I think MDog for bringing this to my attention.
Your facts are absolutely skewed. It's impossible for me to be drunk 80% of the time since I spend the majority of my time at home and I never drink at home except on a very very rare occasion when I'm having a party or something like and that that might happen once every 6 or 7 years.
You played Pickleball with me on multiple occasions, never was I drinking or had a drink there. I came over to your house on occasions never was I ever drinking drunk there.
The real reason why you want to smear my name is out of guilt, and fear that people won't trust you in this industry. Hey, you thought you were going to be out of the advantage play world for the most part until you suddenly ran across the current vulture play situation.
What's the guilt and fear? That you didn't pay the money that you were owed on a play that you had participated in. The fact is that you disappeared for like over a year after owing money, you claim you only owed x amount okay fine why did you disappear and not pay that amount or at least discuss the situation? Nope, you just ghosted everyone. You had the same exact deal as a fourth party who is in the same situation you were, and they paid what they owed
You were offered arbitration to present your evidence revolving around the whole situation and you declined.
There there is evidence, facts, and Witnesses that debunk your claims in key points in the situation.
People heard your version of events on Discord and my version and most everyone seem to come to the conclusion that your event and everyone seem to come to the conclusion that your events didn't make sense and they seemed to change and backtrack. Mine have never changed they're always remained the same. I am still willing to get an arbitrator to listen to all the facts and take a lie detector if you are as well. Let's do this and clear up all the facts. Present your case, I'll present mine. You claim that you had a maximum loss. If I can present evidence to the contrary then everything you say falls apart and proves that you're lying. If that evidence is brought to light are you willing to pay what you rightfully owe?
Oh and FYI running plays. You were supposed to be running the play, remember that discussion? It was your opportunity, and yes, I have a witness to that.
I would love for you to look Robin straight in the eyes and spew all the lies you've been telling.
I've heard some of the lies you've been telling. Here's one you seem to keep on repeating: I haven't any clue why you keep repeating this lie and it doesn't even matter cuz it wasn't any of your business what I was doing. You had your deal and that was that, you had no action on my playing so I don't even know why you would care. But here's the LIE... You keep on telling people during the play at the Longhorn that I never played a hand and that I just walked around all day, or some BS like that. There were multiple people sitting around me while I played, I earned more bonuses, and I hit more than you. I also got 86ed and that wasn't from just walking around.
If you saw me walking around, no doubt I was, because I was coordinating a situation with 20+ people who needed to get set up, be shown how to play and put on the correct machines, no where to go after relief of their shift, get bankroll money, get paid for hours they were there to hold machines and, basically be doing what they were supposed to be doing. I was doing all that and still managed to hit more than you.
And the play in California (The one you were supposed to be taking charge of) I wasn't even playing it myself.
Whatever the case, let's do arbitration accompanied by a lie detector test, I'm willing to do it anytime you are.
Last edited by AxelWolf; 01-02-2024 at 11:54 AM.
I don't owe you anything, I think you owe everyone an apology for drunkenly blowing the play.
When we were making logs, we would had Column A be "Money in" and Column B be "money out"
Column A - Column B = Column C "Result"
If A is $20 and B is $23, C is $3 and that's $3 profit.
If A is $20 and B is $17, C is -$3 and that's $3 loss.
You insisted that column B has to always be negative. That is not correct, it doesn't make any sense. Both me and the other person in the car tried to explain to you that column B can't be negative. How can you have a negative money out? Column C is the only spot where negatives can show up.
You started yelling at us. You got out of my car, said "Do whatever you want!" and while holding Captain Morgan with your left hand, you slammed my car door with your right hand.
Here is an example of you drinking and it affecting your ability to understand. When I confronted you for slamming my car door you said "I didn't slam your door, that's just how I close car doors."
There was an agreement that whoever was driving would be compensated for their gas and their labor. I was never paid for my gas and labor. I drove to and from California 12-13 times. When I asked you how many times I did that drive, you said "I don't know, 3 or 4 times." Here is an example of you changing numbers.
One time you had me drive a load of people to California to do work for us. You warned me, "There is this lady who always tries to take over the play. She is so annoying. Don't let her take over the play. You're in charge of the money. If she gives you any problems, call me." "Don't let them argue with you, you're in charge."
So when it comes time to pay everyone, this lady starts insisting how nobody is getting paid until she gets all the money first, and then she will disperse the money to everyone after that. Everyone looked at eachother and realized that she was about to take a cut. I said "Axel warned me about you, I am going to give him a call." At this time this lady starts making calls too.
