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Thread: Tracking multiple BJ tables - Richard Munchkin

  1. #61
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post

    For your information, Zengrifter ran the voodoo section at blackjackinfo, which when blackjackinfo shut down, Ken Smith, broke off that "voodoo" section and gave it to zengrifter (maybe sold for some small amount, Idk) and that section became a new site the Zenzoneforum. Are you confusing Sonny with Zengrifter, because while Zengrifter is kind of an online friend to this day, that would be a pretty big dis-service to Sonny. Sonny was legit. A professional blackjack player.
    No confusion on my part, I can assure you. Sonny ran that section. I haven't been back since the site stopped allowing posting. So I don't know how it's written up, now. Please provide proof of what you say, or don't bother. Why should I do your research for you to disprove what I am saying?

    P.S. Gotta laugh at the big brouhaha between Flash, near the end of that site, and Wong, if I recall, when they argued about how Flash was vastly over stating his income from blackjack.
    Last edited by OneHitWonder; 12-13-2017 at 06:14 PM.

  2. #62
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    No, you do not get to tell people what they can and cannot make up. This Is the internet, or Sparta!!!! Damn free speech suppression
    There are plenty of larger gambling sites strictly dedicated to persons with a financial interest, and so hush-hush. Along the way, though, were a couple or three biggish ones that allowed things out in the open.

  3. #63
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    I'm in two no-charge contests -- Northbet and Heritage. I'm in one for which there is a fee, the Wise Guys, which is invitation-only, if you bothered to google it. The contest my girlfriend won, LineMasters, I was not in because I do not like the format. Oh, yeah, I signed up for the freebie at Stations Casinos and entered the first four weeks of games when I was in Las Vegas in August. Got two free lunches and $20 in slot play for doing that, so I guess it was an AP move. That's it. Good try, though. You know, OneHit, if you want to challenge me, I'm aware that polygraphs are considered junk science because nervousness leads to many false positives. But just for you, if the stakes are reasonable, I'll put myself at risk.
    I did try to Google your name, and that contest that your girlfriend won. As well as some other things about you, in the past when I was here before. Zip. I could be too weak and nervous to operate a keyboard, so I'll let it go at that.

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I thought in a previous post, you were going to offer a wager. How about I answer a couple of simple questions? How many contests am I in? Am I ahead lifetime betting sports? Am I ahead lifetime cumulatively gambling? I think those questions would just about cover it.
    I believe that you asked me to make a bet. And I said I bet that your girlfriend has more balls than you; and, later, that you couldn't write something without an ad in it for yourself.

    Well the general background information about yourself would help. This "package" business has left me very sceptical.

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    But you're an anonymous loser. No way you'll step up to the plate.
    Who are you talking about? Mickey and kewlj? I don't see any driver's licences from them, either. One guy "screams" how he wants to beat everyone up who wants it, and then tells us it's all in fun. The guys who accepted and didn't back down are no joke, let me tell you. The other nut says he carries. It's no so much that illiterate and "street wise" thugs find their ways to millions in the casino - it could happen with a lot of help and support - as it is that such big winners invariably turn out to be such big losers in life. What are the odds? They are always the least known most-known figures of all time.

    And do tell, what have I lost?

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    What annoys me is that I don't play any of the games or engage in any of the trickerations OneHit mentions. Anybody asks me, they get a report on what contests I'm in.
    I wrote that you likely have something to do with hundreds of sports contests a year. Why would that be an unreasonable thing to think about someone with thousands of posts here ostensibly about sports and contests to report such good results here and there?

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Hey, OneHit, I have Georgia at 45-1 to win the national title. The only other college football team future I had was a smaller play on Wash State at 115-1. And, gag me with a spoon, I had Georgia at +900 to win the SEC. Only to-win-conference wager I made this season. I suppose now you'll want evidence....LOL.
    It's obvious from the big slot wins thread on here what is the tip of the iceberg. Nobody posts the many, many more big losses.

  4. #64
    Originally Posted by OneHitWonder View Post
    I did try to Google your name, and that contest that your girlfriend won. As well as some other things about you, in the past when I was here before. Zip. I could be too weak and nervous to operate a keyboard, so I'll let it go at that.

