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Thread: Multi-Carding

  1. #21
    If it's video poker and your friend is sitting right next to you, say "I was teaching my friend the holds (or "just teaching my friend vp, she is new to it")- she is new to xxxx (triple double bonus,joker, etc.) video poker, so I was just playing her hands for her until she learns the holds. It's her money and card. What the heck take the shot.

  2. #22
    I think the danger is when you're observed changing cards.

  3. #23
    People thinking about doing this for a living should read this thread and run for the hills.

    What a sad stressful way to live. I know, I know, it could be much worse, you could be homeless.

  4. #24
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    People thinking about doing this for a living should read this thread and run for the hills.

    What a sad stressful way to live. I know, I know, it could be much worse, you could be homeless.
    LOL. I have no idea about this thread. But I took a long walk in the foothills today. Does that count? IT might surprise you that there are some successful homeless people.

    Yes, it's very sad. But I would like to say thank you to all the little people who contributed to paying my house taxes and car insurance this month. O and thank you to Walmart for keeping the dozen glaze donuts on sale at $3.98. I sell them to the homeless for 50 cents each. How's that for a two bit strategy?
    Last edited by Moses; 01-22-2019 at 08:15 PM.

  5. #25
    Some examples of people who were homeless at one time or another.
    I have the same problem as Stallone selling Low and buying High.

    Benjamin Franklin
    He ran away from his home in Boston at the age of 17.
    He hitched a ride on a ship to New York and then walked to Philadelphia on foot.

    Steve Jobs
    He was a college dropout.
    He was also homeless for a brief period, having relinquished his dorm room.
    Leaving college was ultimately the right call for him, but he did have to spend a while collecting soda bottles to be able to afford to buy food for himself.

    Sylvester Stallone
    Before Rocky, he found himself homeless and had to sell his dog for $50.
    After he sold the script, he bought his best friend back for $3,000.

    Daniel Craig
    He used to have to sleep on park benches when he was a struggling actor in London.
    He’s now worth over $65 million.

    Jim Carrey
    High School Dropout.
    Sleeping on Sisters lawn.
    Sleeping in a VW Bus.

    Shania Twain
    Before she was a country music superstar, Shania Twain struggled with homelessness.
    When she was a child, Twain stayed at a Toronto shelter with her mother and siblings.
    Later, when Twain was just 16, she took shelter by squatting in a vacant house and sleeping on buses.

    Some other people who were homeless in their life.

    Captain James T. Kirk of the Starship Enterprise
    David Letterman
    Jennifer Lopez
    Halle Berry
    Chris Prat
    Dr. Phil
    Suze Orman
    Hillary Swank
    Kelly Clarckson
    Jim Morrison
    Cary Grant
    Kelsey Grammer
    Steve Harvey
    Drew Carey
    Colonel Sanders
    Jim Cramer
    Last edited by monet; 01-22-2019 at 09:08 PM.

  6. #26
    The tips posted by monet in this thread are good, and I like to see threads like these.

    Please don't attack him or others posting such tips, either because you are anti-AP in some way or because you feel he's giving away too much secret info.

    If someone posts info you don't think should be public, contact the person privately and ask them to remove it. If necessary, you can appeal to me, and I'll decide on a case-by-case basis.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  7. #27
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    The tips posted by monet in this thread are good, and I like to see threads like these.

    Please don't attack him or others posting such tips, either because you are anti-AP in some way or because you feel he's giving away too much secret info.

    If someone posts info you don't think should be public, contact the person privately and ask them to remove it. If necessary, you can appeal to me, and I'll decide on a case-by-case basis.
    Just for clarification and transparency...
    I never contacted Dan Druff to remove any posts.
    I never contacted him or anyone requesting any member to be banned from any of my threads.
    I never contacted him or anyone about anything.
    I may initiate a PM which is very rare but for the most part I only respond to PMs sent to me.

    Not that all of this matters but I am not into Gestapo type of behavior.
    Others may not like their threads being hijacked or abused and request banishment.
    I do not have a problem with people doing that if that is their thing.
    I am just stating that I do not do such things.
    I kinda like all the crazy talk anyway and I have sorta learned to just ignore certain posts or members so I don't go Ape myself.
    Sorta Learning Still.

    Besides, on this forum you can just tell anyone who you want to F off or even worse.
    So in my mind, no need for deletion, banishment or punishment.

