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Thread: The WoV Thread

  1. #641
    So Michael Shackleford goes on his site and bans some members which is his right on a public forum... not private but whatever. He decides without any proof that a former member has come into WoV posting a ton of questions about people like DarkOz and AxelWolf and RS and BBB and many others. No outright insulting remarks. Just simple questions like why would Dark Oz allow his very own daughter get mixed up into something he wasn't willing to get mixed up in. The question this member raised was why the F isn't AxelWolf who does nothing but post and talk about recruiting not responding to any incident?

    It wouldn't be hard to go on and on but I would advise all members who read up on here to be very careful when getting involved with anyone over at WoV from the top Wizard all the way down to the banned members. I think any adult who hasn't seen the scams of WoV in the past certainly can start to see them now. I had one report of a member who met the Wizard one afternoon and that very night he went out to play Black Jack and count cards only to get backed off and told his action wasn't welcome... coincidence??

    Maxpen has already stated that WoV has lost plenty of street cred with the problems of a former Admin in cahoots with members and a known con artist. Does anyone really think the Wizard isn't involved in some way or another???
    Last edited by monet; 03-17-2018 at 09:38 PM.

  2. #642
    I tend to save some posts that I find interesting over there in case someone deletes them but I only have one of that banned members posts but here it is if anyone didn't read it ...

    This is how it is on this site. Hidden meanings and innuendos. Most of you are well educated and excel in Math, Economics, Finances and many other classroom activities. It is clear that someone zings someone and you have the same people high fiving each other. Not a problem that is how things are in Frat Houses and Lions Dens. This does not answer any serious questions in my post or other posts. You don't even begin to see any leaders of this board apologizing or admitting anything. The best thing I seen was the Wizard saying something like.. yes we knew but we didn't have enough concrete proof so we just waited. He explains that some childish temper tantrum from some previous member made things so "Hot" that enough was enough and he had to Ban WoN after that. So what he is saying is that if Monet doesn't get all wacked out of his brain that WoN would still be hanging around on this site until that other website was posted about his real life name. Don't you find that interesting that this Monet character actually brings down WoN on this site indirectly??

    Now you have some other member named Zcore 13 claiming that he knows all things in the Casino. He works for the Dark Side and constantly gives ZenKing grief over everything that ZK brings up. Zcore 13 is so darn smart! He logs into this site every day for 8 years and at least 3 times per day and has no clue I mean no clue that WoN is SaP??? Tell me another fish story please. That fish was THIS BIG... I swear!!

    It is ok to make fun of the Welsh people on this site but it isn't ok to make a derogatory joke about the Chinese or any other member of culture or society.

    Everyone here acts like this is some big deal about WoN but don't even realize that this site most likely has many more members on it scamming players in the long run. It happens in every trade in any business on the face of the planet.

    The ones all upset at Bernie Madoff are a good read as well. They crucify him and blame him constantly. They even made one of his sons go crazy and hang himself. They act as if Madoff pulled of the biggest scam in history all on his own! He didn't... he had plenty of help and plenty of greedy people begging him to take their money because they believed he was giving back huge gains that nobody every gives on wall street.

    This isn't anything new. Most of you most likely put your money in the banks or in other accounts that the banks control. Well, the banks and the UA almost stole every single dollar from everyone back in 2008. As a matter of fact they did and after they stole it all they told the taxpayers to pay up and they did and what did the taxpayers and 90ish % of the people on this site do with their money?? They put it back in the bank or they let it sit in the bank as if it would never happen again. Nobody starting any wars over 700 billion dollar scams but damn if people aren't upset about 17 billion dollar scams or two bit con artists like WoN.

    The wizard has banned people for far less but he has enough information to realize that he has a known con artist like WoN operating on his site and he holds out using the ban hammer. How long would it have taken before he outed him if that incident doesn't happen with that other nut? Even with just the slightest hint of a Con Man running wild on your site don't you think you have to make some sort of effort to get rid of him instead of waiting well over a year?? I guess not, I mean Dark Oz is sitting over here for 8 months knowing full well that WoN is a Con Man and he says Nothing I mean Nothing!!

    Grow up people... you have an appointment with the grave soon!