    I believe that you asked me to make a bet. And I said I bet that your girlfriend has more balls than you; and, later, that you couldn't write something without an ad in it for yourself.

    Well the general background information about yourself would help. This "package" business has left me very sceptical.

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    But you're an anonymous loser. No way you'll step up to the plate.
    Who are you talking about? Mickey and kewlj? I don't see any driver's licences from them, either. One guy "screams" how he wants to beat everyone up who wants it, and then tells us it's all in fun. The guys who accepted and didn't back down are no joke, let me tell you. The other nut says he carries. It's no so much that illiterate and "street wise" thugs find their ways to millions in the casino - it could happen with a lot of help and support - as it is that such big winners invariably turn out to be such big losers in life. What are the odds? They are always the least known most-known figures of all time.

    And do tell, what have I lost?

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    What annoys me is that I don't play any of the games or engage in any of the trickerations OneHit mentions. Anybody asks me, they get a report on what contests I'm in.
    I wrote that you likely have something to do with hundreds of sports contests a year. Why would that be an unreasonable thing to think about someone with thousands of posts here ostensibly about sports and contests to report such good results here and there?

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Hey, OneHit, I have Georgia at 45-1 to win the national title. The only other college football team future I had was a smaller play on Wash State at 115-1. And, gag me with a spoon, I had Georgia at +900 to win the SEC. Only to-win-conference wager I made this season. I suppose now you'll want evidence....LOL.
    It's obvious from the big slot wins thread on here what is the tip of the iceberg. Nobody posts the many, many more big losses.

    Well, OneHit, truth to tell, I gave people on this forum my complete college football team futures before the season began, so you're out of luck on the "tip of the iceberg" stuff. Good try, though. Very imaginative. You wrote that I likely am in hundreds of sports contests a year. You have zero basis for thinking that likely, and it's frankly ridiculous. I don't do baseball, or hockey, or NBA, or college basketball (unless futures), and even the people I know who do all of those are not in hundreds of contests a year. Or a hundred. You, an anonymous poster who clearly knows something between zip and nada about sports betting, engages in speculation with a person signing his actual name and decide you know something about him, which you do not. You have no data, no facts, and here's the kicker--

    When presented with an opportunity to read "the package," which has op eds, handicapper reviews published annually in Las Vegas, papers published in The Humanist, biographical information, and so on, you really can't be bothered to read the stuff, yet you decide you know what's likely or not.

    So you have no facts, and when presented with the opportunity to get some facts, you blithely turn it down because...why? You're an idiot? You know all there is to know? Or you're just some agenda-driven anonymous loser trying to get a rise out of people who know what they're doing? All of the above?

    I mean think about it -- you DO NOT WANT to examine third party sourced information regarding me, but you're more than happy to blindly speculate. Ridiculous, lazy, and gutless. Very Singer-esque.

  5. #65
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by JSTAT View Post
    I've challenged Richard Munchkin, Anthony Curtis, Norman Wattenberger and others to debate, but these gatekeepers for the casino industry refuse to do it! Check my Twitter timeline to confirm this. Also my video below made in 2009 challenges Hi-Lo Count developer Julian Braun for not including the 7,8,9's in his computer simulation analysis of Harvey Dubner's discovery in Ed Thorp's "Beat The Dealer" in the 1966 revision. This mistake inspired me to side count the 8's and 9's which also helps the Hi-Lo Count player. The dealer will bust more often and our double downs on 10/11 will improve with an excess of them. The original "Beat the Dealer" (1962) was damn good and provided blackjack card counting advantage plays in the entire book. The casinos panicked and Thorp likely sold out to the casinos by providing a losing count in the 1966 revision.
    Jstat, you didn't answer the question? All you did was re-hash things you said 5 years ago, a couple that I will address. 1.) Hi-lo is 2-6 vs 10 value and aces. By definition, you can't side count anything and still have it be hi-lo. Once you start including 7,8,9 you are getting into a different count. There are like a hundred different counts, if you want something that incorporates 7,8,9, then pick that. If you are talking hi-lo that is 2-6 vs 10 value & ace....PERIOD. You CANNOT altar that.

