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Thread: Here you go AxelWolf

  1. #541
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    The above describes a compulsive liar (like UnKewlJ), and given that you can't even see that you're an alcoholic who merely substituted one addiction for another, it makes sense that you can't see that.
    Gobbly-gook there, dawg.

    You're saying that I am an alcoholic since I don't agree with your bullshit claim that he's a compulsive liar?

    Give me a fucking break, Unlearned Paw.

    Lord, one can only hope you don't confuse "plaintiff" for "defendant" in your legal briefs.
    It has to do with denial. You're in denial about your own disease, and the sociopathy that controls UNKewlJ's lying.

    You can't see that you merely substituted one mind altering substance for another when you stopped drinking? If you had at least stopped you could say, I was an alcoholic but I stopped because I saw where it was taking me. Instead, you denied your alcoholism because if you'd realized you were one you would have avoided all the other psychoactive drugs you've kept up with since.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  2. #542
    You don't know me, dawg.

    Such armchair diagnoses by untrained laymen have the weight of a fart in a hurricane.

    But keep barking, I find you amusing.
    What, Me Worry?

  3. #543
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    An alcoholic who never drank alcohol in their life. Come'on, daaawg.
    You don't get out much if you've never known anyone like that.
    It is semantics. You have put so much under the definition of alcoholics it means little. "A person who came from alcoholics and refused to drink" would be better.

    Someone needs to have at least passed some minimum threshold but this is a dead conversation from my perspective. I'm going to go get drunk.

  4. #544
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Social drinkers will order a drink, sip some of it, set it down and walk off forgetting about the drink entirely. That sort of drinking is alien to an alcoholic.
    Probably the same thing with gamblers, whether win, or lose. There just isn't one satisfying amount to bet. But, always more, more, more, or, less, less, less.

    MDawg makes a lot of great philosophical points, opens new notions. All, stuff that I thought about, decades ago.
    Last edited by 1Hit1der; 12-18-2023 at 05:28 PM.

  5. #545
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    If you're going with the Irish perspective (been in that country a couple of times), the "drunk" isn't in the bar drinking nonstop, he's rolling in the gutter and can't even make it to pub.

    But otherwise, there are degrees of alcoholism but a person doesn't have to be physically dependent or even drink at all (as per my example above of a teetotaler born into an alcoholic family who knows he's an alcoholic and therefore never drinks) to be an alcoholic.

    Normal drinkers don't binge drink, or drink heavily with any regularity.

    Alcoholism is a progressive disease so an alcoholic will inevitably drink more over a lifetime as long as he keeps drinking.
    And when these people get to the point where they literally have no desire to drink even when surrounded by it then they're STILL alcoholics?
    Why stop if it's not a problem? What if the alkie substitutes, Psych meds, mood stabilizers, antidepressants? Xanax? Etc.?
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  6. #546
    Originally Posted by 1Hit1der View Post
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Social drinkers will order a drink, sip some of it, set it down and walk off forgetting about the drink entirely. That sort of drinking is alien to an alcoholic.
    Probably the same thing with gamblers, whether win, or lose. There just isn't one satisfying amount to bet. But, always more, more, more, or, less, less, less.

    MDawg makes a lot of great philosophical points, opens new notions.
    Yes gambling addiction is the same sort of thing. The need or desire to bet more and higher amounts is similar to the tolerance an alcoholic or drug addict develops, with the consummate need to bet more or drink/use more to get the same feeling.

    I suppose it could be argued then, that if this betting more and more leads to more and more winning, then it is okay, but if it leads to more and more losing, it is not okay.

    But as far as alcohol, I can't think of an example of where more and more drinking could lead to anything good.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  7. #547
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    I suppose it could be argued then, that if this betting more and more leads to more and more winning, then it is okay, but if it leads to more and more losing, it is not okay.
    ---> Make-Up Artists and Hair Stylists Guild Award for Best Hair Styling in a Feature-Length Motion Picture.

    That's true only in the short term. At least with losing everything, or, drinking too much, there's the (small) chance that each can be quit, for good, that the thus delusions fall to the side.

  8. #548
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    If you're going with the Irish perspective (been in that country a couple of times), the "drunk" isn't in the bar drinking nonstop, he's rolling in the gutter and can't even make it to pub.

    But otherwise, there are degrees of alcoholism but a person doesn't have to be physically dependent or even drink at all (as per my example above of a teetotaler born into an alcoholic family who knows he's an alcoholic and therefore never drinks) to be an alcoholic.

