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Thread: The rollercoaster that is professional card counting.

  1. #321
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm
    You can go back through the archives right here on this site. He said he payed 300K for the 2nd RV. Then after months he said he paid 500K. Then it became 1 million. Now it's 1.5 million. What's it gonna be next year, 2 million?
    Inflation......Robocchio has to keep the lie with the

  2. #322
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    For years Argentino has been bragging about his fabulous, American Dream, private life. You know, all the toys he owns, homes, RV's, etc. He's living the high life while all us AP's are losers. This has been his main narrative for 15 years in the internet gambling forums. BTW, he's been banned from all the forums except this one. But as you can see from his recent posts he has no qualms not living up to contracts he signs. He nonchalantly talks about stiffing creditors like it is the natural thing to do. He admits to not being able to put anything in his name because of creditors/liens. Argentino's lies/sock puppets are legendary. He tells so many lies he can't keep up with them so it's easy to bust him out. He's a compulsive liar.

    You have to learn to read between the lines with some of his shit. "the RV turned into a lemon after two years so we drove it back to the dealer and quit making payments" means he couldn't make the payments and it got repossessed. You can go back through the archives right here on this site. He said he payed 300K for the 2nd RV. Then after months he said he paid 500K. Then it became 1 million. Now it's 1.5 million. What's it gonna be next year, 2 million?

    We are not interested in Argentino's private life. He keeps posting about it, for 15 years. I don't give a rats ass about his private life. He tries to make people believe what a great life he has. But it's all lies and fantasies. His life is filled with bankruptcies, repossessions, stiffing creditors when it suits him, can't put anything in his name. In short he's a bag of shit. But he is good for some comedic relief.
    For years all you ALLEGED AP’s bragged and barked about your fabulous lives. You AP’s always claim to be living the American Dream, and how you are gifted with the talent to beat and live off the casinos dime for decades and still going. Hell, even one of you bragged about throwing twenty-dollar bills to the homeless. KJ even brags about after 15 years of cashing out in the same state never having to show ID or a player’s card.

    Yet, it’s okay for you to say to all the non-believers of your alleged claims that we’re living in a cardboard box waiting for our government handouts. I admit Rob goes the extra mile, but so do you guys. Why is it different?

    The only problem I have is if someone is not anonymous and you want to make claims you know for fact, post it up or tell everyone where they could find and read the same facts you’re claiming for confirmation.

    If you can’t back up the claims you made about a real person on a public forum, be it for legal reasons or for whatever excuses you use, then shut the fuck up; and everyone should consider your alleged claims no different then how we view your bullshit unconfirmed AP claims.

    The forum AP’s have been trying for years to rid the non-believers who just aren’t suckers who are willing to suck up all the alleged claims you make without proof. These unconfirmed claims of a real person are just a continuation of that same effort.

    Please ditz, don’t re-enter this thread about investing in private investigators, cowards, or any other nonsense you could muster up.

  3. #323
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    For years Argentino has been bragging about his fabulous, American Dream, private life. You know, all the toys he owns, homes, RV's, etc. He's living the high life while all us AP's are losers. This has been his main narrative for 15 years in the internet gambling forums. BTW, he's been banned from all the forums except this one. But as you can see from his recent posts he has no qualms not living up to contracts he signs. He nonchalantly talks about stiffing creditors like it is the natural thing to do. He admits to not being able to put anything in his name because of creditors/liens. Argentino's lies/sock puppets are legendary. He tells so many lies he can't keep up with them so it's easy to bust him out. He's a compulsive liar.

    You have to learn to read between the lines with some of his shit. "the RV turned into a lemon after two years so we drove it back to the dealer and quit making payments" means he couldn't make the payments and it got repossessed. You can go back through the archives right here on this site. He said he payed 300K for the 2nd RV. Then after months he said he paid 500K. Then it became 1 million. Now it's 1.5 million. What's it gonna be next year, 2 million?

