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Thread: kewlJ

  1. #241
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    This is what it comes down to,

    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    It is pretty sick one would deny their spouse. Especially since that is truth. There's no doubt I've seen them both. But this FraudJ is a special kind of character. He lacks any kind of moral compass.

    I guess that's why he prostitutes himself.

    One sick puppy....RIP
    Party at the Mdog's house tonight. The mid 7 figure Las Vegas mansion that he lied about. All his "friends" that he quotes and joins with in bullying and trolling are invited.

    Not sure if he will be springing for hookers for everyone, but beware he now likes hookers "girls" with penises, so he won't lose anymore watches. Your tastes may vary.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  2. #242
    Name:  tilt.gif
Views: 370
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    will last...oh maybe some more hours, maybe even days.

    But the mania will subside, the depression will kick in, and UNKewlJ will run off declaring that he is done again.

    Until next time.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  3. #243
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    KJ can you address the thing about you're partner/husband? You did or didn't have a husband who was 20 years your senior? I missed something or misread something I guess.
    I am going to answer your question with a question Axelwolf.

    What does it matter?

    What does it matter if I am gay or straight? Or had a husband/partner? What does it matter if I am 5'8", or 6'2"? What does it matter if I am white, black, Chinese?

    I have shared my experiences for more than a decade now. Is anything I have ever said about blackjack wrong? Does anything defy the math? Are any of the specific things I do, like spreading both ways, a bit of opposition wagering, tracking multiple tables to see twice the max bet opportunities, playing Counter's Basic Strategy, so as not to show different playing of the same hand, all not really good advice and knowledge? Some of these things that I have taken the time to explain are things that even some experienced card counters should say "That is smart and a really good idea"?

    So I ask again, what does anything I have said about my back story even matter?

    And now I will answer the question I am asking of you. It matters because all of this shit is a result of the homophobia and bigotry of people on this forum. Some of that bigotry/homophobic was hidden a little deeper than others and took a while to bubble to the surface. Not saying you specifically, nor a few others, but in general this particular forum is made up of that older, white, male, crowd, that is generally the lone holdout of gay bigotry.

    Had my back story been that of a 60 year old, white, straight male, I would have not received the shit and attacks that I have endured.

    So one final time Axelwolf....what does it matter?
    I don't care about blackjack card counting information, been there, and done that, and I know tons of people who have done so very successfully. Most of it's super boring and there's tons of quality information regarding technical card counting.

    And, there are plenty of people out there with fun, interesting cool Blackjack stories. I have a few myself.

    It's your unique back story, unique personal details, unique family dynamics, and unique events along the way of your journey as an AP that are interesting to me/most. I didn't have an issue that you were gay... aamof, that was something that made you different and interesting(Yes there are many CCs who are, but it's not really something you hear about that often) I didn't care what race you were, I didn't have an issue with who you dated, I wouldn't have cared what limits you played.

    I think someone's appropriate age matters to me, I want to know if I'm having a conversation with a 22-year-old or a 65-year-old.
    Exact weight height, nationality, and hair color should be concealed but if someone is claiming they are some 6'2 ripped bodybuilder but they are actually some 5'8 280 pound fatty that's not cool.

    I cared that I had a picture in my head of who KJ was and what his family dynamic/personal relationships were. I cared that what you were claiming about your details and journey was true.

  4. #244
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    I thought I just read you saying something about not actually being with a partner 20 years older than you? Did I misunderstand? If you were lying about that or claim to have lied able that. WOW... MIND BLOWN!
    Who gives a shit what you say or think?
    You're the guy who thinks covid vaccines work.
    You're the guy who thinks mask work.
    You're the kind of guy who thinks that the unmasked and unvaccinated should be in jail.
    You and Rat Fink Boz are FRAUDS, just like QueerJ.
    Shut The Fuck Up!
    Looks like you are missing me again sweetie. Are you still upset I won't get with you? You have to move on man.

  5. #245
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    He could easily figure out a way to provide proof while protecting himself if he wanted to. Anything, something good enough to back up a significant claim.
    Really, You Mr Axelwolf are on the proof bandwagon as well? People on anonymous message boards are required to prove anything?

    I wouldn't prove that I took a healthy dump this morning! Let alone the things being asked.

    I think I made two thing clear very early on.

    1) I am not about to prove anything to anyone. Nor do I ask anyone else to and if I have it is because I just got caught up in the moment of some silly discussion. No one is required to prove anything. And I don't need "proof" to know who knows what they are talking about and who is just talking. No one else should either. And the "proof" you will see, will be what? Pictures in an RV at the dealership? Pictures of chips or a casino check? What exactly does this kind of "proof" that ends up being shown....prove?