    Normal drinkers don't binge drink, or drink heavily with any regularity.

    Alcoholism is a progressive disease so an alcoholic will inevitably drink more over a lifetime as long as he keeps drinking.
    And when these people get to the point where they literally have no desire to drink even when surrounded by it then they're STILL alcoholics?
    Why stop if it's not a problem? What if the alkie substitutes, Psych meds, mood stabilizers, antidepressants? Xanax? Etc.?
    I don't think most hard drinkers are oblivious to every downside. They may be in denial about some aspects. People.quit simply because they are health conscious so therefore they had a problem?

    People have all sorts of addictions they just don't get a word to define it. You're suggesting someone who had a degenerate gambler parent is therefore one themselves? You can take that position just seems to not have much value.

  9. #549
    The disease of addiction/alcoholism isn't passed along universally to every offspring, and the children of alcoholics/addicts might end up better or worse in terms of their disease if they get it at all.

    But if both parents were alcoholics/addicts there is a decent chance that a child will have the disease too, although it of course might miss a child or even a generation - and again, it could end up worse or better than the parent(s) if passed along at all.

    It's not much different from Mendel's work with peas, and passing along genetic traits, although much more complex, also because alcoholism isn't entirely genetic based it is also based on environment, but most experts agree that if the genetic component is there, it won't take much environment to end up with drinking problems.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  10. #550
    You seem have looked into the issue of addiction.

    Given your claims of essentially living in strip casinos for weeks on end I can understand why.

    So, down to brass tacks...Dawg, do you believe you are a gambling addict, or that you have a gambling problem?

    If not, why not?
    What, Me Worry?

  11. #551
    Originally Posted by jce102jz View Post
    I have never posted on this forum before, the only reason I made this account is to see what ZK posts.

    But I just found this thread yesterday and just finished reading it today. And now I want to post.

    I used to look up to Axelwolf. I used to think, "wow, this guy is impressive because he can manage these awesome plays even though he drinks a lot."

    But soon I started to realize that he did not have his drinking under control, and that he was not managing his plays like a pro.

    Debatably I am the 18 year old he had doing his bidding that was mentioned earlier in this thread.

    Axelwolf was drunk 80% of the time I worked with him. He used to have me order his drinks for him, so that he could have two drinks at the same time. Always captain morgan.

    Axelwolf's decision making skills were affected by his drinking, no question. He would be drunk, then make poor decisions, which in the end costed team money.

    One time I was driving axelwolf across state lines on Christmas Day. We stopped at multiple gas stations along the way, but they were all sold out of gas. We barely reached the final gas station before a huge distance of no gas. Running on fumes. That gas station was closed until 8am. It was around 1am at the time. Both me and the other passenger in the car said that we should just stop here and wait for them to open at 8am so we can buy gas. Axelwolf raised his voice and started yelling at us to drive into the desert with no gas. His reasoning was that there was no phone signal, and because of that we can't stay there. Axelwolf started yelling and told me to drive into the desert. So I did. And we ran out of gas in the middle of the desert. We were forced to pay a tow truck company $300 to deliver 2 gallons of gas to us, and they didn't even show up until 8am.

    I believe that 99% of people would have made the right decision in that moment, but axelwolf was not able to.

    I have personally witnessed axel forget very important details multiple times. One time I lost $2000 while working with him. When I brought it up, he said "You're so full of shit."

    One time I was driving axel around in one of my cars that I really liked. Axel asked to smoke inside, I said no. He complained and I gave in because I felt obligated to him. He said "I'm not going to burn a hole in your seat." He immediately burned a hole in my seat. Nobody has ever smoked in that car before, you were the first and only one and you burned a hole, and you didn't mention it. I discovered it when I got home.

    I don't like to badmouth anybody. But after reading this post, I see now that I am not alone in my opinions of axelwolf. Everyone held him in such high regards that I felt like I could blindly tru

    Axelwolf has taught me a lot. He was my first step into the world of slot AP. He was kind to me and provided me with a huge first step. He showed what to do, and through his own actions, showed me what not to do. I learned a ton from him, and for that I am truly thankful. Really.

    However in the end, I realize that I was just a piece of advantage that could easily be taken. That was the most important lesson that I learned.

    Sorry to bring up a dead beaten horse, Axel, but after reading through this thread I realize that I am not alone, and that I need to submit my vote that this thread is accurate in its assessment.
    Let me get this straight. This guy talks about decision making abilities but can't figure out how to gas his car up before winding up in the desert short on gas.

