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Thread: Hahahahhaha lost a $128 ticket

  1. #81
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    . I went from purely back counting getting no rounds per hour and a higher edge to playing a lot more heads up with more rounds per hour and a lower edge, but using a strategy of table hopping and departure adjustment, a tactic very seldom used let alone understood about what that does to your win rate,
    Nobody understands what that does to the win rate? Are you fucking kidding me? This is exactly how I played Vegas for over 10 years and have written about for 10 years! Lots of heads up, departure points that I call exit triggers.

    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    I made 84.7k in one year from June to June when casinos opened up.
    $85 grand in 12 months. You know what that is? An average year! That is what you could and should have been making (on average) each of your 6 or 7 years in Vegas.

    Look, I get that you are proud of your journey. Good for you. Seriously as a card counter....D+....maybe a C. And that is up from where you were. Still room to grow. Although I get that you have moved on to machines. And that is fine too.

    I look forward to your claims of being the greatest machine AP of all time.
    And you get an F for fraud. No one's met you. No one knows who you are. That's what I should be making every year? In Vegas? Anyone that's fucking played Vegas knows that's almost impossible to consistently make in Vegas due to the heat and flyering ability. Not saying it's impossible but damn near that. One variable of you being a fraud based on that statement is not much but multiple other fraudulent variables like no one has ever met you or the other claims you made about not playing the strip etc as well as all the other shit people called you out on makes it an F as a card counter. And that F standa for fraud and some might even use the other f word

  2. #82
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Show your tax returns and original W2-G's to a neutral third party whom we can believe and have him report how much income you reported and paid tax on.
    Come on MrV. Nobody is required to do this. He isn't on trial.

    Zenking's basic story is very believable to me because for the most part it is exactly how blackjack card counting in Las Vegas works. There is a lot of things he has done wrong like antagonizing pit folks. He didn't put in the hours he should have for a long time. But in the end, he got there. Everyone's journey is a little different.

    The only thing a little irritating is his holier than thou attitude.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  3. #83
    Logs can be faked.

  4. #84
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Sounds to me like you're full of shit, proof, just bullshit / uncorroborated words.

    You want credibility?

    You want to be thought of as something other than a prevaricating petulant child?

    Show your tax returns and original W2-G's to a neutral third party whom we can believe and have him report how much income you reported and paid tax on.

    Otherwise, just words on a screen ... fuck off.
    Hahahahha I got about 20 w2gs staring at me next to my TV screen combined with all the logs since day 1 for the machine plays. You want tax logs? How long have I been doing this? 8 months? And whether someone pays taxes has nothing to do with anything. I suggest you study up on some tax law. After all you're a wannabe lawyer right? You should know all about the supreme court rulings that were never overturned regarding 'income'. Study up peasant.

    Hey Mr. V how's that bridge doing man?

  5. #85
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    Also let me also say KJ, you just keep exposing yourself. I haven't followed your posts on here in the past year but apparently you've been caught and exposed on lies. I don't know about any of that but what I do know is dl you just repeat shit you've heard from others to sound smart? Cosmo was sweaty? Wow what a statement that everyone online repeats all the time. Really? How the fuck did I take 50k from them and was able to log over 150 hours or so before my first backoff before even being kicked out once and then another 100 hours after being kicked out and heated up? The exact hours I'm not sure hard to remember but they're pretty close estimates. I had about 250 hours logged at Cosmo. It was probably only around 150-200 hours where I started getting heat and then it became hard to play. You got one thing right they are big OSN contributors and their surveillance is really good just like Aria BUT only after they get you. Most of that 50k was done during COVID. Are you going to sit here and tell me it was cause of the face mask? I was logging many hours before that no problem and winning a bit. Face mask was the most overrated bullshit from noobies on these forums and discords that don't actually play blackjack but just like to sound smart. You know how many times I was kicked out wearing a face mask at Cosmo? Once you generate heat it doesn't matter if you have a mask cause the mask goes straight into OSN with you and they will make the connection with the rest of your face next time. I swear these forums and discords are full of fucking frauds that just love to sound like experts. In fact wearing a face mask after everyone wasn't wearing one was the biggest heat trigger alive.
    Your claims are all over the place dude. Over the last 3 years you have made about a dozen posts bitching about short term negative variance (usually during or near a holiday weekend). "I lost 6k in 15 hours", "Lost 11K in the two weeks since coronavirus began", "down $9500 at Ceasars alone", "of course I go to Palms and lose", "down $9810 in 59.5 hours", "I'm down -17,647.50 from my ALL-TIME high of 87.5k or so", "-13,392.50 26 hours", "Just dropped $8800.....make that $10,017.50". These are just a few of those posts.