    2) The second thing I made extremely clear early on, is that I was a solo type player, trust no other players and not interested in meeting other players for the purpose of socializing and hanging out. I know that offended some of you. It is nothing personal. The very few people I have met has been because it was very beneficial to me and it was and is about business. I have an AP "friend" here in Vegas, a well known AP that I refer to as a "friend". We are not really friends. I don't know what his favorite beer is or if he drinks at all. I don't even know what kind of car he drives. We do some business together sometimes.

    So what does my back story matter? For me my back story was a way to share what I wanted to share, my experiences, WITHOUT doing so identifying me as it did 12 years ago when I was robbed because of forum shit. Anyone offended by that....get over it. I am an advantage player living and playing in Vegas, who's AP play is still one of the more dangerous areas....card counting. I will and have done whatever I feel like I need to do to protect that and I make no apologies for that.
    FraudJ you want, so badly, to be what you claim. Unfortunately you are nothing but a fraud. There aren't enough words that can be written in a lifetime to overcome this sad fact.....RIP

  6. #246
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Hey Finkle, WTF is a "taint?"

    Taint nothin' I ever heard of.
    The key to a man’s heart is through his taint.

    Taint: This term stems from the phrase, t' aint pussy and t' aint asshole. This seems to have been first recorded in E.E. Landy's Underground Dictionary back in the 1970s.

    Contrary to popular belief, that putrid aroma that bubbles up in your undercarriage does not originate from the ballsack itself, but rather behind the balls—on the taint.
    Last edited by Gottlob1; 08-25-2023 at 05:51 PM.
    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder + Bill Yung + 1HitWonder ---> GOTTLOB1 = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  7. #247
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Now this

    supports this
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    He's pretty much a pathological liar you can't believe anything he says. But also probably a sociopath and they have no guilt no shame no embarrassment. They simply make up lies to cover the other lies.
    because he not only lied to his intended audience, but even to the face of the one who was supporting him.
    Maybe, but I think not.

    I'm tending to side with the "I lied in support of protecting myself."

    Fact is, I used to flame KJ like most of the bozos on this bus do, but over time I realized he was the one of the few posters here who actually post worthwhile info about gambling, and that was both refreshing and worthy of some respect.
    His posting of blackjack stuff has some interesting takes but who cares about counting. Problem with kewl is he is still trying to play it off that he only lied.twice which frankly is insulting.

  8. #248
    This dude clearly gets off on attention
    No other reason to repeat himself so many times.

    Lol claiming people offended because some mentally ill redchipper doesn't want to meet them.

    Good stuff.

  9. #249
    Five pages in two days?


    I know, I know, they'd still only be half as long as one of my posts.

  10. #250
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    FraudJ you want, so badly, to be what you claim. Unfortunately you are nothing but a fraud. There aren't enough words that can be written in a lifetime to overcome this sad fact.....RIP
    That pretty much says it all.

    I'll stand by if UNKewLyingJ has anything new to say, but at this point the topic of his lying seems closed to the point where there's not much more to add.

    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Court is adjourned. Kewl has been found guilty of another whopper.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  11. #251
    Since Mdawg is so big on quoting others, here are some quotes from the first few pages of the Mdawg fantasy adventure"

    That looks like what some people here have forgot about in their car glove box.
    Maybe post up some pics of more 2 bit watches.

    Yeah, just keep making a mockery of everything this site is supposed to stand for. Let it ride

    Don't forget to have a watch or two to pawn if things don't work out.

    The only thing I hate is people who try to convince others that they can achieve positive results by looking for hamburgers and french fries on a baccarat tote board. You're probably an ok person. Maybe a bit insecure but decent enough, I'm sure.

    Because it is wrong to put out information that can provoke susceptible dreamers to think they have a chance of seeing success by such things as looking for hamburgers and french fries on a bacc board. I'm actually surprised it is tolerated on this site. Well, not really

    If you can't see the difference between reading donuts and hamburgers (aka- tea leaves) on a bacc board and something like a video poker strategy backed up by math, I'm not sure what to say. Good Luck, maybe.

    Start with $2 million. Try and stop with $1 million. Make sure to have a watch to pawn for bus fare home if everything goes to hell. That's really all there is to know.

    Don't forget to add to the equation that he seems to get excited about comp bottles of Perrier water.

    Do these quotes look familiar to you MaxPen? So tell us some more about how you have always stayed out of the Mdawg drama because you always recognized the possibilities of what was really going on?
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  12. #252
    Assholes with more money are simply assholes with more money.