  3. #643
    If you go to the suspension list discussion you will find former admins and other members pat each other on the behind for deleting whole posts without any concrete proof. They think they can stop people from posting over there but it is impossible to stop people from joining or re joining a public forum. Now after I read how the former admin or Mod is patting Mike on the back you have to wonder how much did he really know about WoN and how much does Mike know and I think we all know that all those team players over there were buddy buddy with WoN for a long time... just an opinion or observation... NOT fact!

  4. #644
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    So Michael Shackleford goes on his site and bans some members which is his right on a public forum... not private but whatever. He decides without any proof that a former member has come into WoV posting a ton of questions about people like DarkOz and AxelWolf and RS and BBB and many others. No outright insulting remarks. Just simple questions like why would Dark Oz allow his very own daughter get mixed up into something he wasn't willing to get mixed up in. The question this member raised was why the F isn't AxelWolf who does nothing but post and talk about recruiting not responding to any incident?

    It wouldn't be hard to go on and on but I would advise all members who read up on here to be very careful when getting involved with anyone over at WoV from the top Wizard all the way down to the banned members. I think any adult who hasn't seen the scams of WoV in the past certainly can start to see them now. I had one report of a member who met the Wizard one afternoon and that very night he went out to play Black Jack and count cards only to get backed off and told his action wasn't welcome... coincidence??

    Maxpen has already stated that WoV has lost plenty of street cred with the problems of a former Admin in cahoots with members and a known con artist. Does anyone really think the Wizard isn't involved in some way or another???
    I read some posts from the WON thread and noticed that there were several posts in succession where the topic in each post was about how various members were being banned for dup IDs or for insufficient evidence and such. It really reminded me of this scene from one of my favorite movies:
    Last edited by tableplay; 03-17-2018 at 09:50 PM.

  5. #645
    There's a nickle question tax! LOL

    Hey I am ok with banning dupe ids and former members with some proof but to outright delete all serious information or questions... that is clearly some Nazi minded territory.

  6. #646
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    There's a nickle question tax! LOL

    Hey I am ok with banning dupe ids and former members with some proof but to outright delete all serious information or questions... that is clearly some Nazi minded territory.
    I agree, but what I should have stated in my last post was how the banning of people seems to be one of their favorite aspects of their job as admins, just as the Tax Man loves his job.

  7. #647
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    I agree, but what I should have stated in my last post was how the banning of people seems to be one of their favorite aspects of their job as admins, just as the Tax Man loves his job.
    So I go over to WoV and search a little bit. The member that got banned and his or her posts deleted was waxie22.

    This wizard of odds only deletes the information and questions he raised in the SaP/WoN Thread. However, he allows all his other posts to remain like the ones in the ID Legality Thread.

    Tell me this isn't Hitler/Nazi minded territory. If you are going to delete all the posts... go and delete all the posts. You don't get to pick and choose which posts remain when you say your banning said member and deleting all his posts... What a F'ing crock of BS over there.

    I truly believe Maxpen now that the Wizard and that site has lost any credibility whatsoever.

    I suspect after his minions read my post over here they will search high and dry to delete the messages they missed. I guess they can't suppress that information because ZK and Nathan and others quoted him/her and they can't delete those members posts.

    They say they don't have access to personal information on that site of its members but you have to question that BS as well.

  8. #648
    When I first signed up for WoV and started to post and kid around with those guys I thought this is pretty cool. A bunch of gamblers and what not getting together understanding one another and how things are in Vegas. 2 years or so later it is clear that they have a very tight nit group and protect one another and love to hit the Thank You button together. It is always the same crew thanking each other with that button so yeah it isn't hard to see the inner circle of teamers and other circles that work together. The inner circle is obviously the Bank and play harder where as the outer circles are stationed in other parts of the country running free play and finding plays for the inner circle and sending the percentage back to the bankers.

    That place is going to blow up more and more in the near future I have to believe. How can it not? They can't hold onto that scam or crews much longer. They certainly can't get into recruiting new members anymore and when you can't keep recruiting you can't keep the money machine rolling. All good things must come to an end. The funny thing is I am and have always been an independent player. I never wanted to team up with anyone because I don't want to have to trust anyone and I want all the EV for myself and I don't want to owe anybody anything.

