Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
Everyone relax. It is just KJ's time of the month. We have all witnessed this many times.
kewlJ does this with every member that joins up at one time or another. It happened to LarryS and myself and others... no big news. We haven't heard the last word from kewlJ just yet.

kewlJ is stressed out right now. Just lost a member of his family. Decided to sell a house and buy another one which is stressful. Packing up all those boxes and moving is no fun. All the APs and Math Guys and Anti-APs just came down on kewlJ for posting cheating accusations on many forums. kewlJ just lost one of his socks. kewlJ has all his liquid tied up in Real Estate for the time being which is stressful as well. kewlJ is moving in with his brother which can't be easy to say the least and they have a difference on opinion when it comes to mating partners.

Honestly though... this forum has the most freedom compared to any other gambling forum. You can call the owner all sorts of names and not get in trouble. You can call all the members all sorts of names and not get in trouble. You can lie on your posts and not get in trouble. You can even get banned and reinstated and after reinstatement you can say whatever you want and not get in trouble no matter what rules have been laid out in your reinstatement condition.

I hate all of you but this forum is a sweet spot for everyone in my opinion.