    What, Me Worry?

  13. #253
    Two other things stood out in reading those first few pages.

    Very early on, we has SooPoo make a comment to which Mdawg snapped "This isn't about you. It is about me". Doesn't that just say everything!!!

    Also in those early pages Mdawg explained the Mdawg Math. That there is absolutely no difference in playing a 50/50 game or a 49/51 game or a 51/49 game.

    This was also the same voodoo mentality of one Rob Singer, who in regards to video poker claimed no difference in a 101% return or a 99% or even 98% return game.

    As every AP know the difference is between winning and losing long-term.

    The basic premise of these voodoo -EV, losing players is that you can beat -Ev short-term (which you can), and then just do that over and over and over again.

    The perfect analog of this is what is the likelihood of walking into a casino betting black on Roulette and winning 2 out of 3 spins and then leaving. Odds not that long. Now what is the likelihood of doing that day after day for months or years. That is a little bit different isn't it?
    Last edited by kewlJ; 08-26-2023 at 12:37 PM.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  14. #254
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    The basic premise of these voodoo -EV, losing players is that you can beat -Ev short-term (which you can), and then just do that over and over and over again.
    When does "the short term" end?

    I ask this because I have been on a winning streak for several years now.

    I mainly play high limit slots, a very -EV thing to do; I keep accurate records of all my session wins and losses and keep a running total.

    A few years ago my life time losses were about $68K: this followed many years of regular loss, which I expected.

    But then ... I can't explain it, but the losses turned to wins and now I am about $9K ahead of where I was a few years ago.

    Not that I'm complaining.

    The only explanation I have is that I've been taking more "shots" than I used to, i.e. I make big bets more frequently.

    Yes, that should not skew the math but a surprising number of the bets were winners, some even hand pays.

    So I sit here puzzled yet pleased: I'm heading to Chinook Winds tomorrow hoping to hit "the big one."

    Ah, what fools these mortals be ...
    What, Me Worry?

  15. #255
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    The basic premise of these voodoo -EV, losing players is that you can beat -Ev short-term (which you can), and then just do that over and over and over again.
    When does "the short term" end?

    I ask this because I have been on a winning streak for several years now.

    I mainly play high limit slots, a very -EV thing to do; I keep accurate records of all my session wins and losses and keep a running total.

    A few years ago my life time losses were about $68K: this followed many years of regular loss, which I expected.

    But then ... I can't explain it, but the losses turned to wins and now I am about $9K ahead of where I was a few years ago.

    Not that I'm complaining.

    The only explanation I have is that I've been taking more "shots" than I used to, i.e. I make big bets more frequently.

    Yes, that should not skew the math but a surprising number of the bets were winners, some even hand pays.

    So I sit here puzzled yet pleased: I'm heading to Chinook Winds tomorrow hoping to hit "the big one."

    Ah, what fools these mortals be ...
    This is a legitimate math based discussion to have MrV. Long-term has to measured in number of trials not time like months or years, because one persons play over 6 months can be night and day what another persons play is. And it is going to be different for different games and house advantages.

    In reference to blackjack only:

    In the book Bringing down the house about one of the MIT blackjack teams, which later led to the movie "21", one of the math professors referred to this as "the law of large numbers". For blackjack card counting he concluded that the number was 50,000 rounds. I don't really like this conclusion because it is going to be very different for different games, number of decks, rules, player's spread. BUT I have sort of used this number loosely in my own thinking and it somewhat fits.

    For in my own experience I have had many somewhat extreme runs in both directions that have lasted 4 or 5 months, which for me used to be 30-40 thousand rounds, but all but two corrected themselves or came back into line with the math as I got near 50,000 rounds (or trials). And I play in a manner that purposely increases variance, so my own personal number is probably higher that 50,000 trials. On the two occasions that my results did not fall within the mathematical "loosely" expectation of returning to normal within 50,000 rounds (One was covid year) the results had returned to "normal" when you expanded the sample size to 100,000 rounds or trials. So my personal number is probably closer to 100,000 that the 50,000 used by the MIT professor. But again, I specifically do things that increase variance.

    So getting back to you MrV, I don't know what you play (slots?) or what the house edge is, and even if I did, I am not smart enough to know what would constitute "long-term" is such an instance, but I suspect if you are playing a -EV game, as time goes on and you get closer to whatever that number is for long-term in your situation, your results will again drop into the red and land somewhere close to expectation for that -EV situation.