    As you can see when you run a long con or a big group of teamers... things will fall apart eventually. I just wonder how deep does it really go? I have had Romes tell me that one of the members has a huge network so you can only think that is how it works. Small cells feeding the Large Cell. I find it very interesting that Romes has been very tight lipped on the subject publicly as well as other leaders of those wolf packs.

    Remember this leader has posted and stated that the Wizard is the leader or teacher and all the members are the students. I get it now.

    I can't wait to see who they make the new Mod!

    It will have to be someone inside the inner circle and most likely someone well banked or well informed or both.

    And supposedly you have honest people like Mister V wanting to get everyone involved in Spring Fling 2018 with these guys?? How can anyone who is supposed to claim that they are honest and moral in the world want to meet up and party with this group who is obviously up to something shady or shady activity. It makes no sense to me!? I guess the Wizard is kinda famous and being part of the group can be fun at times but goodness if anyone goes to this Spring Fling 2018 you might want to be very careful.

    Now it is starting to make sense why they make this thing public and let everyone know where it is and invite all members. They need fresh meat or blood to get involved in the scams and be a part of the wolf pack or crews. I am really starting to see it more clearly now. Of course now since this WoN thing broke out they are scrambling to make the meeting private because they have basically been outed. Don't get me wrong... I am all for crewing up and teaming up to beat the suckers but I don't like when the crew professes to be honest and moral and only into math but behind the scenes they are just doing the same dirty things that us other guys are doing. I don't like that two faced garbage... you want to be a good guy and preach being a good guy ok be a good guy. You want to be a bad guy be a bad guy. I can't stand the bad guys claiming to be good guys and tricking everyone. Nothing new... that's the world we live in... just a complete sham.

    Another thing that is clear is that many long time players have been 86'd out of many Casinos in Vegas because 10-25 years ago the Casinos had many full pay machines well worth big money. So a lot of these players got too greedy playing too long and hard and got thrown out. Anyone remember the Orleans and the deuces and other monster plays. This Casino literally threw everyone out and refused to give them their comp/points. Of course these Casinos share information. So these team leaders can't really play anymore... they need players to go and play for them which is what WoV is all about. Just a recruiting ground for players to join the team. They couldn't get me because I've been independent my whole life. They even openly admit they want players who don't understand or know how to play. I obviously understand it more clearly now compared to before. That's why they don't like ZenKing... too much of an independent mind. Some people admire that... WoV obviously doesn't.
    Last edited by monet; 03-17-2018 at 11:34 PM.

  9. #649
    You're going off the deep end again with your crazy conspiracy theories again, monet.

  10. #650
    Originally Posted by RS__ View Post
    You're going off the deep end again with your crazy conspiracy theories again, monet.
    No this rabbit hole is still yet to be uncovered

  11. #651
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    It’s also been exposed the complete underground at WOV knew all along what was going on for years. I would have to assume that very soon those threads about WON which have to exist for now in order for the operators to play dumb will soon be locked and fade away. They tried to ban the story out of the gate crying about exposing a real person. The guy was a hustling AP skumbag. They should have started a thread themselves with a huge wanted poster exposing everything about him. But, that wasn’t their first instinct. Their first instinct was to protect the traffic and the suckers who join online casinos and hopefully fall for a hustle from a hustling AP.
    This is a quote from BBB just the other day.

    [Quote]My inclination is to leave it open for a bit longer. There are people just seeing it today, and its purpose is to allow people to educate others if they had prior issues.

    There have been a lot of side issues brought forward that didn't need to be in this thread and some unsupported allegations, but I think there are still accounts worth hearing, whether people tell them or not.

    However, if Wizard, Zuga, or any of those above me want it closed, I will certainly not protest.[Quote]

    After they close the threads and they fade away, you'll see the activity of the primary AP hustlers re-appear like nothing ever happened. It's so in your face how the kings of the hustling AP's over their and every where else including here are all mum.

    Monet, obviously has his finger on their pulse and people should be grateful for his information. Of course a couple of the hustlers like RS are looking to protect their scams in the face of the facts being exposed, but hopefully most innocents will catch on. Thanks Monet
    Last edited by blackhole; 03-18-2018 at 03:34 AM.