    Stay Tuned In for an update on current Las Vegas Casinos that you can still rip the card out in-between hands or loading in Free Play.
    Last edited by monet; 01-23-2019 at 07:48 AM.

  8. #28
    Excellent post Monet: Two of my newest friends are best friends even though they are polar opposites. Perhaps the Odd Couple. Bobby has been homeless since the early 80's. He is probably 50. He is like a walking google or something. HE places no value on money whatsoever. Now, before someone sits in judgement, something happened to him in life that was perhaps more than he could handle. Before then, he was a hard working warehouse manager and played football in college. His brother has several car dealerships and is stressed to the max. Bobby doesn't have a care in the world.

    Sometimes I think I should take my laptop down to the sportsbook and just start typing when he starts telling his stories.

    Lou is 82 and still drives the car passed down to him by his Dad when he died in the 70's. He has been investing in the stock market since the 60s, built his own home when his wife was alive, and was a successful engineer. He is worth millions. But the guy won't spend a nickel. Won't even fix his tail light. Funny as hell with the red tape. We have breakfast every Tuesday because that is the day he gets a free buffet. Ironic, Lou lived on farm about 6 miles from the high school I attended. My mother taught at the elementary which was once his old high school before the little towns consolidated. He watched many of my games but I didn't know him. To this day, he still gives me shit about the last game we lost. Lou "I was 17, I don't remember what or even if I was thinking."

    I'm smack dab in between those two guys. Afraid I might become one and hope I don't become the other. But I've learned a great deal from both. I think what I learned most if it's better to accept people for who they are rather than what one wants them to be.

  9. #29
    I'm sorry, but if an adult doesn't have a stable residence, be it paid for, buying or renting: they're losers.

    Further, those who don't want to hold down a job are losers.

    A successful AP is not necessarily a loser, as to be successful the AP must satisfy the first criteria listed above.

    Those who are houseless are a drain, a scourge, and an abomination.
    What, Me Worry?

  10. #30
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    I'm sorry, but if an adult doesn't have a stable residence, be it paid for, buying or renting: they're losers.

    Further, those who don't want to hold down a job are losers.

    A successful AP is not necessarily a loser, as to be successful the AP must satisfy the first criteria listed above.

    Those who are houseless are a drain, a scourge, and an abomination.
    Let us know how you really feel about those less fortunate than you.😀

  11. #31
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post

    Those who are houseless are a drain,
    What about those that live IN A Drain? Here is Vegas, we have like a whole little city down there, under the city.

  12. #32
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    I'm sorry, but if an adult doesn't have a stable residence, be it paid for, buying or renting: they're losers.

    Further, those who don't want to hold down a job are losers.

    A successful AP is not necessarily a loser, as to be successful the AP must satisfy the first criteria listed above.

    Those who are houseless are a drain, a scourge, and an abomination.
    First off we all know you are not sorry.
    Second, we all know this comment has nothing to do with multi-carding.

    Your post or thinking is too generalized.
    Complete holes in it.
    Just off the top of my head:

    Plenty of Homeless Folk dying on the Oregon Trail to settle and create the area where you reside.
    When the Depression Hit back in the the late 1920's early 30's plenty of fine upstanding citizens had no choice but to lose family and home.
    Many times War will ravage a country or its people.

    Even in modern times anything you have or built can be taken away in a blink of an eye.
    You could be born with a disability that restricts you from having the life you talk about.
    Sometimes people born with these disabilities have family and society completely give up on them.
    My uncle comes to mind. If he was born 100 years ago or longer it would of been game over for him.
    Some people have no mental concept of how anything works.
    If I didn't devote my life to him he would be either dead or locked away somewhere.
    This is the type of person who can not be left alone for long periods of time and can not function without someone taking care of him in most aspects of life.
    His condition isn't even nearly as bad as millions upon other millions of people.

    If you were Jewish in War Torn Warsaw during WW2 you were kinda up shit creek going to be homeless and worse later on.
    Same goes for the Catholics and Homosexuals at that time.

    I think you have to re-work your statement.
    It doesn't really matter but it is completely wrong.
    Unless you line up the weak, feeble, lazy and elderly up to the guillotine lines and off with their heads on a daily basis.
    Might as well get rid of them from birth as well sorta like in the movie Gattaca.
    In that movie they weren't getting rid of them, more so genetically adapting them from the womb.