    I hope not. But I beleive in the math. In the meantime, you have had a good run and some fun, so congrats.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  16. #256
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    The basic premise of these voodoo -EV, losing players is that you can beat -Ev short-term (which you can), and then just do that over and over and over again.
    When does "the short term" end?

    I ask this because I have been on a winning streak for several years now.

    I mainly play high limit slots, a very -EV thing to do; I keep accurate records of all my session wins and losses and keep a running total.

    A few years ago my life time losses were about $68K: this followed many years of regular loss, which I expected.

    But then ... I can't explain it, but the losses turned to wins and now I am about $9K ahead of where I was a few years ago.

    Not that I'm complaining.

    The only explanation I have is that I've been taking more "shots" than I used to, i.e. I make big bets more frequently.

    Yes, that should not skew the math but a surprising number of the bets were winners, some even hand pays.

    So I sit here puzzled yet pleased: I'm heading to Chinook Winds tomorrow hoping to hit "the big one."

    Ah, what fools these mortals be ...
    This is a legitimate math based discussion to have MrV. Long-term has to measured in number of trials not time like months or years, because one persons play over 6 months can be night and day what another persons play is. And it is going to be different for different games and house advantages.

    In reference to blackjack only:

    In the book Bringing down the house about one of the MIT blackjack teams, which later led to the movie "21", one of the math professors referred to this as "the law of large numbers". For blackjack card counting he concluded that the number was 50,000 rounds. I don't really like this conclusion because it is going to be very different for different games, number of decks, rules, player's spread. BUT I have sort of used this number loosely in my own thinking and it somewhat fits.

    For in my own experience I have had many somewhat extreme runs in both directions that have lasted 4 or 5 months, which for me used to be 30-40 thousand rounds, but all but two corrected themselves or came back into line with the math as I got near 50,000 rounds (or trials). And I play in a manner that purposely increases variance, so my own personal number is probably higher that 50,000 trials. On the two occasions that my results did not fall within the mathematical "loosely" expectation of returning to normal within 50,000 rounds (One was covid year) the results had returned to "normal" when you expanded the sample size to 100,000 rounds or trials. So my personal number is probably closer to 100,000 that the 50,000 used by the MIT professor. But again, I specifically do things that increase variance.

    So getting back to you MrV, I don't know what you play (slots?) or what the house edge is, and even if I did, I am not smart enough to know what would constitute "long-term" is such an instance, but I suspect if you are playing a -EV game, as time goes on and you get closer to whatever that number is for long-term in your situation, your results will again drop into the red and land somewhere close to expectation for that -EV situation.

    I hope not. But I beleive in the math. In the meantime, you have had a good run and some fun, so congrats.
    You don't know what he plays? He just told us dipstick. And you believe in the math? Too bad you don't believe in telling the truth.

    For V, the short term is simply the current visit. You're on a good luck run since you've been winning on your short term trips. And where is it written that these winning trips can't continue?

    Naturally, a person who plays the machines you play will almost certainly be behind when you wave goodbye to us all. That's how the math does its thing. But there is a way to extend the good luck for those who play certain table games and vp games certain ways--IF they're motivated enuf to do it. You just have to have the right discipline, the determination, the right strategy, and the intelligence to be able to pull it off. Few have these properties. I believe I do. Aside from my highly +EV DUB play, I'm ahead lifetime because I know how to employ

    In your particular case however, since you don't appear to be doing anything but having a good time playing, it's a good bet that good luck won't be there on every ensuing trip.

    Good luck @ Chinook!

  17. #257
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Since Mdawg is so big on quoting others, here are some quotes from the first few pages of the Mdawg fantasy adventure"

    That looks like what some people here have forgot about in their car glove box.
    Maybe post up some pics of more 2 bit watches.

    Yeah, just keep making a mockery of everything this site is supposed to stand for. Let it ride

    Don't forget to have a watch or two to pawn if things don't work out.

    The only thing I hate is people who try to convince others that they can achieve positive results by looking for hamburgers and french fries on a baccarat tote board. You're probably an ok person. Maybe a bit insecure but decent enough, I'm sure.

    Because it is wrong to put out information that can provoke susceptible dreamers to think they have a chance of seeing success by such things as looking for hamburgers and french fries on a bacc board. I'm actually surprised it is tolerated on this site. Well, not really

    If you can't see the difference between reading donuts and hamburgers (aka- tea leaves) on a bacc board and something like a video poker strategy backed up by math, I'm not sure what to say. Good Luck, maybe.

    Start with $2 million. Try and stop with $1 million. Make sure to have a watch to pawn for bus fare home if everything goes to hell. That's really all there is to know.

