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Thread: Video Poker Trucks Run Over Everybody

  1. #241
    Originally Posted by jatki View Post
    Oh will everybody please stop crying. It's a forum with mostly unknown people hurling insults now and then. So what. I've had to adapt when I didn't expect to want to. Arc tells lies about Singer
    Nope, I give him a little taste of his own medicine once in awhile. You on the other hand have been spewing lies constantly since you appeared.

    Originally Posted by jatki View Post
    Who in the heck is arc anyway, other than a multi-forum self-annointed know-it-all who can't ever seem to get enough praise coming his way and when he doesn't and or can't convert others to his way of thinking, he calls the them every name in the book.
    So, I'm the one doing the name calling? What is "self-annointed know-it-all"? The only names I used are simply accurate depictions. I guess the truth must hurt.

    As I've stated many times, all I do is provide the facts provided by the smart folks that figured this all out decades ago. The fact there are still some neuron challenged individuals that can't accept the truth has nothing to do with me.

    What's even funnier is you come on here and essentially flaunt your stupidity. You wouldn't quit while you were behind and now you're doubling down with this ridiculous nonsense. Here's a thought. Actually contact a practicing mathematician and get their opinion ... I won't hold my breath because you really don't want to know the truth. You'd rather claim this is all about me instead of the truth.

  2. #242
    Originally Posted by Vegas Vic View Post
    As it is now, many sensible topics and exchanges are being derailed into belligerent elementary school antics. Any newbies out there who stumble across this forum looking for some serious and practical information will be lucky to find any as it's too cumbersome to sift through all the crap.
    Your call.
    You're right, Vegas Vic, and the latest heated exchange is an example that there is more than one offender. If I "drew the line" would there be anyone left?

  3. #243
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    If I "drew the line" would there be anyone left?
    Silence can be golden.

    I agree with Vic, and think his "time out" idea has merit. If there are no consequences for crossing a line then that line will constantly be crossed.

  4. #244
    This is probably the wrong time, but you have to laugh at arci for his factless tirade against jatki, when all jatki did was feed arci his lunch laced with a helping of the truth.

    Why would anybody want this stuff to stop?

  5. #245
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    This is probably the wrong time, but you have to laugh at arci for his factless tirade against jatki, when all jatki did was feed arci his lunch laced with a helping of the truth.
    Yes, one narcissist supporting another. What a surprise. Funny that Singer used to remark about name calling but has no problem with jatki's pathetic attempts. Of course, the fact that jatki worships Singer and likely takes a bobble-head version of a Singer doll to bed at night might have something to do with it.

  6. #246
    That was pretty funny, Alan. Really funny.

    Although now I want a bobble head doll....

  7. #247
    Jatki, you've been more effective than I thought. Good for you! Just remember, we're only doing this to arci in order to take his mind off his self-inflicted woes at home because that's the only reason he comes here too. Don't let it all go to your bobble-head. We're doing a Good Thing!
    Last edited by Rob.Singer; 08-13-2012 at 08:12 AM.

  8. #248
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    You're right, Vegas Vic, and the latest heated exchange is an example that there is more than one offender. If I "drew the line" would there be anyone left?
    Quality over quantity.

  9. #249
    Originally Posted by Count Room View Post
    I actually remember the title of this article from Rob Singer's old website VPTruth. It was an article from many years ago and he did discuss that $35k loss in that article.
    Here it is

    Video Poker Trucks Run Over Everybody
    by Rob Singer
    Tuesday, March 2, 2004

    Try not to get run over! It’s one of the surest things that will happen to gamblers this side of death and taxes: The big truck sporting a huge sign up front saying “I Gotcha This Time!” will run you over sooner or later. And for those who’ve played video poker for years, they can and do see this truck coming many times over. The main question is....who’s ready for it and who isn’t?

    I’m not going to spend much time talking about other writers and the few times they tell us of ANY of their experiences playing the game. I have a hard time following just what they do – other than when they say they win millions, and get more comps than I would mosquito bites, walking through the Amazon jungle wearing nothing but a thin coating of after shave and a Paris Hilton Fan Club cap. But I will explain what actual play is really like when things don’t go so well. Telling both sides of the story when gambling is something I don't shy away from - and never have. Try getting THAT from your guru friends who suddenly finds solace from playing machines they said they never would, on board any cruise ship with a check writer!

    I’m no different than anybody else. I like to win, and I’m very unhappy when I don’t. My expectations are generally a bit higher than others, however, because I don't often lose, and I go into EVERY session with the confidence of a true winner. Amounts really don’t matter when comparing feelings though. You might be disappointed to lose a hundred bucks. I take losing $3000 hard. An NBA star may not start feeling lousy until the losses start to hit well into six figures. It’s different for everyone, because we all have our own financial situations and positioning in life to deal with. Understanding all this is one of the reasons I am able to effectively communicate with the thousands who write me all the time – and why they for the most part believe in what I say. I also think that because I’m not out to sell them a batch of video poker trinkets, my credibility remains high.