  12. #652
    I know someone that WoN tried to scam. It was about a $500 chip that WoN supposedly couldn't cash. Possibly 86'd from the casino or something like that. WoN said he would flip him $100 for cashing it. Then he turned that into "send me $400 and I'll mail you the chip." Dude didn't bite.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  13. #653
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    It’s also been exposed the complete underground at WOV knew all along what was going on for years. I would have to assume that very soon those threads about WON which have to exist for now in order for the operators to play dumb will soon be locked and fade away. They tried to ban the story out of the gate crying about exposing a real person. The guy was a hustling AP skumbag. They should have started a thread themselves with a huge wanted poster exposing everything about him. But, that wasn’t their first instinct. Their first instinct was to protect the traffic and the suckers who join online casinos and hopefully fall for a hustle from a hustling AP.
    This is a quote from BBB just the other day.

    [Quote]My inclination is to leave it open for a bit longer. There are people just seeing it today, and its purpose is to allow people to educate others if they had prior issues.

    There have been a lot of side issues brought forward that didn't need to be in this thread and some unsupported allegations, but I think there are still accounts worth hearing, whether people tell them or not.

    However, if Wizard, Zuga, or any of those above me want it closed, I will certainly not protest.

    After they close the threads and they fade away, you'll see the activity of the primary AP hustlers re-appear like nothing ever happened. It's so in your face how the kings of the hustling AP's over their and every where else including here are all mum.

    Monet, obviously has his finger on their pulse and people should be grateful for his information. Of course a couple of the hustlers like RS are looking to protect their scams in the face of the facts being exposed, but hopefully most innocents will catch on. Thanks Monet
    You are painting everyone with the same brush as WoN. I would have no problem working with axel, RS and a few others over there. That is, if I worked with others. I don't like making commitments because I don't know where I'm going to be sometime in the future. I like being a lone wolf anyway. But I can see where some of the things that can be done would be mutually beneficial to a major pro and a small time pro.

    For instance, the major pro that lives in Las Vegas knows of a great promotion coming up in Louisiana. He knows a WoV member in Louisiana. So he goes down to Louisiana and runs off the play and maybe puts the small time pro in action on it for a percentage. The major pro returns to Las Vegas and he has the WoV member in Louisiana run off the freeplay as it comes in. That person gets a percentage of the freeplay for the effort. The viability of this kind of play could hinge entirely on whether the major pro has someone in the area to run off the freeplay as it wouldn't be economically viable for him/her to pay round trip airfare every couple of weeks to run it off himself.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  14. #654
    deleted. duplicate.
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 03-18-2018 at 05:51 AM.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  15. #655
    Originally Posted by monet View Post

    It wouldn't be hard to go on and on but I would advise all members who read up on here to be very careful when getting involved with anyone over at WoV from the top Wizard all the way down to the banned members. I think any adult who hasn't seen the scams of WoV in the past certainly can start to see them now. I had one report of a member who met the Wizard one afternoon and that very night he went out to play Black Jack and count cards only to get backed off and told his action wasn't welcome... coincidence??
    I would advise anyone to be very careful when getting involved with anyone, anywhere.

    I think your report may be true (how would I know?) but the reason for the backoff might be conjecture. See? There's this thing that exists called, "Coincidence," and how it works is...

    Anyway, yeah, meet up with people. Or, don't. I don't give a fuck. I'm not meeting up with anyone in the context of a play that I've not already worked with, but that's just me. You guys do what you want to.

    Originally Posted by Monet
    If you go to the suspension list discussion you will find former admins and other members pat each other on the behind for deleting whole posts without any concrete proof. They think they can stop people from posting over there but it is impossible to stop people from joining or re joining a public forum. Now after I read how the former admin or Mod is patting Mike on the back you have to wonder how much did he really know about WoN and how much does Mike know and I think we all know that all those team players over there were buddy buddy with WoN for a long time... just an opinion or observation... NOT fact!
    Whose head did I pat? He deleted the posts, so I asked him if he wanted me to delete my posts quoting him. I was not consulted on Waxie's posts being deleted, had no idea that was going to happen until it was announced, and responded directly to him in multiple threads.