    And right in the middle of all this mess of losing, on 8/30/21, you post that you are "ahead 84.7K in 558 hours of play since you moved to Vegas".

    So amongst this losing everywhere, at various times, you were ahead 84K in total and 50K of that came from the single sweatiest casino, with one of the top surveillance departments, using the latest technology, in Las Vegas, Cosmo. THAT simply doesn't jive.

    I have never challenged anything you say or claim, because I always understood that you are emotional (a bad trait at the tables) and fly off the handle, venting following periods of normal negative variance. I also always knew that while you rant during these losing periods, you were only telling us half the story rarely commenting during winning periods. Kind of a reveres Mdawg, telling us the losing and not the winning.

    I have always been supportive of you, recognizing your need to vent. And then at the flip of a light switch telling us all you are the best there has ever been.

    Well as a card counter you are NOT the best there has ever been. Not even close. You didn't put in enough hours to really qualify as a "grinder" and you don't play high enough stakes to not be a grinder. 84.7k over your first 3 or 4 years playing 598 hours is recreational player numbers. And then you cry about normal variance. As a card counter I give you a D+, at best.

    I don't know what you are doing now with machine AP. You always said you wanted no part of machine AP and in typical ZenKing fashion, trashed those that did engage in machine AP play. And now all of the sudden, you are the greatest machine advantage player of all time. Big surprise.

    I continue to hope for the best for you, but you need to get a grip. And show a little humility. Especially to those like Axelwolf that have helped you along the way. Or you can choose path number 2 and just continue to be the dick that is ZenKing.
    Let's not get the stuff twisted, I make no claims of helping ZenKing make any money whatsoever. I showed him a few vulture slots and told them there was a decent amount of money to be made, at least it was something that he should be doing while going to play Blackjack, he wasn't interested at the time and that was many years ago. Zen King has been offered some slam dunk plays over the years with no risk, and he declined. Multiple times he said he just wanted to make his plays and find his way by doing his own thing.
    I know one play he turned down because of the taxable jackpots involved. I don't think he wanted to start getting into all that. many others and I have been telling him for a long time that there's so much more that he could be doing in advantage play other than blackjack. At the time it seemed like he wasn't ready and he was determined to make a certain amount playing Blackjack until he was satisfied. He's one stubborn determined MF.

    From what I understand he found a few unique slot games that most other people are not playing and he's doing well.

    I'd be willing to bet that if GoatKing said he made x amount, playing X at x place doing X thing, he is not Bullshitting. I trust them GoatKing not to be a liar, a thief, or a rat in any way.
    Bolded part.

    Most card counters enter casinos with blinders on. Richard Munchkin has addressed this before.

  6. #86
    Regarding why I got into machine play. Maybe it had to do with all the retards who were making money that don't deserve to be making money and then talking shit to me how I'm making 30k a year playing blackjack. This is all just to show these idiots they aren't special and that I'm already running circles around them. Fucking faggots. Let me know when you want me to make 1000 players cards too and see what happens.

  7. #87
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    And you get an F for fraud. No one's met you. No one knows who you are. That's what I should be making every year? In Vegas? Anyone that's fucking played Vegas knows that's almost impossible to consistently make in Vegas due to the heat and flyering ability. Not saying it's impossible but damn near that. One variable of you being a fraud based on that statement is not much but multiple other fraudulent variables like no one has ever met you or the other claims you made about not playing the strip etc as well as all the other shit people called you out on makes it an F as a card counter. And that F standa for fraud and some might even use the other f word
    Where is it written that I have to meet anyone? I am a solo card counter. I have considered meeting people from time to time, but each time decided not to. And for me, time has proven that to be the right decision.

    And NO longevity in Vegas playing this way is not impossible. Far from it.

    I don't want to make you the GOAT feel bad, but my younger brother stated his card counting career just about the same time you moved to Vegas. I think a year later. He has made 50-65K every year. This year will be the first year he doesn't make that as he is running about half that. His first significantly below expectation year...which happens. And he hasn't ranted and raved like a lunatic like you have.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  8. #88
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    Logs can be faked.
    Yea trash basic logs with like 50 entries. Try almost 2000 entries with different game titles and different tabs for cumulative profits for each specific game

  9. #89
    Wipe your nose, ZenQueen.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  10. #90
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    Logs can be faked.
    Yea trash basic logs with like 50 entries. Try almost 2000 entries with different game titles and different tabs for cumulative profits for each specific game
    Still doesn't mean they aren't fake.