    Fucking V.
    On one hand he is some pot head smoking, Burning Man going, Car restoring type of hippie.
    However the other side of him is a Lying Lawyer who hates the homeless.
    Just like Harvey Dent who is otherwise known as Two-Face.

    You should of been in your 20s during the American-Indian Wars.
    You could or raped, pillaged and plundered all those Homeless Nomadic Indians with their damn Teepees,Tipis, Tepees.

    You talk a good game for someone born in perfect conditions or near perfect conditions.
    Just being born Male and Caucasian will give you a leg up to get to the idea you profess.
    Of course that will depend on location of your birth and family you are born into.
    However most of the world and countries of the world does not give an individual the chance to live the idea you project.
    Try being born in modern day Africa, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc. etc. and create this easy life you talk about.

    Your idea of the world reminds me of Logan's Run.
    Everyone is put to death when they turn 30 years old.

    Last edited by monet; 01-23-2019 at 06:56 PM.

  13. #33
    I don't advocate genocide.

    I do advocate the return of poor farms and programs like WPA and CCC for the chronic homeless.

    Let me clarify my use of the word "homeless."

    I am not talking about someone who is homeless for only a short period of time: situational homelessness.

    Shit happens, and they are not in my sights.

    Rather I heep scorn at all the drugged out, boozed out mental defectives who have burned all their bridges at home and now wander the land like locusts.

    But hey, if you want to be homeless, go for it; if you want to give money to a homeless piece of shit, be my guest.

    Just don't ask me to help out, personally or via my taxes.

    I work hard: everyone should; if you're crippled, find a sheltered workshop.

    Funny, you ever notice how many if not most of these maggots have a smart phone?

    Name:  56a.jpg
Views: 935
Size:  101.9 KB
    What, Me Worry?

  14. #34
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    I'm sorry, but if an adult doesn't have a stable residence, be it paid for, buying or renting: they're losers.

    Further, those who don't want to hold down a job are losers.

    A successful AP is not necessarily a loser, as to be successful the AP must satisfy the first criteria listed above.

    Those who are houseless are a drain, a scourge, and an abomination.
    First off we all know you are not sorry.
    Second, we all know this comment has nothing to do with multi-carding.

    Your post or thinking is too generalized.
    Complete holes in it.
    Just off the top of my head:

    Fucking V.
    On one hand he is some pot head smoking, Burning Man going, Car restoring type of hippie.
    However the other side of him is a Lying Lawyer who hates the homeless.
    Just like Harvey Dent who is otherwise known as Two-Face.


    It’s really pretty easy to explain Monet, V is just a fucking asshole.

  15. #35
    MrV keeping it real.

  16. #36
    Originally Posted by RS__ View Post
    MrV keeping it real.
    Keeping it real would need more elaboration.
    For instance most people are living pay check to pay check.
    This means if a few things tilt wrong against them they are either going to go postal, suicide or homeless.
    Many of them are not even pay check to paycheck because they are in debt up to their eyeballs.
    Homelessness is just waiting to happen.

    You could blame peoples choices or drugs or whatever.
    The truth is the game is set up for so many people to fall into this trap.
    Just the way that the powers that be have set up musical chairs for them.
    Just like the Casino preys on most people who can become addicted to many of the games.

    It really isn't the fault of most people.
    We are bombarded daily from youth to fail or fall into traps.
    Even the successful types who own whatever are just as ugly.
    They just use their money to satisfy their own addictions.

    The truth is the world produces enough food annually to feed 12 billion people.
    It is not a stretch that the world working together could make sure that all people are sheltered.
    The main problem is Greed.
    We all fall victim to Greed.

    The conversation is pointless.
    Do what you want to do and most of us will see each other in Hell.

  17. #37
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    The truth is the world produces enough food annually to feed 12 billion people.
    It is not a stretch that the world working together could make sure that all people are sheltered.
    The psychopaths at the top need to control people to satisfy their sadistic nature. Massive debt slavery and hunger are ways for them to accomplish this, so, although it would be no problem to shelter and feed every one, it will never happen.

  18. #38
    Monet, I know you don’t have to reply, but I’ll be spending a few months in a row in Nevada. I’ll be a short distance from the casinos, and I’m considering giving multi-carding a go of it. I know you’ll think this trolling, and I’ll expect all the other AP’s to pile on and insist on you not saying anything. But, that would be the exact reason why many don’t believe some of these AP stories. AP’s have a lot to say but never answer the real questions.