    Again, Munchkin, Curtis, Wattenberger and Thorpe by proxy of mention in the Munchkin video, all are disputing what you are saying. I am not a math guy, I depend on others who are and I have never known any of these guys to steer me wrong concerning math. Norm Wattenberger and I had a two+ year feud involving the way he ran his forum that turned into personal stuff, but even that I have put behind me and moved on from. But I never questioned any of Norms math (or his software). Mathematically, Norm and the others mentioned are top of their field. If you are telling us that all of them are wrong and you re right, you have to provide details as to what you are talking about and that has to begin with you stating what you have made both from both blackjack and baccarat.

    I am not asking you to show proof of what you made. But you have to start by telling what you have made. If they say you don't have an advantage and you have made a substantial amount.....TELL us. That has to be the starting point. Don't just keep posting video, supporting your agenda.
    Below is a video of a Loutraki casino in Greece after a short drive from Athens in 1997. Blackjack winnings in Las Vegas paid for it. Also won a few thousand at casinos throughout Greece. Also hit the Greek Island casinos in 2003 and had a moderate win. Wrote an article of the 2003 trip in Blackjack Forum and soon after, all Greek casinos installed CSM's. A passport and a picture is taken for entry at all of them, so they had a record of activity and the loss of money at their blackjack tables from my card counting.

    Blackjack card counting has been a long affair going back to the mid 1970's. Read Thorp and Stanley Roberts books on 21 and wondered if one can really win. Became a Reno craps dealer in 1978 and Stanley Roberts opened a blackjack card counting right next to the Reno arch. Why would casinos allow an AP school in casino row was asked by co-workers? The doubt of card counting began to sink in. Dealt blackjack to Ken Uston and blew him away. Dealt to a friend who played Hi-Lo all night betting silver (1-4) and he lost hundreds. Went on to deal in South Lake Tahoe and Las Vegas before going back home to San Francisco.

    Met the wife where it was the casinos or her! So we got married, but the thought of winning at blackjack never escaped. Got a job as a letter carrier at the post office and bought every book one can find on blackjack and casinos. Practiced the Hi-Lo Count at home for couple of years and after 100's of thousand of hands of single deck, realized it wasn't cracked-up to be. Then one day a "flash of inspiration" occurred and an ace side count was revealed through this dream which worked perfect with a Ten Count (2-9=+1 and 10-K=-2). Moving the ace in and out of the Ten Count provided perfect blackjack frequency and insurance at heads-up single deck blackjack. Won a couple thousand each trip to Reno or Tahoe casinos when stress relief was needed from the post office.

    Received a second chance at life from an health issue in 2004 and decided to share the blackjack card counting experience with the world. The experience of giving is priceless. Started with the forums, but trolls kept screaming and was discarded even though was telling the truth. Decided to start a YouTube Channel in 2008 and this helped create a baccarat count. AP Heat's Eliot Jacobson wrote a EZ Baccarat Dragon 7 side bet article on the Wizard of Odds site in 2011 explaining how to beat it at card counting. Used the 8/9 side count with the Ten Count to win at baccarat. Up a few thousand nailing Dragon 7's and Player Bets. Still a work in progress.

    Many family and friends have seen the wins at casinos. Druff and I almost had a blackjack session together at the Rio during the WSOP, but he was scared of being barred at Caesars properties. Have also counted multiple tables at once. It's easy since most shoes never start exactly at the same time. Never tried counting while sitting at a table. The ploppies will always find a way to cover most of the cards and it looks obvious. So these are the cliffs of my casino career. So much to say, but maybe one day I'll tell all.
    JSTAT on casinos, poker, and blackjack/baccarat card counting without charge. Saying what needs to said at

  6. #66
    Jstat, you have done nothing but attempt to promote yourself here, very usual. I personally won't click on your videos. I hope others won't either.

    Getting an answer to a rather simple question, "how much have you won", has been like pulling teeth. So far you are saying you won a few thousand dollars here and there, and enough to pay for a trip on another occasion. That is great. Nothing wrong with that. BUT, the problem is that is a very small sample size. And a very small sample size has no meaning....literally none. And there in lies the problem of what I was trying to get to. Your relatively small earnings, over a small sample size, does not give you the right to declare the math and all those math guys wrong because you have won a couple thousand dollars on some unproven method.