  11. #91
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post

    Hahahahha I got about 20 w2gs staring at me next to my TV screen combined with all the logs since day 1 for the machine plays. You want tax logs? How long have I been doing this? 8 months? And whether someone pays taxes has nothing to do with anything. I suggest you study up on some tax law. After all you're a wannabe lawyer right? You should know all about the supreme court rulings that were never overturned regarding 'income'. Study up peasant.

    Hey Mr. V how's that bridge doing man?
    What "bridge?"

    As for taxes viz. income ... I wasn't a tax attorney but I did my own taxes every year til about four or so years ago, then I got a CPA to do it.

    I DO know that if in fact you won more than you lost you would report the gambling winnings as misc. income on your 1040, and subtract your losses as an itemized deduction on Schedule least back when I did my own taxes, that's how I reported it and the IRS never questioned nor audited my returns.

    Then again, I have heard tales of gamblers claiming to be professional gamblers and filing as such, necessitating Schedule C: obviously I never did that as I play for fun, for the stimulation of it; my having worked hard for years at a good job, keeping my nose clean and saving / investing wisely has given me the ability to do so, and as I am disciplined and don't go on tilt I rarely get hosed , but it does happen.

    Hello, variance.

    You claim to have been a winner for years, so presumably you filed the appropriate returns and they should be available for review, albeit they'd only reflect your claimed wins / overall profit from card counting.

    Although I am a recreational player I have paid taxes on gambling winnings in excess of losses for the past couple years, so yeah, luck happens.

    Sorry sport, but you smarmy attitude, your need to be seen as the GOAT completely shoots your credibility to hell.

    Perhaps were you less of a "Look at me, look at me" kind of fellow I might take you seriously, but that simply isn't the case: as they say "You're a legend in your own mind."

    Now, get off my lawn...
    Last edited by MisterV; 12-13-2023 at 07:23 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  12. #92
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    Regarding why I got into machine play. Maybe it had to do with all the retards who were making money that don't deserve to be making money and then talking shit to me how I'm making 30k a year playing blackjack. This is all just to show these idiots they aren't special and that I'm already running circles around them. Fucking faggots. Let me know when you want me to make 1000 players cards too and see what happens.
    You don't have to convince me that you are a super-intelligent determined person. You have the brains, determination, and some of the tools to crush life in all areas. The question is... why aren't you? Don't get me wrong, I think you're doing great, as I said, life is good.

    So let's take a look at why you don't have 10-15 times more money. A good relationship with a fantastic girl, and whatever else you should have or want. I know a quality relationship with a decent girl is something that you seek. When you got into town you were a young good good-looking guy and in shape. How old are you now? How long are you going to wait until you're 50?

    How is it that there's a great number of people in the Advantage Play business who are less intelligent and less dedicated and have been doing it for less time have so much more and are so much happier?

    1) You have too much conspiracy BS rattling around in that head of yours.
    2) You have too many trust issues you find everyone and everything suspicious. (This is a huge issue that's really hurting you)
    3) You're not willing to take your own advice and invest in/risk money in stuff that you believe to be good.
    4) you have some serious anger issues. I'm not sure if that's the right description but whatever it is you want to call it when you go
    off the rails and on your tirades.
    5) It takes you forever to get involved in new/ Different Advantage plays.
    6) you are way too stubborn and arrogant in certain areas.

    You need to be in some kind of therapy/ counseling, or get some kind of personal life coach/mentor or something and listen to them. I don't know if any of that crap would work, but it certainly wouldn't hurt to try.

  13. #93
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    Logs can be faked.
    Yea trash basic logs with like 50 entries. Try almost 2000 entries with different game titles and different tabs for cumulative profits for each specific game
    Still doesn't mean they aren't fake.
    Are you just trolling him or do you really think ZK fakes and lies about crap? You don't have to believe me, but I'm telling you the guy isn't a liar and a fake.

  14. #94
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    Regarding why I got into machine play. Maybe it had to do with all the retards who were making money that don't deserve to be making money and then talking shit to me how I'm making 30k a year playing blackjack. .
    But are they retarded if they were actually willing to take that leap and learn something as soon as I figured out about it and then advance that into something bigger not being stubborn sticking to Blackjack 5 years longer than they should have been?