    Were you Waxie? Is that why you're pissed off? Now you have to take the time to create a new E-Mail address somewhere if you want to get on there again?

    For the record, I have no actual idea of who Waxie is or who Wizard suspects him of being.

    Also, nobody thinks they can stop anyone from doing anything in terms of creating an account.

    Originally Posted by Monet
    They say they don't have access to personal information on that site of its members but you have to question that BS as well.
    Please tell me you're smarter than that. If not, you're basically like my former boss at the hotel where I ask, "How do such stupid goddamn people end up with money?"

    You go on there and create an account. What do you need? An E-Mail address. How long does it take to make a new E-Mail address? About two minutes. Would anyone have access to your E-Mail sign up information? No. Even if someone knew what E-Mail you used, could any information come from it? No, how could it, do you think Google, Yahoo, whatever, is going to share user data?

    Do you even have to put your correct information in to create an E-Mail address? No.

    See, I just created It's that easy. Took me under a minute. Feel free to shoot me a message. Let me know you did, though, or I won't check it. I'm obviously not going to use that account for anything. The first name was, "Monet," and the last name was, "Selfdickpolisher."

    Originally Posted by Monet
    Now it is starting to make sense why they make this thing public and let everyone know where it is and invite all members. They need fresh meat or blood to get involved in the scams and be a part of the wolf pack or crews. I am really starting to see it more clearly now.
    Like when you were inviting every boy in town to the Sadie Hawkins Dance back last year? Did you see it more clearly then, too?

    You're straight up going off of the rails. Weed is legal out there, isn't it? You could probably go pick up, I don't know what quantities weed is sold in. I'm guessing not dime bags. You could probably go pick up the smallest available weed unit and it might calm you down a little.
    Last edited by Mission146; 03-18-2018 at 06:44 AM.

  16. #656
    I have been to two WoVCons, and can say that Monet's claim that " this group who is obviously up to something shady or shady activity" is completely wrong, in my observation.

    He implies the attendees were mostly co-conspirators; that's not how it seemed to me.

    Many / most attendees were NOT Las Vegas locals, and at no time was the issue of team play brought up or even discussed in passing.

    No secret signs or handshakes were exchanged, nor was an oath of loyalty required.

    Just some folks with an interest in WoV hanging together at an innocent meet and greet.
    What, Me Worry?

  17. #657
    See Mission146, your getting personal and just making up stories. I don't get the SadieHawkins dance reference unless you mean when I invited everyone to a free dinner at Hugos but nobody could agree and everyone was scared of association or publicly listing the day and time. I have let it known on this site I have over 20 accounts on WoV. Do some better research, Mission your a writer.

    I'm not high or drunk. I don't drink captain Morgan like it's water like your pal.

    I only ask direct questions from posts that have been publicly published. It's not my fault I have a memory that is like a sponge and can remember most conversations on these forums for years or months... sorry.
    Last edited by monet; 03-18-2018 at 06:49 AM.

  18. #658
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    I have been to two WoVCons, and can say that Monet's claim that " this group who is obviously up to something shady or shady activity" is completely wrong, in my observation.

    He implies the attendees were mostly co-conspirators; that's not how it seemed to me.

    Many / most attendees were NOT Las Vegas locals, and at no time was the issue of team play brought up or even discussed in passing.

    No secret signs or handshakes were exchanged, nor was an oath of loyalty required.

    Just some folks with an interest in WoV hanging together at an innocent meet and greet.
    You claim to not even understand how AP works... how can we trust your observations?

  19. #659
    As I have stated before... when they can't answer the direct questions or refute the true information they just start getting down and dirty and call you a fag or a knob polisher... this is how it is with high school and bullies and the mob mentality.

  20. #660
    I know enough that I would have heard attendees discussing it at the table or while walking to and through casinos for a group gamble.

    Nothing was discussed, in fact there was little discussion about WoV issues and personalities whatsoever.

    If it was discussed it was all private and discrete, probably via PM.

    One would think that if as you suspect the "group was up to something shady" that evidence in support of this belief would have been present, and there was none.
    What, Me Worry?

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