    I have never quite figured out exactly what you are about. To your credit, I haven't been you trying to market anything, but then again, I long ago stopped watching your silly little videos. Perhaps you are just one of those many people that enjoys making youtube videos of themselves as if they are someone special. Either way, I wish you no harm. But I do ask, if it is your intent to just periodically post your video, please do so in your own thread. Don't hijack my discussions for that purpose.

  7. #67
    Originally Posted by OneHitWonder View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post

    For your information, Zengrifter ran the voodoo section at blackjackinfo, which when blackjackinfo shut down, Ken Smith, broke off that "voodoo" section and gave it to zengrifter (maybe sold for some small amount, Idk) and that section became a new site the Zenzoneforum. Are you confusing Sonny with Zengrifter, because while Zengrifter is kind of an online friend to this day, that would be a pretty big dis-service to Sonny. Sonny was legit. A professional blackjack player.
    No confusion on my part, I can assure you. Sonny ran that section. I haven't been back since the site stopped allowing posting. So I don't know how it's written up, now. Please provide proof of what you say, or don't bother. Why should I do your research for you to disprove what I am saying?

    P.S. Gotta laugh at the big brouhaha between Flash, near the end of that site, and Wong, if I recall, when they argued about how Flash was vastly over stating his income from blackjack.
    You STILL seem very confused OneHitWonder.

    FYI, Blackjackinfo is alive again for a couple years now.

    You also talk about "brouhaha" between Flash and Stanford Wong, when to the best of my knowledge, I don't recall Wong ever posting there. Just to confirm, I just did a member search, which turned up no results for Stanford Wong. The only time I have encountered Wong was at his own site, So again, it seems like you are confused or confusing things or not remembering things correctly. Perhaps this "brouhaha" took place at BJ21?

    An interesting side note to this, just today, Flash who recently announced his retirement from blackjack play, due to age and health reasons, made a post on another site, where he stated that he had exactly one single year in which his blackjack earning reached 6 figures, 1993. He went on to state that his yearly blackjack profit 'hovered" between $32,000 and $38,000 most years, which are astonishingly low numbers for someone who has self proclaimed himself a professional player of 30 years and one of the top (self proclaimed) BJ experts. And I'll leave it at that.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 12-13-2017 at 09:44 PM.

  8. #68
    Originally Posted by KJ
    An interesting side note to this, just today, Flash who recently announced his retirement from blackjack play, due to age and health reasons, made a post on another site, where he stated that he had exactly one single year in which his blackjack earning reached 6 figures, 1993. He went on to state that his yearly blackjack profit 'hovered" between $32,000 and $38,000 most years, which are astonishingly low numbers for someone who has self proclaimed himself a professional player of 30 years and one of the top (self proclaimed) BJ experts. And I'll leave it at that.
    Wait.....really?! Can you send me a link to that? Holy shit, that's hilarious.

  9. #69
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    You STILL seem very confused OneHitWonder.

    FYI, Blackjackinfo is alive again for a couple years now.
    Like I wrote, I haven't been back there since it shut down. How is that confusion on my part? I moved on to better things.

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    You also talk about "brouhaha" between Flash and Stanford Wong, when to the best of my knowledge, I don't recall Wong ever posting there. Just to confirm, I just did a member search, which turned up no results for Stanford Wong. The only time I have encountered Wong was at his own site, So again, it seems like you are confused or confusing things or not remembering things correctly. Perhaps this "brouhaha" took place at BJ21?
    I didn't write where the argument took place. Is that confusion on my part, again?

    Perhaps you have no idea that Sonny used to post in the more popular baccarat forum under the name Savant? Katweezel and some other were there, as well. Maybe, you are confused, in that you know so little about the on-line blackjack crowd.

  10. #70
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Biloxi you're right. I don't give a damn if he can do it. Because what he claims to do -- a partial count -- is no better than a wannabe dice controller saying he sometimes can influence the dice. It's all bullshit.

    But why do you all care so much that I saw a random shooter roll 18 yos in a row?
    It's funny how they talk about missed cards, etc, at the other tables, but not at their own.

    Now, we have to prove that we can see cards in mirrors on ceilings at twenty or thirty feet. I think we should leave it to the five people who talked about it on the internet. (And to Red with his trusty tape measure.)