    In the past I’ve devoted entire articles to reliving some of my losing trips. In 2003 I had my largest session-loss ever - $33,960 – and I felt talking about it publicly would make me feel better (which it did). Even though my year was successful in professional play – and very successful for a change in recreational play – that loss still haunts me. But now I have a new one to deal with. I recently went to Laughlin and Las Vegas with a $10,000 bankroll, and returned with nothing but “if onlys” on my mind. So many close calls on big winners; So many ‘Royal Straights’, and so many missed quads.

    I just couldn’t seem to dodge that speeding truck before the day was over. And what made it so tough was that three of the places where I usually win - Ramada Express, Sam’s Town, & Edgewater – were all sitting in the front row to take my money. Almost everyone who plays needs a Royal Flush to have a chance at coming out ahead on a trip. For me it’s usually ‘only’ Aces or special quads – and I saw plenty of Aces – but four of them never did come out at the same time. That truck was always bearing down on me and there was nothing I could do. You know the feeling?

    But as there always is for everyone who lives to see another day, we do have life after a video poker trip. That’s why it’s so important not to play with money outside your personal gambling bankroll. Casinos, of course, couldn’t care less about whether we spend the car payment or lose the grocery money. That’s why they strategically place so many ATM’s on their floors. Players lose, then for some reason they believe one quick hit will make it all up for them. Sure that could happen, but overwhelmingly it does not. Losers can’t see past all the money that’s not yet in their pocket, but winners know exactly what’s going on all the time. That’s one of their main advantages they come in with.

    I do have to admit, I used to fall prey to using money other than that intended for gambling when I played from 1990-1996. I ran to the cashier to cash checks after losing, and scurried to the nearest ATM with that zoned-out look in my face - as all I could really see were visions of that last few hundred dollars turning into thousands with one sweet hit. But it rarely came – do I need to tell you that? I’ll say this one more time: On your next visit to any casino anywhere, take a seat nearby ANY ATM and watch the pathetic show. Then you’ll finally see why this is one of the most valuable of all Singer lessons, and why no other writer ever is able to say it in the same way.

    Losing ten grand to me is getting clobbered. For the first time in my professional career I have to begin my second month of play during a calendar year in a negative position. Does the fact that I’m up just over $550k (no folks, I do NOT cloud my record with comps, gifts, miles, smiles, or even cash back) since Jan. 1997 comfort me when I look at the ‘big picture’? No, not a bit, and that’s how it is when you play short-term strategy. What happened yesterday or what may happen tomorrow means absolutely nothing when I go in to play a session. A loss is a loss - period.My goals are set and are based on what my family or I might want or need beyond notmal living expenses at the time of the trip, and I allocate every winning dollar to some sort of asset or good time.

    There’ll be no extras around the Singer households this week, that’s for sure. But what about tomorrow? What if another disaster hits...and can I sustain it? Well, I feel good about tomorrow’s play for two reasons: The gambling bankroll I need for Romp-Thru-Town type Strategy is far less than what I have saved up for my Single Play Strategy; And since my overall record is 171-20 for all of my Strategies, they do seem to work and I believe I can trust them – as long, that is, as my mind remains sharp and focused. Yes, I was run over by the truck this week, but more often than not I can’t even hear it coming. That’s what winning - and being a winner - is all about.

  10. #250
    Thanks for posting. But gee, what's the difference between what Rob wrote and what the "gurus" wrote when they say they lost but then won and all is good in the end?

    It sounds like the same stuff to me. It all boils down to this: I lost but I'm still a winner.

  11. #251
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Thanks for posting. But gee, what's the difference between what Rob wrote and what the "gurus" wrote when they say they lost but then won and all is good in the end?

    It sounds like the same stuff to me. It all boils down to this: I lost but I'm still a winner.
    Here's the difference Alan. The gurus and math people NEVER discuss their play unless they do it after they've experienced a big winner (or as is always the case with Jean Scott, saying how "Brad" had the miraculous hit.) Dancer does it a bit differently in that he makes sure he let's everyone know he's a wealthy millionaire multiple times while he's spending.g $60k for a $30k car. In my case, if you had read my articles in GT for almost 8 years, I kept readers informed on a weekly basis, win or lose, but because of my strategy I was almost always ahead. I think my article identified that I was behind something at the time. The fact that I was ahead since starting professional play was effectively rendered a non-factor by my saying how nothing past or future means anything when you play a short-term strategy.

  12. #252
    Thanks for posting that Rob, but to me it sounds like the same stuff. Have a nice day.

  13. #253
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Thanks for posting that Rob, but to me it sounds like the same stuff. Have a nice day.
    The point was Alan, that since I was the main reason most GT readers raced out to get their weekly copy of the paper every Tues. morning, everyone already knew of my extraordinairy results because they were cumulatively kept up to date for them. I wasn't at all doing what someone like arci or the others do, in that they are too embarrassed to announce they're behind so they don't, unless they can either post a big winner or series of winners--or make them up. I announced whatever happened when, even if I was presently behind for the year. Big difference, and I'm surprised you don't see it.

  14. #254
    No I don't see it. Because you really have to a have a "long term view" to see that, and I take things in the "short term."

    In the short term it all sounds the same.

  15. #255
    That's just it Allen. I gave readers a weekly result from the individual sessions which was the most interesting part of the column and the ONLY important thing to me, and a YTD along with it. A YTD has nothing to do with long term either. But I understand what you're saying.

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