    We are not interested in Argentino's private life. He keeps posting about it, for 15 years. I don't give a rats ass about his private life. He tries to make people believe what a great life he has. But it's all lies and fantasies. His life is filled with bankruptcies, repossessions, stiffing creditors when it suits him, can't put anything in his name. In short he's a bag of shit. But he is good for some comedic relief.
    For years all you ALLEGED AP’s bragged and barked about your fabulous lives. You AP’s always claim to be living the American Dream, and how you are gifted with the talent to beat and live off the casinos dime for decades and still going. Hell, even one of you bragged about throwing twenty-dollar bills to the homeless. KJ even brags about after 15 years of cashing out in the same state never having to show ID or a player’s card.

    Yet, it’s okay for you to say to all the non-believers of your alleged claims that we’re living in a cardboard box waiting for our government handouts. I admit Rob goes the extra mile, but so do you guys. Why is it different?

    The only problem I have is if someone is not anonymous and you want to make claims you know for fact, post it up or tell everyone where they could find and read the same facts you’re claiming for confirmation.

    If you can’t back up the claims you made about a real person on a public forum, be it for legal reasons or for whatever excuses you use, then shut the fuck up; and everyone should consider your alleged claims no different then how we view your bullshit unconfirmed AP claims.

    The forum AP’s have been trying for years to rid the non-believers who just aren’t suckers who are willing to suck up all the alleged claims you make without proof. These unconfirmed claims of a real person are just a continuation of that same effort.

    Please ditz, don’t re-enter this thread about investing in private investigators, cowards, or any other nonsense you could muster up.
    No one is forcing you to read anything here. No one is forcing you to believe anything written here. No one cares if you don't believe anything written here. You've never added anything to the discussion of strategic gambling here. You are irrelevant here.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  4. #324
    Maybe I'm just a gambler, not a strategic one. Does that mean I can't get my patch?

  5. #325
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Maybe I'm just a gambler, not a strategic one. Does that mean I can't get my patch?
    Of course. I know some people on the inside. Please send me $29k and I'll get you a patch that says "I'm an AP." For another $5k, I can add the word "Pro,"

  6. #326
    Originally Posted by Moses View Post
    Of course. I know some people on the inside. Please send me $29k and I'll get you a patch that says "I'm an AP." For another $5k, I can add the word "Pro,"
    Now that's some funny shit lol

  7. #327
    Blackhole wrote:

    "If you can’t back up the claims you made about a real person on a public forum, be it for legal reasons or for whatever excuses you use, then shut the fuck up; and everyone should consider your alleged claims no different then how we view your bullshit unconfirmed AP claims."

    I have been on some of the same blackjack boards as KJ now for a long time, and although I do think he should keep his gaming business private, the only times I see him get heated with someone is if he is provoked by someone telling lies. Everyone, let's be honest here, was KJ personally attacked in some way shape or form at an earlier time, resulting in a reactionary response?

    On regular blackjack boards no one questions KJ results credibility, it is just the opposite, as you cannot bullshit your way through that, people would recognize it immediately.

  8. #328
    BoSox, I appreciate your defending me, but no need. Please don't waste your time. To your last line about credibility, you know my saying. "It doesn't take that much to figure out who knows what they are talking about and who is just talking". And you are right, on the blackjack AP forums, among members that actually play advantage blackjack, there are very few that think I am not legit and don't know what I am talking about. Some, including forum owners administrators may not like me for different reason, including bigoted homophobic issues on their part, but there are few that don't think I know what I am talking about.

    Very similar here, only magnified many, many times. Those that want to say I don't know what I am talking about either aren't real blackjack players or they go into it wanting not to believe for different reasons.

    In the past few days Blackhole has called me a "fucking faggot" and said he hopes I choke and die on some guy's load. Today he flat out said he hates queers. This is not a man, this is a piece of shit. Do you think he is being objective in any way? Besides that he doesn't play blackjack or blackjack AP, he hates queers and that means he hates me. Just seeing me post sends him into a rage.