  11. #71
    An hour with a tape measure will provide more facts than in all of OneHit's posts on this topic so yeah, first you establish that visually it can be done. That was Mr. Mendelson's initial criticism. The idea that it can't be done mentally doesn't hold much water. It's about visual acuity, first, and if it can be done surreptitiously, second.

    Or, instead of discovering that, we can all wait for OneHit's next proclamation or opining.

  12. #72
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by OneHitWonder View Post
    I did try to Google your name, and that contest that your girlfriend won. As well as some other things about you, in the past when I was here before. Zip. I could be too weak and nervous to operate a keyboard, so I'll let it go at that.

    I believe that you asked me to make a bet. And I said I bet that your girlfriend has more balls than you; and, later, that you couldn't write something without an ad in it for yourself.

    Well the general background information about yourself would help. This "package" business has left me very sceptical.

    Who are you talking about? Mickey and kewlj? I don't see any driver's licences from them, either. One guy "screams" how he wants to beat everyone up who wants it, and then tells us it's all in fun. The guys who accepted and didn't back down are no joke, let me tell you. The other nut says he carries. It's no so much that illiterate and "street wise" thugs find their ways to millions in the casino - it could happen with a lot of help and support - as it is that such big winners invariably turn out to be such big losers in life. What are the odds? They are always the least known most-known figures of all time.

    And do tell, what have I lost?

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    What annoys me is that I don't play any of the games or engage in any of the trickerations OneHit mentions. Anybody asks me, they get a report on what contests I'm in.
    I wrote that you likely have something to do with hundreds of sports contests a year. Why would that be an unreasonable thing to think about someone with thousands of posts here ostensibly about sports and contests to report such good results here and there?

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Hey, OneHit, I have Georgia at 45-1 to win the national title. The only other college football team future I had was a smaller play on Wash State at 115-1. And, gag me with a spoon, I had Georgia at +900 to win the SEC. Only to-win-conference wager I made this season. I suppose now you'll want evidence....LOL.
    It's obvious from the big slot wins thread on here what is the tip of the iceberg. Nobody posts the many, many more big losses.

    Well, OneHit, truth to tell, I gave people on this forum my complete college football team futures before the season began, so you're out of luck on the "tip of the iceberg" stuff. Good try, though. Very imaginative. You wrote that I likely am in hundreds of sports contests a year. You have zero basis for thinking that likely, and it's frankly ridiculous. I don't do baseball, or hockey, or NBA, or college basketball (unless futures), and even the people I know who do all of those are not in hundreds of contests a year. Or a hundred. You, an anonymous poster who clearly knows something between zip and nada about sports betting, engages in speculation with a person signing his actual name and decide you know something about him, which you do not. You have no data, no facts, and here's the kicker--

    When presented with an opportunity to read "the package," which has op eds, handicapper reviews published annually in Las Vegas, papers published in The Humanist, biographical information, and so on, you really can't be bothered to read the stuff, yet you decide you know what's likely or not.

    So you have no facts, and when presented with the opportunity to get some facts, you blithely turn it down because...why? You're an idiot? You know all there is to know? Or you're just some agenda-driven anonymous loser trying to get a rise out of people who know what they're doing? All of the above?

    I mean think about it -- you DO NOT WANT to examine third party sourced information regarding me, but you're more than happy to blindly speculate. Ridiculous, lazy, and gutless. Very Singer-esque.
    I have no idea what lies under the surface with you. Post links to all the internet stuff about you, yourself. That you haven't already done that with me now is highly suspect. Happily for me, with less to type as we go, your quasi-intellectual stuff is really beginning to fall apart. What's the name of your girlfriend?

  13. #73
    Not my job to do your research for you. If you want to read real articles, real reviews, real biographicals, drop by the Orleans next week. You will have to give me your real name, but that shouldn't be a big deal, right?

  14. #74
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Not my job to do your research for you. If you want to read real articles, real reviews, real biographicals, drop by the Orleans next week. You will have to give me your real name, but that shouldn't be a big deal, right?

  15. #75
    Great. Just leave a message there. Or you can PM me your real name, and I'll leave the material at the bell desk for an ID pickup.

