/quote in here.
    Well Done... Well Done.

    smurgerburger and unowme actually get it.
    You guys are definitely ahead of the curve.
    Thanks for the early morning laughs.
    Early Morning for me because I just woke up at NOON... like usual.
    That "YOU LOST YOUR LA PRIVLAGES" hit home with me, cause, you know... movies.

    mcap, however, is just a dirty stinking Redskin.
    I hope he gets scalped by Chief Wahoo!

  19. #179
    Originally Posted by Gottlob1 View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    You people do know that it is now 2023 don't you?
    You people do know that on 9 December, 2023, Halley's Comet reaches its aphelion, ie, its farthest point from the Sun, don't you?

    The next perihelion of Halley's Comet is 28 July 2061, when it will be better positioned for observation than during the 1985–1986 apparition, as it will be on the same side of the Sun as Earth. The closest approach to Earth will be one day after perihelion. It is expected to have an apparent magnitude of −0.3, compared with only +2.1 for the 1986 apparition. On 9 September 2060, Halley will pass within 0.98 au (147,000,000 km) of Jupiter, and then on 20 August 2061 will pass within 0.0543 au (8,120,000 km) of Venus.
    Name:  Halley pic.jpg
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    Name:  Halley's_Comet_animation.gif
Views: 191
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    This is why he doesn't want to get banned and bowed down to Dan Druff like the bitch that he is.
    So, he can post this stupid shit over here when he wants to.
    He has nowhere else to go.

  20. #180
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    it's a Sicilian thing: "You insulted my woman, so the men in her family must come at you to remove the stain on her honor.".
    Sicilian? I recall him mentioning that his "girlfriend" is asian.

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