    Let's take a look at the group that you're talking about and the timeline.

    Just before covid, we have a BJ Discord group of fairly intelligent blackjack players some smaller bank-banked players some bigger players who didn't know shit about slots. Enter a few slot guys flapping their traps a little(I few yapping their traps a lot). Enter one particular well-liked blackjack player with a lot of connections who stumbles onto a particular slot machine and gets the advice of slot players yapping their trap. Not knowing what he actually stumbled onto, he just knows to play x at x amount.

    He just happens to be at the right location, he just happens to run super well, and he just happens to get a ton of coin in. Checks his mail/email one day and notices all the benefits of playing that particular machine at that particular location. Not knowing if his numbers are correct, or if this is a fluke or what's going on or if this can be done at other locations he starts he starts getting advice from slot players and mentioning it to a few close blackjack player friends. The next thing you know it spreads like wildfire. All the blackjack players are like fuck blackjack slots is where it's really at.

    If you went back and asked him if he knew what he knew now if he would have kept his mouth shut, I can almost guarantee you his answer would be yes.

    Zen King you had all the same access to all the same information even before everyone else did on the Blackjack group, and yet four or five years later you're now just only getting started into vulturing.

  15. #95
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Are you just trolling him or do you really think ZK fakes and lies about crap? You don't have to believe me, but I'm telling you the guy isn't a liar and a fake.
    Axelwolf, as I said a few days ago, you are very loyal to those you consider friends. In this case you seem to want to vouch for Zenking's credibility by now having repeatedly said he isn't a liar or bullshitter. Well I am not calling him a liar or a bullshitter. His basic story rings very true to me, as someone who went through very similar. There is very little that I can point to and say that just isn't the way card counting in Vegas works, like I can point to in some other people's stories and claims and say with great certainty "that is not the way things work".

    But I want to come back to Cosmopolitan and a couple things he said today that raises some eyebrows for me. In trying to dispute my assertion that Comos is one of the sweatiest casinos in Vegas, with a top surveillance crew that utilizes the most recent technology, Zenking said "he has taken 50k out of Cosmo playing blackjack and most of that was in the year following covid".

    Later he said "he won $84.7K in the 12 month period following the covid shutdown June 2020 through June 2021".

    So putting these two statements together out of the 84.7K he won, 50K was at one casino which just happens to be known as the sweatiest, biggest database contributor that uses the latest technology. These characteristics of Cosmo aren't strictly my opinion, BTW, it is a number of card counters, from professional to recreational that I network with.

    So I am asking you, are you verifying that he won 50k from the sweatiest casino in Vegas as he claims? I am not calling him a liar or bullshitter, but I think there is some hyperbole in this claim in his eagerness to dispute my characterization of Cosmopolitan as sweaty and problematic.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  16. #96
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post

    Just before covid, we have a BJ Discord group
    Discord. Discord makes the people here, even the extreme trolls, look normal.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  17. #97
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post

    Yea trash basic logs with like 50 entries. Try almost 2000 entries with different game titles and different tabs for cumulative profits for each specific game
    Still doesn't mean they aren't fake.
    Are you just trolling him or do you really think ZK fakes and lies about crap? You don't have to believe me, but I'm telling you the guy isn't a liar and a fake.
    I didn't say he was. I said they "could be". Anyone can do it. Just look at Robs FAKE $1 million+ VP hand.

  18. #98
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    Logs can be faked.
    Yea trash basic logs with like 50 entries. Try almost 2000 entries with different game titles and different tabs for cumulative profits for each specific game
    Vulturing machines. Where did/do you get your data for what numbers to play certain machines and how or who showed you the machines? Are you claiming you never asked anyone for any help on the data/numbers/games? And no one ever helped you with any of that? Yes or no?

  19. #99
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post

    Still doesn't mean they aren't fake.
    Are you just trolling him or do you really think ZK fakes and lies about crap? You don't have to believe me, but I'm telling you the guy isn't a liar and a fake.
    I didn't say he was. I said they "could be". Anyone can do it. Just look at Robs FAKE $1 million+ VP hand.
    And you have proof of this?


  20. #100
    Not that is matters more than a fart in the breeze, but I recognize that yes, he could have won quite a bit, maybe as much as he claims.

    I don't really care one way or another; what irks me and makes me challenge him is his attitude and his sneering condescension.

    The guy is simply an asshole, at least his online persona is, so as is the case with all assholes anythkng that escapes its lips stinks.
    What, Me Worry?

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