    First you say: “you need 80 players to give you their cards. I like getting cards from people who aren’t interested in gambling.”

    Why would players who I assume are players want to give me their cards? How do I find people not interested in gambling but have player cards and convince them to trust me with them? I don’t know anyone in Vegas. Do I run assorted ads or just randomly ask strangers for them after explaining my intentions? I guess I could get from my immediate family a good ten cards after some visits. Do I have them all use the same address which would be mine since they all would be from the east coast? You say it would be best to have at least 80, and mentioned having 100 to 200 is ideal. How do I achieve this goal?

    You say: “If you know the mail maxes out at 10k coin in you want to put in 8k to 12k per card. 50k coin in for the month is usually better spread out with 5 player cards.”

    Let’s say I have 10 cards. You’re talking 100k coin in. What type of bankroll is required to do that? What games do I play? Why would I be guaranteed a profit doing this after playing that much and receiving free play?

    You say: “Another good method is to switch cards when you have a large loss. It might be best to leave and go play elsewhere. Not because you lost a bundle but because you may not want to be seen pulling out multiple cards and switching.”

    Define what you mean by losing a bundle? How often could I expect to lose a bundle, and are those lost bundles figured in the math and don’t matter? Will I be making that much money that losing bundles are no worry?

    You say: “If you are going to play daily you can play for 30 minutes to an hour and move to the next Casino. This helps avoid any detection. If you are worried about the tap on the shoulder you should play later hours.
    They are literally rolling back the tape to match name and face as you rip off the free play
    These days you still have a few places where you can pull the card.
    Not only pulling the card when you flop a 4 of a kind or some big draw.
    You can also pull the card when you rip off the free play.”

    A couple of times you mentioned ripping off the free play. Could I be charged with stealing if caught or just thrown out like a card-counter? What happens to my family’s cards if I get caught using them? Will they also be banned from the casinos?

    Please post mathematical stats that confirm the bankroll I would need to put in a 100k in machine action a month, adsorb bundle loses, combined with free play mailers that also come with requirements equals winning? Most important is what type of machines do I play. You never seem to talk much about the types of machines to play. Are all of the same safer machines to play found in all the different casinos? Please avoid RFB privileges since I’m only concerned with the cash profits.

    Thank you in advance if you help me out here.

    Edit to add: I want to apologize for telling you to "fuck-off" in that other thread. I was just being an angry old man.
    Last edited by blackhole; 01-24-2019 at 05:56 AM.

  19. #39
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Monet, I know you don’t have to reply, but I’ll be spending a few months in a row in Nevada. I’ll be a short distance from the casinos, and I’m considering giving multi-carding a go of it. I know you’ll think this trolling, and I’ll expect all the other AP’s to pile on and insist on you not saying anything. But, that would be the exact reason why many don’t believe some of these AP stories. AP’s have a lot to say but never answer the real questions.

    First you say: “you need 80 players to give you their cards. I like getting cards from people who aren’t interested in gambling.”

    Why would players who I assume are players want to give me their cards? How do I find people not interested in gambling but have player cards and convince them to trust me with them? I don’t know anyone in Vegas. Do I run assorted ads or just randomly ask strangers for them after explaining my intentions? I guess I could get from my immediate family a good ten cards after some visits. Do I have them all use the same address which would be mine since they all would be from the east coast? You say it would be best to have at least 80, and mentioned having 100 to 200 is ideal. How do I achieve this goal?

    You say: “If you know the mail maxes out at 10k coin in you want to put in 8k to 12k per card. 50k coin in for the month is usually better spread out with 5 player cards.”

    Let’s say I have 10 cards. You’re talking 100k coin in. What type of bankroll is required to do that? What games do I play? Why would I be guaranteed a profit doing this after playing that much and receiving free play?

    You say: “Another good method is to switch cards when you have a large loss. It might be best to leave and go play elsewhere. Not because you lost a bundle but because you may not want to be seen pulling out multiple cards and switching.”

    Define what you mean by losing a bundle? How often could I expect to lose a bundle, and are those lost bundles figured in the math and don’t matter? Will I be making that much money that losing bundles are no worry?