    Then he loses $2k of someone else's money and wants to talk shit about them.

    Then he says, "Axelwolf has taught me a lot. He was my first step into the world of slot AP. He was kind to me and provided me with a huge first step. He showed what to do, and through his own actions, showed me what not to do. I learned a ton from him, and for that I am truly thankful. Really."

    Then he shows thankfulness by trying to shit all over that person on a public forum instead of having a simple conversation. This is the problem with today's youth.

    What a joke.
    Last edited by MaxPen; 12-18-2023 at 06:23 PM.

  12. #552
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    You seem have looked into the issue of addiction.

    Given your claims of essentially living in strip casinos for weeks on end I can understand why.

    So, down to brass tacks...Dawg, do you believe you are a gambling addict, or that you have a gambling problem?

    If not, why not?
    I haven't really "looked into it" recently or anything like that, I just know a lot about many different things, including alcoholism and addiction.

    As far as gambling addiction, one of the very big players I know was saying "Gambling addiction is the worst thing" to a couple of the dealers, about a year ago. I haven't seen that player other than one time soon after hearing that, since. That sort of thing that statement and disappearance does get one to thinking about addiction in general.

    Plus when you see some of these high rollers come in and dump literally millions and then come back just weeks or maybe months later and do the same thing, and then again, over and over, it makes you wonder.

    I don't drink or use any drugs doesn't mean I can't or don't know anything about alcoholism or addiction. I have observed both in more than a few people over the years, as have most of us, I would assume.
    Last edited by MDawg; 12-18-2023 at 06:32 PM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  13. #553
    V, if you want to get right down to it, you arrested the path of your alcoholism before it got worse. But then you substituted a drug (marijuana) that allows a person to use it, even use it constantly, but have far fewer deleterious effects health wise.

    You disagree with that assessment?
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  14. #554
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    I really miss the taste and warmth of my old favorite, Laphroaig fifteen year old single malt scotch.
    You puked up Laphroaig?

  15. #555
    Now, the Wolf. Let me assess the path of his disease.

    Left to drink, he becomes a practically falling down drunk who still functions more or less (not always, Monet described Wolf as incapable of much of anything when he got drunken). Then he goes through periods when he's on the wagon entirely. Other periods he exercises self will and tries to drink more responsibly.

    But as long he chooses to keep drinking, he will continue to have episodes where the drinking isn't a real problem, and episodes where it is. And over time if he keeps drinking the frequency of the problematic episodes will increase.
    Last edited by MDawg; 12-18-2023 at 06:50 PM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  16. #556
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    He thinks if he can smear and discredit other, usually using complete lies, that it some how elevates him and makes his claims more credible.
    This is one of your 10x multipliers.

    What thought process led you to that ridiculous theory?

  17. #557
    AccountInQuestion, he might be still at the heavy drinking / alcohol abuse phase. Maybe he manages to control his drinking when he drinks to not have problems, maybe partly by just staying inside and not going out when he drinks a lot.

    Maybe he had some sort of chemical imbalance, and the psych meds he mentioned have solved that, such that he doesn't feel the biochemical or psychic need to drink so much anymore.

    But if he keeps drinking, from the pattern he describes, he will most likely have increasing alcohol related problems, and come to a crossroads where he will have to either stop completely or just give up and keep drinking including with problems.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  18. #558
    MickeyCrimm. He's perhaps the wisest of the alcoholics mentioned today, because he recognized that it was not something he could or wanted to control, and stopped entirely (let's assume he is telling the truth about stopping). Complete abstinence most agree is the best treatment for alcoholism or alcohol problems.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  19. #559
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    I really miss the taste and warmth of my old favorite, Laphroaig fifteen year old single malt scotch.
    You puked up Laphroaig?
    LOL, hell no, perish the thought.

    Toward the end I was pounding Gilbey's gin.

    IIRC, that final event invoved mixing a variety of potables at my buddies house, watching NFL all day 'til the wee hours, playing craps on his kitchen table.
    What, Me Worry?

  20. #560
    And then we have UNKewlJ. His addiction is to lying. He can't stop lying. He can't even acknowledge his lies except via other lies.

    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Guess who said this UNKewlJ?

    He's pretty much a pathological liar you can't believe anything he says. But also probably a sociopath and they have no guilt no shame no embarrassment. They simply make up lies to cover the other lies.

    Could it be perhaps that well known AP you used to think is on your side?

    But it was so well said I decided to just adopt it for myself.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

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