I eventually get Axel on the phone, and you tell me to chill out and just give her the money, and to stop upsetting people. What the heck man you instructed me to do this. You instructed me to not allow this girl to take over the money, and then when I call you, you tell me to chill out and to quit ruffling feathers.
On Christmas eve, you self-admitted that you got zero sleep and was up all night in the hotel room. When we got to the casino you ordered a Captain Morgan, ontop of having zero sleep.
We were the only 3 people in that building besides staff. It was you, me, and another AP. No other guests in the building at all.
You had us sit side by side, playing two machines each, slam firing cards. Your reasoning was that it was Christmas and you were trying to get home before midnight so we had to work fast.
I immediately noticed that this was a dangerous thing to do. There is nothing else to look at besides us. Why are we playing 2 machines each while sitting side by side in an empty casino on Christmas? I kept trying to go to the other side of the casino and put some distance between us.
You insisted we stay together and how it didn't matter. You said "Just do 1 more." So I did 1 more and said "OK I'm moving", But you told me no, and insisted we stay together and keep going.
I said, "Since I have a higher risk than you, you should listen to me. This is really bad what we are doing." And then you got angry and started saying how I was mistaken and that you have way more risk than me, and that I should follow your commands.
Later on in the discord I asked for the official percentages and it was officially reported that I had more liability than you. So how come you said the opposite on Christmas? This is another example of you changing numbers.
On our way home to Las Vegas, all the gas stations were sold out of gas. We had no gas left, and you started yelling and ordered me to drive us into the desert with no gas. We tried to reason with you but you were yelling and insisted. So I followed commands. And we got stuck in the desert for Christmas. Bad decision. Why did you think it's a good idea to drive into the desert with no gas?
Later on, we found out that all our cards were disabled. The casino called me and I answered the phone. It was the Casino manager calling to tell me I was banned. At first he was furious, but I told him that I don't see him as an enemy, and how it's just a game of cat and mouse. It's our job to get the money and it's his job to try and stop us. It isn't personal. After that he calmed down and we had a civil conversation.
He wanted to know how I was able to un-disable players cards. He said how it really pissed him off that I did that. I told him how I did it.
He told me that he was able to read all our texts. He said that we should always go to the bathroom if we are going to text because the bathroom is the only place where he can’t put cameras.
He said, "You know how we caught you guys right?" And I said "On Christmas." And he said "Bingo." He said "Don't you realize that when you hit a handpay, we have to review the footage?"
You blew that play on Christmas because you were drinking, on zero sleep, and refused to listen to me.
You left me on read from 07/03/2022 to 05/24/2023. I sent you a message and you didn’t respond until 10 months later.
When you first tried to recruit me, I said that I was willing to work completely free and all I wanted was experience. You refused and said that I can't go unless I take on risk. I said no thanks. You kept asking me to go. We eventually agreed that I would go as long as my max loss would be $5k. And you said how losing $5k would be a jackpot situation and how if we did lose, it would probably be less.
When you requested I pay an additional $7500, I was already down $4200. $2000 of my own cash, and 12-13 trips to and from California, Gas and Labor. 6600+ miles I drove for this play. Twice I put in 30 hour shifts for this play. You said I was "full of shit" when I said I lost $2k. That is another example of you changing numbers.
At this point I was down $4200. I gave you another $1000 so now I am down $5200 on this play. We are square. It isn't my fault you keep forgetting things and changing numbers. It is because you drink while working.
You're not a leader. Nobody should follow you.
Last edited by jce102jz; 01-13-2024 at 01:22 AM.
You got 86'd from Longhorn because you caused a scene at the end. After I cashed out, security immediately told me I was 86'd. The casino manager, a young girl, and a security guard, a big black guy escorted me out. All 3 of us are walking toward the door when we hear shouting by the cage.
All 3 of us stop walking, and as I am turning my head towards the cage I notice that all the slot players have stopped playing and turned around to see what the commotion is.
You and another AP are screaming "Jews!" and "Beaners!" At the top of your lungs, at the employees, causing a huge commotion.
You two continued to make a scene, and I told the casino manager "Hey we play slot machines, we shouldn't be doing this. I apologize for this, this is unnecessary." While pointing at you two. I said "Do you mind if we just stand here so I can watch this?"
And she said "Yeah, I agree. Yes that's fine."
Me, the casino manager, and this security guard watched you two lose your shit at the cage. That is why you got 86'ed.