    You say: “If you are going to play daily you can play for 30 minutes to an hour and move to the next Casino. This helps avoid any detection. If you are worried about the tap on the shoulder you should play later hours.
    They are literally rolling back the tape to match name and face as you rip off the free play
    These days you still have a few places where you can pull the card.
    Not only pulling the card when you flop a 4 of a kind or some big draw.
    You can also pull the card when you rip off the free play.”

    A couple of times you mentioned ripping off the free play. Could I be charged with stealing if caught or just thrown out like a card-counter? What happens to my family’s cards if I get caught using them? Will they also be banned from the casinos?

    Please post mathematical stats that confirm the bankroll I would need to put in a 100k in machine action a month, adsorb bundle loses, combined with free play mailers that also come with requirements equals winning? Most important is what type of machines do I play. You never seem to talk much about the types of machines to play. Are all of the same safer machines to play found in all the different casinos? Please avoid RFB privileges since I’m only concerned with the cash profits.

    Thank you in advance if you help me out here.

    Edit to add: I want to apologize for telling you to "fuck-off" in that other thread. I was just being an angry old man.
    These are all good questions and Blackhole should not be accused of trolling with this post.

    I'd like to take a stab at the question about the games and machines to play.

    Obviously you would want the games with the best return whether it's slots or video poker. Monet has done a good job showing some games with great paytables and mickeycrimm's advice on must hit slots should be considered. Unfortunately it's still gambling and your return in the machines and the offers you receive from card promotions might not be profitable. But it's certainly better to take the risk with a card than without.

    Now when you start using multiple cards you invite additional risks, and they should be carefully considered. Several years ago Rincon in San Diego cut me off from all mailers because of charges I played on a family members card. I lost $3,000 of free play in monthly mailers.

  20. #40
    1. You have to develop your own way to get players cards.
    Most people start with family.
    They may branch out into some friends that don't gamble.
    It is just like anything else. Everyone has a different method.
    You only need one family member or friend or two.
    You ask them if they know anyone who doesn't gamble who would be interested in free money, comps, gifts etc. etc.
    Some of these guys use these forums and backdoor pms to gain access to players cards.
    I haven't gone with that method.
    It doesn't take long once you start showing one person they can get a few hundred a month plus free food and gifts.
    All of a sudden they know someone who is interested as well. It can snowball from just one family member or friend.
    You may have a couple of cards with the same address but it is always better using multiple addresses.
    They pass you the mail or mailer information as it comes in.
    This isn't that difficult. However it can snowball out of control on you.

    2. I am not talking 10 cards or 100k coin in.
    I am giving an example that you should be able to use as a model from that point.
    If you want to use 10 cards and generate 100k that will work but I would much rather randomize the numbers.
    You don't want it too look so perfect these days.
    This all depends on how hard you want to push it.
    Some players are going to be just fine with one or two cards.
    Others like myself do better with many more depending on what is going on.
    The landscape is always changing. Just because I post up some information this month about a certain play does not mean it will last forever.
    It will not ever stay the same. You can always count on it to be evolving around you. Some places are more like clockwork but even they go through changes.
    Promotions change things all the time and they still do pop up.
    Bankroll requirements depend on what you are trying to accomplish.
    You should know what game you are going to play and what the earn rate is before attempting.
    You should also already have your hourly broken down per play.
    It isn't that difficult. If you are at a 1% winner and you are putting in $1000 dollars per hour you know you are going to make 10 dollars per hour.
    You should know your variance before going in as well.
    Some players are more comfortable with low risk so their Bankroll does not move around.
    Other players have no problem playing higher variant games that will move that Bankroll all over the place.
    This is for the individual to decide.
    The information I have posted is a general base to get anyone started. It is not set in stone.

    3. Losing a bundle is different for every individual.
    For some $500 could be a bundle.
    For others 50k could be a bundle.
    I suppose 5% of your bankroll would be a common ground to start.
    Most professionals will admit that a 3% Loss or Win on a Bankroll is kinda big for a session.
    As I have stated many times the most average hourly for grinding is 20 dollars per hour.