    Moses very similar. Today he posted that he couldn't care less who is pitching or catching as long as they are not playing in his stadium (cute). But only two days ago when he got heated he posted "shut the fuck up faggot". In a rare moment of honesty he then posted that "he never liked KJ".

    It is ok that people don't like me. Maybe my style rubs them the wrong way. They take my sharing of experiences as bragging. It's ok if someone decides they don't believe me or my claims. These hateful attacks because I am gay are not ok. The physical threats that Moses has repeatedly made to me and other members is not ok. That is low and sleazy. It is the small mind of a bigoted people. The owner of this site Todd Witteles (Dan Druff) has decided he likes that kind of thing. He has no problem with the hate as long as it is not directed at him, with some sort of Jewish remark. That makes Todd not only a hypocrite, but as big an homophobic bigot as those spewing hate. I mean look what he has allows Singer to say to multiple members for years.

    For years, I have hoped this site could become more than another hate site. I have a good sense of humor and can joke about many things, including my sexuality. I don't do so because it can rub some homophobic types the wrong way. My sexuality is known here only because another member, a back stabbing AP no less, brought it up. NOT ME.

    But there really is no hope of this site becoming anything more than what it is. I start legitimate gambling discussion threads, one about the variance that is involved with card counting and a second about the multiple player card crackdown and both were hijacked and hijacked by hater's calling me a faggot. And Dan Druff says nothing, proving this isn't a site about gambling, or casinos, or Vegas, as the name says. This is just a shit hole hate forum that Todd Witteles finds amusing.

    I am not going to waste any more time on it. I just am not. If I post, it will be just like blackhole. Every post an attack, filled with hate. I said before that I have never encouraged anyone to join and participate here. I will go further than that now. I strongly encourage any of my legitimate AP friends as well as non AP gamblers to stop contributing positively to this cesspool. There is no reason to. Such contributions aren't appreciated by anyone.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 02-17-2019 at 11:38 AM.

  9. #329
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Everyone, let's be honest here, was KJ personally attacked in some way shape or form at an earlier time, resulting in a reactionary response?
    He posted lies about me and accused me of crimes, without provocation of a personal nature.

    He got frustrated by me pointing out inconsistencies in his "testimony", he freaked out and had a manic episode...he started about 30 separate threads using the same title.

  10. #330
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Everyone, let's be honest here, was KJ personally attacked in some way shape or form at an earlier time, resulting in a reactionary response?
    He posted lies about me and accused me of crimes, without provocation of a personal nature.

    He got frustrated by me pointing out inconsistencies in his "testimony", he freaked out and had a manic episode...he started about 30 separate threads using the same title.
    What the hell is this, a court of law?

  11. #331
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    What the hell is this, a court of law? reason to get so agitated over getting caught in a lie, nobody's going to prison for lying on VCT.

  12. #332
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    What the hell is this, a court of law? reason to get so agitated over getting caught in a lie, nobody's going to prison for lying on VCT.

    "testimony"? Really!

  13. #333
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    . In the past few days Blackhole has called me a "fucking faggot" and said he hopes I choke and die on some guy's load. Today he flat out said he hates queers. This is not a man, this is a piece of shit. Do you think he is being objective in any way? Besides that he doesn't play blackjack or blackjack AP, he hates queers and that means he hates me. Just seeing me post sends him into a rage..
    News flash. There are a lot of people who don't like queers. You should hear what they say when you're not around. But you start a thread that you are off to a gay parade for the day. What did you expect? A standing O?