You were drinking on that play too.
There is no reason to call a stranger a slur. You don't even know this person. Why are you throwing slurs at strangers?
Last edited by jce102jz; 01-13-2024 at 02:00 AM.
I figured out how to undisable cards. That is my own creation. It is up to me who I tell what I figure out on my own.
Last edited by jce102jz; 01-13-2024 at 05:54 AM.
This entire fucking generation are clout chasing queer rat fucks.
And people wonder why I have little interest in meeting, teaming with and hanging out/socializing with other AP's?Way too much shit like this and airing of shit like this.
That said, as an impartial, uninvolved observer, Jce102jz, you mention 12-13 trip to California and a play at Longhorn. If you felt Axelwolf was incompetent, unfair as a team leader/manager, who's actions put you in danger of 86ing, why did you continue to work with/for him for so long?
Axelwolf has been at this for 30 years and has teamed with and managed presumably 100's, maybe thousands of other AP. I would think if he was soo terrible and dishonest at managing teams and AP plays, there would have been many more complaints like yours, being he has been active on multiple forums for a long time. But I haven't seen that. Most AP's that have met and dealt with Axelwolf speak and think highly of him.
If you had a legitimate gripe with finances and not being paid what you believe you were entitled to, I would think you would have found a better way to express that and try to resolve it, than just showing up at a forum and trashing him, hoping to damage his reputation.
But whatever. Always entertaining on this forum.![]()
Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".
One problem with Wolf's rebuttal is that the witnesses against him (jce102jz and Monet) claim that Wolf drinks constantly and has a bad memory. If true, how could he even remember accurately what happened?
What's interesting is that over at WOV, Wolf is pointing out,
"So your friend is smart enough to make a bunch of money advantage playing slots and accumulate 100k+, but, well... he is doing everything possibly wrong in this situation."
but here this jce102jz is saying that this sort of thing "doing everything possibly wrong in this situation" is exactly what Wolf DOES at times. The timeline doesn't seem to be all that long ago either, isn't jce102jz going over for example, a time period that includes Christmas 2022?
Last edited by MDawg; 01-13-2024 at 10:41 AM.
I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.
MDawg Adventures carry on at: https://www.truepassage.com/forums/f.../46-IPlayVegas
Absolutely, complete crazy lies you are making up and, I have plenty of witnesses I didn't do anything of the sort.
It's senseless to waste time arguing with someone fabricating lies years later.
Fact, When I put you on a play, gave you the information, put up all the money...I paid you your profits without issue.
Fact, you even wanted to continue after the California play went bad after you had all the bad news and information.
When it came time and you owed money you simply ghosted everyone for approximately a year give or take (The ultimate sin in the AP community, reputation burnt). If you had any misgivings objections THAT WAS THE TIME TO BRING IT UP, NOT YEARS LATER.
I didn't even sweat you for the money because I came to the realization you probably just didn't have it and I figured it would get worked out. But since you ghosted everyone nothing could be worked out. I didn't go around talking shit about you, I let it go.
You had no legitimate excuse, therefore you start a smoke screen and make up a bunch of BS because it makes you think it makes you look better or takes the heat off you.
Be a man and tell your lies in person to everyone involved and let's both present evidence along with a lie detector test for both. Arbitration was offered but you declined.
Let's pretend EVERYTHING you say about me is/was true. That wouldn't negate the fact that you ghosted all others you owned money to.
Last edited by MDawg; 01-13-2024 at 11:15 AM.
I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.
MDawg Adventures carry on at: https://www.truepassage.com/forums/f.../46-IPlayVegas
Wolf I’m not trying to insult you here but if it’s not just having a poor memory and alcoholism - what is it then? Why can’t you sit still always fidgeting interrupting people impatient and why can’t you read something carefully or thoroughly.
Were you a hyperactive child? Later diagnosed with ADD?
What “abnormal condition” (the words you used to describe Tasha) applies to you?
I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.
MDawg Adventures carry on at: https://www.truepassage.com/forums/f.../46-IPlayVegas
Word on the street is you've been on yet another alcoholic bender. Seriously though not meant as an insult just plain fact.
I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.
MDawg Adventures carry on at: https://www.truepassage.com/forums/f.../46-IPlayVegas
I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.
MDawg Adventures carry on at: https://www.truepassage.com/forums/f.../46-IPlayVegas
I guess that's the dawg's idea of saying: welcome back Axel!
Last edited by jdog; 09-29-2024 at 11:25 AM.
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