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Thread: Here you go AxelWolf

  1. #521
    AccountinQuestion, MickeyCrimm, AxelWolf, MisterV - seems like the alcoholics are practically in the majority of the active posters.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  2. #522
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    AccountinQuestion, MickeyCrimm, AxelWolf, MisterV - seems like the alcoholics are practically in the majority of the active posters.
    ---> List of marvel comics superVillains that are more than one superhero's enemy.


  3. #523
    What many don't realize is that alcoholism is a disease, a disease that cannot be cured, although it may be treated. Once an alkie always an alkie whether drinks again or not.

    Social drinkers will order a drink, sip some of it, set it down and walk off forgetting about the drink entirely. That sort of drinking is alien to an alcoholic.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  4. #524
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    What many don't realize is that alcoholism is a disease, a disease that cannot be cured, although it may be treated. Once an alkie always an alkie whether drinks again or not. Social drinkers will order a drink, sip some of it, set it down and walk off forgetting about the drink entirely. That sort of drinking is alien to an alcoholic.
    You refer to me as an alcoholic, but I beg to differ.

    I was a social drinker who at the end chose to drink too much: I could stop at any time, and in fact I did stop.

    No criminal issues; I was really putting on the pounds and puking the bed in my sleep (first and only time) was the epiphany.

    I quit alcohol cold turkey, same as tobacco.

    Yes, I was developing a drinking problem, but I was not / am not an alcoholic, as I understand the term to mean.

    When I quit that was it; I've not had a desire to drink since, other than I really miss the taste and warmth of my old favorite, Laphroaig fifteen year old single malt scotch.

    But hey dawg, if you want to keep calling me an alcoholic, thinking it somehow denigrates me and elevates you, go for it.
    What, Me Worry?

  5. #525
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    What many don't realize is that alcoholism is a disease, a disease that cannot be cured, although it may be treated. Once an alkie always an alkie whether drinks again or not.

    Social drinkers will order a drink, sip some of it, set it down and walk off forgetting about the drink entirely. That sort of drinking is alien to an alcoholic.
    It is good to hear you've realized nonsense. Are you an expert in AA or something?

    To have the level of alcoholism that you're talking about, one needs to have tried to stop drinking at some point. I just loved to drink. Made me happy. Had a couple of hard drinking friends. We had some great times. I drank some by myself but it was relatively uncommon.

    Just last night I was talking to a guy who was telling me how much he used to drink. I've known him for many years and had no idea. He was like yea, 5 shots to get started. I don't think either of us drink very often. I can name many men who were hard drinkers and they get to an age and drink very little or none.

    Good try.

    Last time I had an urge for a margarita. Had some tequila sitting around and made it. I drank like half of it .. I have a substantial bar that sits around unopened these days.

    Give us some more clueless wisdom or perhaps stick with the chip pics and 80 supplement schlepping OCD-narcissistic goofball.

    What is the line of where one is an 'alcoholic' is an interesting question. People physically addicted to booze are in a whole different class. I never did that and the people I drank with (for the most part) didn't either. Those that do become physically addicted can have some serious issues all their lives.

  6. #526
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    But hey dawg, if you want to keep calling me an alcoholic, thinking it somehow denigrates me and elevates you, go for it.
    This is Mdawgs entire play on these forums. He thinks if he can smear and discredit other, usually using complete lies, that it some how elevates him and makes his claims more credible.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  7. #527
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    But hey dawg, if you want to keep calling me an alcoholic, thinking it somehow denigrates me and elevates you, go for it.
    This is Mdawgs entire play on these forums. He thinks if he can smear and discredit other, usually using complete lies, that it some how elevates him and makes his claims more credible.
    Stay out of this Kewl. If I need to go toe to toe with the Dawg then you don't need to be mucking it up trying to bully him.

  8. #528
    Yes KJ, we all know that, but the hound seems oblivious to this fact...that's what makes him so hilarious, in a dark, sort of clammy, creepy sort of way.
    What, Me Worry?

  9. #529
    That's UNKewl(J) of you to think I call you an alcoholic for any reason other than you are one.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  10. #530
    People who drink normally don't need to stop, it doesn't occur to them to stop, and they don't make a point of how much or how little they drink or when the last drink was.

    Nor do they have to practice any sort of controlled drinking. Or differentiate between physical dependence and just drinking a lot.

    Bringing up such "points" in favor of "Why I'm not an alcoholic" actually affirms that the person in denial has an alcohol problem.
    Last edited by MDawg; 12-18-2023 at 04:49 PM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  11. #531
    Let's compare this malady with compulsive lying. Does a normal person who doesn't lie all or most of the time need to come up with reasons for why he lies? Does he need to defend regularly his pattern of lying?

    Does he need to try to claim that I lied only about "this" or "that"?
    Last edited by MDawg; 12-18-2023 at 04:51 PM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  12. #532
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Does a normal person who doesn't lie all or most of the time need to come up with reasons for why he lies?
    Yes, of course.

    In normal human discourse when a person who rarely lies does in fact choose to tell a lie to someone they often will feel pangs of guilt and regret later; to allay them they may choose to explain to their target why they made a false statement to them.