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Moses very similar. Today he posted that he couldn't care less who is pitching or catching as long as they are not playing in his stadium (cute). But only two days ago when he got heated he posted "shut the fuck up faggot". In a rare moment of honesty he then posted that "he never liked KJ"..
    You want honest? Everytime you have the slightest problem with a casino, you go into a big panty rant about on it every forum where your still allowed to post and some where your no longer allowed to post. IF someone chooses to get naked and jump up on the tables and howl at the moon? I could care less. But if they decide to do it in my living room, then I'm forced to deal with it. I believe what I said was "don't you ever shut up"? Meaning, you are always on some damn kind of crusade or something. Like now.

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    It is ok that people don't like me. Maybe my style rubs them the wrong way. They take my sharing of experiences as bragging. It's ok if someone decides they don't believe me or my claims. These hateful attacks because I am gay are not ok. The physical threats that Moses has repeatedly made to me and other members is not ok. .
    I'm not a lawyer but I've watched many episodes of Law and Order. According to Sam Waterston, there is a big difference between saying I will play you one on one or meet in the parking lot. On the other hand, you threatened to shoot and kill Rob Singer. The difference is nothing vs. 25 to life.

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    For years, I have hoped this site could become more than another hate site. I have a good sense of humor and can joke about many things, including my sexuality. I don't do so because it can rub some homophobic types the wrong way. My sexuality is known here only because another member, a back stabbing AP no less, brought it up. NOT ME..
    Who doesn't know? You announce it every chance you get. Okay, two gay guys walk into a Cowboy bar in Wyoming. The Cowboys were shocked. "O really? Why?" What happened? "They were hung."

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    This is just a shit hole hate forum that Todd Witteles finds amusing..
    I'm sure Todd loves you constantly telling him his forum is a shit hole. That should really smooth things over with Blacky, Sing Sing, and Coach Badass.

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    My contributions aren't appreciated by anyone.
    Good point.

  14. #334
    Originally Posted by Moses View Post
    On the other hand, you threatened to shoot and kill Rob Singer. The difference is nothing vs. 25 to life.
    Complete nonsense. I never threatened to shoot anyone. I threatened to kick Singer's ass if he came to Vegas.

    Originally Posted by Moses View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    My contributions aren't appreciated by anyone.
    Good point.
    Altering someone's quote is very dishonest Moses. It is essentially lying.

  15. #335
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Complete nonsense. I never threatened to shoot anyone. I threatened to kick Singer's ass if he came to Vegas.
    Singer is a 70 year old man. How about if I come to Vegas?

  16. #336
    You do what you need to do Moses. And I'll do what I need to do. It's like mickeycrimm said a couple days ago. You have already proven you are mentally unstable. I don't intend to engage with you, but if forced to I will do what I need to do to defend myself. And in case you have forgotten, I have private correspondence from you as well, on another forum, where you threatened to come to Vegas and shot me. I also could line up quite a few other members of the community that you have threatened in the same manner, including Norm (QFIT). You fucking called Norm's home multiple times and threatened him. I'd be willing to bet this is something Norm and I could work together on if necessary.

    Moses, I am banned at 2 forum for politics type reasons. Not politic-politics, but blackjack community politics. A feud with one person that spilled to a second forum, where the owner chose sides. You are banned from how many forums, almost every forum in the community because you are mentally unstable and have physically threatened just about everyone. Get a grip, moses.

    I have actually tried to treat you with respect since you have been here despite our recent history, but I am done now. I am just going to block you like the nobody that you are.

  17. #337
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    You do what you need to do Moses. And I'll do what I need to do. It's like mickeycrimm said a couple days ago. You have already proven you are mentally unstable. I don't intend to engage with you, but if forced to I will do what I need to do to defend myself. And in case you have forgotten, I have private correspondence from you as well, on another forum, where you threatened to come to Vegas and shot me. I also could line up quite a few other members of the community that you have threatened in the same manner, including Norm (QFIT). You fucking called Norm's home multiple times and threatened him. I'd be willing to bet this is something Norm and I could work together on if necessary.

    Moses, I am banned at 2 forum for politics type reasons. Not politic-politics, but blackjack community politics. A feud with one person that spilled to a second forum, where the owner chose sides. You are banned from how many forums, almost every forum in the community because you are mentally unstable and have physically threatened just about everyone. Get a grip, moses.