    4. Ripping Off the Free Play is just common terminology.
    Perhaps Poor Terminology like saying I flopped quads instead of saying I was dealt quads.
    I suppose you could relate it to Ripping a CD even though you are not stealing.
    Although some do consider file sharing and ripping files to be stealing.
    Anyways the point is Ripping just means downloading.
    Usually when you hear this it means they ripped the card out so fast the computer didn't catch it but the Free Play has been downloaded to your machine.
    Sort of a thing of the past since the Casino knows about this and has put in new systems that will catch.
    You can still do this in some Casinos in Vegas though but be careful because some systems go dark and have you locked in even though it resets.
    Years ago when the Riviera was giving the Loss Rebates and Good Mailers away they had this type of system.
    I thought I was tricking the system with one card because you could wait for a minute and the reader would reset.
    Lo and Behold a month or two later I found out that wasn't the case and that card had been banned and no mailed.
    It did take awhile for them to catch it though after the Rebate and 6 weeks of Mailers which were pretty darn good.
    I had other cards anyways and so did the rest of all the APs who were over there stealing every day.

    5. Are you out of your mind?
    Did you not read the Hot Sucker Thread?
    How about the Progressive Road Map Thread?
    I have another thread as well that maps out what machines to play.
    Some of the information may be dated but a lot of it is still operational.

    Boulder Station Example that is current.
    Jan 18 to Feb 16

    They have a promotion that I posted about a week or so ago running for a month.
    You may not be invited but that isn't the point you should be able to apply the basic math to any game you want to play.
    The Promotion is that 280,000 base points will earn you 2600 in free play.
    This adds .92% to whatever game you choose but lets keep it simple at .9%
    You still can play on a point day. You want to get the 6x point day which gives you another .6% on your play.
    This adds 1.5% to the game.
    Putting in 280,000 coin is going to generate some serious mailers.
    Best to be Local ID though.
    Let us keep it simple and call it a 1% mailer which adds 1% to the game.
    Now we are at 2.5% added. You have a few other things as well but lets forget that.
    You can play dollar 16/10 deuces if you want to nit it up but it will take longer hours of work
    For me it would take around 46 to 48 hours of play.
    Let us play it safe and call it 55 hours.
    You have 4 weeks to put in 55 hours.
    That game is 99.7% payback + 2.5% = 102.2%
    You now have a 2% hammer basically and that is the lower estimate.
    2% at a rate of 5000 coin in per hour is 100 dollars per hour.
    55 hours at $5000 per hour is 1000 hands per hour and you fall short at 275,000 coin in instead of 280,000 coin needed.
    You have to adjust accordingly and my numbers are a low rough estimate.
    Let us say you don't like counting in the backside and you just want the initial meat.
    You have to adjust your numbers to 101.2%... let us keep it simple at 101% return.
    This should net you 50 dollars per hour upfront.
    Running bad or good does not matter since players who are doing this are doing this constantly.
    This isn't a one time or one shot type of deal.
    You only get involved in this when you are doing this on a daily basis.
    This should be just one egg in a basket full of eggs.
    Sometimes you run into something far better and you just skip this and play that.
    It is always changing.

    They have a 2 dollar and 5 dollar 9/6 BnsPkr Deluxe at a return of 99.6%
    Much higher variance though so you will feel the burn on this game compared to NSUD.
    However, you can get the coin in much faster.
    I suggest the 2 dollar because you won't lock up the machines so much.
    This will cut your time in half.
    Around only 28 hours per card although faster players will be able to do it in 23/24 hours.
    Think about that at the 5 dollar level and moving machines as you lock them up waiting for the payout.
    You can get it done in 10/11 hours.

    They also have 10 dollar 8/5 BP.
    Now you will take a hit on the payback of the game at 99.17%
    You are giving up a half of a percent to get the coin in much faster.
    We are talking less than 6 hours.

    These examples can be applied to any Video Poker game in Las Vegas.
    Some players have enough money to take the swings of larger denomination games.
    Of course playing higher runs the risk of being asked to leave forever.
    You have to know what you can and can not get away with and which game is best to play per casino and what time to play it.
    Comfort level is more important as well.
    Some players are more comfortable playing quarters and others dollars.

    6. I am pretty sure the apology is bullshit along with the questions.
    It does not matter and I do not care.
    Fuck Me... Fuck You... whatever.
    I don't really answer your questions for you.
    I answer them to help anyone that may need it or is interested.
    The information is most likely meaningless to you but it may help someone on some other play somewhere else.
    The examples and all of my information is basic guidelines for the most part.
    I suspect you may work for the Casino in one fashion or another.
    Some of the things you post sound like what Casino Management says.
    I am probably wrong about that but who really cares?
    Last edited by monet; 01-24-2019 at 07:25 AM.

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