    It's the classy thing to do when people act out of character.

    Gee, why am I NOT surprised that you cannot seem to grasp this principle.
    What, Me Worry?

  13. #533
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Let's compare this malady with compulsive lying. Does a normal person who doesn't lie all or most of the time need to come up with reasons for why he lies? Does he need to defend regularly his pattern of lying?

    Does he need to try to claim that I lied only about "this" or "that"?
    The above describes a compulsive liar (like UnKewlJ), and given that you can't even see that you're an alcoholic who merely substituted one addiction for another, it makes sense that you can't see that.

    A person might never have touched any alcohol his entire life, live an entirely sober life and still be an alcoholic. You've never known anyone like that? Who was born into an alcoholic family and knew where drinking would lead him or her?
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  14. #534
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    People who drink normally don't need to stop, it doesn't occur to them to stop, and they don't make a point of how much or how little they drink or when the last drink was.

    Nor do they have to practice any sort of controlled drinking. Or differentiate between physical dependence and just drinking a lot.

    Bringing up such "points" in favor of "Why I'm not an alcoholic" actually affirms that the person in denial has an alcohol problem.
    There are many many wide-ranging behaviors that will fall under the definition of 'alcoholic' by someone.

    Correct me if I am wrong - you're suggesting that for all intents and purposes the guy who drinks all his life - can't stop - wants to stop- physically addicted is an alcoholic and a guy who binge drank with friends and in later middle-age has little to no interest in it is also an 'alcoholic' and should be treated the same?

    That is so logically inconsistent it borders on the inane. It dilutes the word to be near meaningless.

    It is clear you have an agenda because I *KNOW* you're not this stupid. Much like AA people, it is in their interest to categorize as many people as possible as alcoholics.

    Honestly I'm almost positive you have a very upscale education with a penchant for writing. Not sure what your backstory actually is and what is going on with you but I'm almost certain your life has been quite isolated and protected. You really seem to have learned so much from books and what you've read vs experiencing it. I get the same vibe from you that I get from a certain other character, meeeeester.

  15. #535
    Man just thinking about getting roaring drunk with Mickey and Axel back in the day would have been shithouse lolz I bet.

  16. #536
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Let's compare this malady with compulsive lying. Does a normal person who doesn't lie all or most of the time need to come up with reasons for why he lies? Does he need to defend regularly his pattern of lying?

    Does he need to try to claim that I lied only about "this" or "that"?
    The above describes a compulsive liar (like UnKewlJ), and given that you can't even see that you're an alcoholic who merely substituted one addiction for another, it makes sense that you can't see that.

    A person might never have touched any alcohol his entire life, live an entirely sober life and still be an alcoholic. You've never known anyone like that? Who was born into an alcoholic family and knew where drinking would lead him or her?
    lmao alcoholism pre-determined genetically. It is an interesting thing with some truth into it but wow we're moving goal posts.

    An alcoholic who never drank alcohol in their life. Come'on, daaawg.

  17. #537
    If you're going with the Irish perspective (been in that country a couple of times), the "drunk" isn't in the bar drinking nonstop, he's rolling in the gutter and can't even make it to the pub.

    But otherwise, there are degrees of alcoholism and a person doesn't have to be physically dependent or even drink at all (as per my example above of a teetotaler born into an alcoholic family who knows he's an alcoholic and therefore never drinks) to be an alcoholic.

    Normal drinkers don't binge drink, or drink heavily with any regularity.

    Alcoholism is a progressive disease so an alcoholic will inevitably drink more over a lifetime as long as he keeps drinking. A lifetime is a long time to cultivate a habit.

    And alcoholics don't go straight down the gutter even when they drink. They go up and down in terms of how bad their drinking is and its affect on their lives, but the over all progress over the long term is downhill if they keep drinking.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  18. #538
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    If you're going with the Irish perspective (been in that country a couple of times), the "drunk" isn't in the bar drinking nonstop, he's rolling in the gutter and can't even make it to pub.

    But otherwise, there are degrees of alcoholism but a person doesn't have to be physically dependent or even drink at all (as per my example above of a teetotaler born into an alcoholic family who knows he's an alcoholic and therefore never drinks) to be an alcoholic.

    Normal drinkers don't binge drink, or drink heavily with any regularity.

    Alcoholism is a progressive disease so an alcoholic will inevitably drink more over a lifetime as long as he keeps drinking.
    And when these people get to the point where they literally have no desire to drink even when surrounded by it then they're STILL alcoholics?

    Much like the guy who (in theory) won't be able to stop drinking if he ever has 1 drink?


  19. #539
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    The above describes a compulsive liar (like UnKewlJ), and given that you can't even see that you're an alcoholic who merely substituted one addiction for another, it makes sense that you can't see that.
    Gobbly-gook there, dawg.

    You're saying that I am an alcoholic since I don't agree with your bullshit claim that he's a compulsive liar?

    Give me a fucking break, Unlearned Paw.

    Lord, one can only hope you don't confuse "plaintiff" for "defendant" in your legal briefs.
    What, Me Worry?

  20. #540
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    An alcoholic who never drank alcohol in their life. Come'on, daaawg.
    You don't get out much if you've never known anyone like that.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

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