    I have actually tried to treat you with respect since you have been here despite our recent history, but I am done now. I am just going to block you like the nobody that you are.
    Here is the deal. When you say FUCK YOU? Guess what? You've engaged with that person whether you intended to or not. I've been banned from one forum, drama queen, and that is BJTF. Again, you play the mentally unstable card whenever you get backed into a corner. Come to think of it, you threatened to shoot me if I were to get in your face. Can you even lift a gun? I do not even own a gun. About the closest I have to a weapon is a butter knife...and I wouldn't need that to take care of you. Name anyone who I have physically threatened that didn't come at me first. You can't because it didn't happen. Stop being such a drama queen.

    Sounds to me like you just like to pick on 70 year old men and are back tracking again without the balls to backup what you say. IF blocking me is your only way out? Take it. Cover you ears. Cover your ears. It's 2019, THAT does not make things just go away.

  18. #338
    Originally Posted by Moses View Post

    Here is the deal. When you say FUCK YOU? Guess what? You've engaged with that person whether you intended to or not. I've been banned from one forum, drama queen, and that is BJTF. Again, you play the mentally unstable card whenever you get backed into a corner. Come to think of it, you threatened to shoot me if I were to get in your face. Can you even lift a gun? I do not even own a gun. About the closest I have to a weapon is a butter knife...and I wouldn't need that to take care of you. Name anyone who I have physically threatened that didn't come at me first. You can't because it didn't happen. Stop being such a drama queen.

    Sounds to me like you just like to pick on 70 year old men and are back tracking again without the balls to backup what you say. IF blocking me is your only way out? Take it. Cover you ears. Cover your ears. It's 2019, THAT does not make things just go away.
    I picked on a 70 year old man? News Flash, the 70 year old man has been one of the biggest internet bullies for decades, attacking everyone, including dead spouses of members.

    I know both you and your sock puppet Tater aren banned at BJinfo. Did you forget that one? I thought you were also banned at BJ21, but I could be wrong about that one. Maybe you just never could afford the subscription fee. I guess I have to take you at your word that you haven't participated and been banned at Wizard's site. Unlike most legit AP's you use multiple names, so it is sometimes hard to tell, who is who. If I had to guess, I would guess you are banned at WoV under some name. Prove me wrong. Create an account over there under Moses and let's see if ne of the super Mods there finds an IP match to a banned member.

  19. #339
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I know both you and your sock puppet Tater aren banned at BJinfo. Did you forget that one? .
    You really do fight like a skank. So now you're changing the subject?
    Moses was banned from Blackjack info back in 2010 I think. Long before my time. Tater is a big ole boy from the s-book. He probably craps 120 lb turds which probably makes them bigger than you. But if you have a problem with Tater? I'm sure he won't be hard to find.

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I thought you were also banned at BJ21, but I could be wrong about that one. Maybe you just never could afford the subscription fee. .
    Money really is important to you. Isn't it. I never saw a need to sign up.

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I guess I have to take you at your word that you haven't participated and been banned at Wizard's site. .
    Wrong again. Fruit cake. I have an account at WOV. I just never saw a need to post or many topics that interested me.

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Unlike most legit AP's you use multiple names, so it is sometimes hard to tell, who is who..
    Spiderman. Exactly where have I used a name other than Moses?

    No wonder Singer, Blackhole, and Coach Belly are pissed off. You're a DAMN LAAR.

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    If I had to guess, I would guess you are banned at WoV under some name. Prove me wrong. Create an account over there under Moses and let's see if ne of the super Mods there finds an IP match to a banned member.
    What do you want me to do? Get on and say "hello queer fucker. It's me Moses."

  20. #340
    Moses, it's time for you to crawl back under the bridge and work on your "top tier blackjack system". Go on boy, scamper off.

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