  16. #76
    Name:  wise men.jpg
Views: 514
Size:  9.0 KB

    The "Three Lies Men": Mickey, kewlj, and Red.

    Just in time for Christmas.

  17. #77
    Or, conversely, OneHit, you could just PM me your address, and I'll be glad to ship the material to a Christmas gift, you know. Little anonymous boys who call real people liars usually get coal and lawsuits for Christmas, but you could get facts.

    See, I'm just engaging you so you can spin your wheels and demonstrate how you have absolutely no interest in facts. And you don't. You just want to hold forth from some pseudointellectual philosophizing pedestal. It's hard to present yourself as a rational, reasonable bearer of truth when you're too scared to meet the people you call liars or even read what third parties had to say about them. Check those Psych Today articles for a rundown of cognitive dissonance theory and confirmation bias.

    You've gotten your ass kicked by casinos. No disgrace in that. But the arrogance of thinking that if such a bright boy as yourself struck out, everybody else must be lying through their teeth, well, I hate the pop psych stuff, but as mickey said, you are venturing into the whole narcissistic disorder gamut.

  18. #78
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Or, conversely, OneHit, you could just PM me your address, and I'll be glad to ship the material to a Christmas gift, you know. Little anonymous boys who call real people liars usually get coal and lawsuits for Christmas, but you could get facts.

    See, I'm just engaging you so you can spin your wheels and demonstrate how you have absolutely no interest in facts. And you don't. You just want to hold forth from some pseudointellectual philosophizing pedestal. It's hard to present yourself as a rational, reasonable bearer of truth when you're too scared to meet the people you call liars or even read what third parties had to say about them. Check those Psych Today articles for a rundown of cognitive dissonance theory and confirmation bias.
    You're the one with the red hat; kewlj is the one looking up at the mirrors; and Mickey is the one leading the way to the ploppies!

    Originally Posted by OneHitWonder View Post
    Name:  wise men.jpg
Views: 514
Size:  9.0 KB

    The "Three Lies Men": Mickey, kewlj, and Red.

    Just in time for Christmas.

    P.S. You guys could get together, and do a class action thingie.
    Last edited by OneHitWonder; 12-14-2017 at 08:04 AM.

  19. #79
    OneHit, you've been exposed. You're a coward in general, first of all. You don't want to meet the person you're calling a liar. You want to stay anonymous and take online potshots when your issues with gambling get on your nerves. Second, you're an intellectual coward. You pose as someone who is debunking the frauds, only you don't want any facts to get in the way. If I were debunking someone, and there was a boatload of reviews, and biographical material, and a paper allegedly presented at a national conference, and an outline of what that person had done, I'd certainly -- if I really thought I could debunk them -- want to get my hands on all of it and go through it with a fine tooth comb. But you want to proclaim that a person, a real person, is a liar, without looking at any of it and without meeting that person.

    God, talk about a lack of balls, both intellectual and real.

    I have spent way too much time on you, but I thought it was important to expose your bias clearly in a way mickey and KJ, due to their anonymity and how they make their living, could not.

    Very Singer-esque.

  20. #80
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    OneHit, you've been exposed. You're a coward in general, first of all. You don't want to meet the person you're calling a liar. You want to stay anonymous and take online potshots when your issues with gambling get on your nerves. Second, you're an intellectual coward. You pose as someone who is debunking the frauds, only you don't want any facts to get in the way. If I were debunking someone, and there was a boatload of reviews, and biographical material, and a paper allegedly presented at a national conference, and an outline of what that person had done, I'd certainly -- if I really thought I could debunk them -- want to get my hands on all of it and go through it with a fine tooth comb. But you want to proclaim that a person, a real person, is a liar, without looking at any of it and without meeting that person.

    God, talk about a lack of balls, both intellectual and real.

    I have spent way too much time on you, but I thought it was important to expose your bias clearly in a way mickey and KJ, due to their anonymity and how they make their living, could not.

    Very Singer-esque.
    Singer is long gone. So are the Clintons and Obama. And, there's nothing to expose about me because I'm not touting anything. I haven't made millions in gambling. Nor have I lost them. Yes, you have spent way too much time on me, like the others. But, then, again, far too little. The thing about scams is that the perpetrators are so insistent that everyone meet up. Jonestown-esque.

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