    Don't forget to add to the equation that he seems to get excited about comp bottles of Perrier water.

    Do these quotes look familiar to you MaxPen? So tell us some more about how you have always stayed out of the Mdawg drama because you always recognized the possibilities of what was really going on?
    I said my piece regarding the matter then dropped it. Unlike some people that feel the need to keep repeating themselves over and over. At first glance those are what one would expect to a story that is completely unrealistic regarding expectation.

    However, at some point you need to acknowledge that there is something else fueling the story. That something else is currently unknown. But there are a couple of strong possibilities. Until you know exactly what is going on then there is nothing else to say.

    Again I ask. Do you really think MDawg is dumb enough to lose a fortune at Vegas tables? What other high roller player do you know, who spends as much time in Vegas as MDawg, that has lasted as long as he has?

  18. #258
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    And where is it written that these winning trips can't continue?
    Where is it written? Mathematical formulas and equations is where it is written. Long proven math, which you always ignore.

    And you answered your own question in your very next sentence "Naturally, a person who plays the machines you play will almost certainly be behind when you wave goodbye to us all". THAT is a rare acknowledgement that you can't and don't win long-term.

    The rest of Singer's post is his old Singer goobily gook. There are things you can do....blah blah "special (less optimal) plays" or magic beans, or good luck charms. Maybe rub your belly and pat your head 3 times while chanting "I will win, I will win". Oh wait...I forgot...just listen to the machines and they will tell you when they are hot or cold....a Singer "beaut".

    Luckily, MrV knows not to put any stock other than entertainment in Rob Singer's methods.

    It really doesn't matter the game being played, but you can't help but see the voodoo belief similarities in statements by the likes of Singer, Mdawg, Evenbob, and all the other goofy voodoo gambling people. We can go back as far as Bac79....oh wait I already mentioned him via his newer handle.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  19. #259
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    And where is it written that these winning trips can't continue?
    Where is it written? Mathematical formulas and equations is where it is written. Long proven math, which you always ignore.

    And you answered your own question in your very next sentence "Naturally, a person who plays the machines you play will almost certainly be behind when you wave goodbye to us all". THAT is a rare acknowledgement that you can't and don't win long-term.

    The rest of Singer's post is his old Singer goobily gook. There are things you can do....blah blah "special (less optimal) plays" or magic beans, or good luck charms. Maybe rub your belly and pat your head 3 times while chanting "I will win, I will win". Oh wait...I forgot...just listen to the machines and they will tell you when they are hot or cold....a Singer "beaut".

    Luckily, MrV knows not to put any stock other than entertainment in Rob Singer's methods.

    It really doesn't matter the game being played, but you can't help but see the voodoo belief similarities in statements by the likes of Singer, Mdawg, Evenbob, and all the other goofy voodoo gambling people. We can go back as far as Bac79....oh wait I already mentioned him via his newer handle.
    Kewl, the math doesn't say the winning sessions can't continue. It just states the improbability/probability of the streak occurring. Which is how I've applied math to your nonsensical claims. I just don't have some law of large numbers to wave around to justify why you're full of it but the improbability is still there.

    Neither one of us can calculate the probability of such an occurance.

    $50 into $100k but can't say the casino game you were even playing ! lol come'on now.

    Just repent brother and stop the lying. Come with me to the light. Use the force. It is not too late.

  20. #260
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    And where is it written that these winning trips can't continue?
    Where is it written? Mathematical formulas and equations is where it is written. Long proven math, which you always ignore.

    And you answered your own question in your very next sentence "Naturally, a person who plays the machines you play will almost certainly be behind when you wave goodbye to us all". THAT is a rare acknowledgement that you can't and don't win long-term.

    The rest of Singer's post is his old Singer goobily gook. There are things you can do....blah blah "special (less optimal) plays" or magic beans, or good luck charms. Maybe rub your belly and pat your head 3 times while chanting "I will win, I will win". Oh wait...I forgot...just listen to the machines and they will tell you when they are hot or cold....a Singer "beaut".

    Luckily, MrV knows not to put any stock other than entertainment in Rob Singer's methods.

    It really doesn't matter the game being played, but you can't help but see the voodoo belief similarities in statements by the likes of Singer, Mdawg, Evenbob, and all the other goofy voodoo gambling people. We can go back as far as Bac79....oh wait I already mentioned him via his newer handle.
    Kewl, the math doesn't say the winning sessions can't continue. It just states the improbability/probability of the streak occurring. Which is how I've applied math to your nonsensical claims. I just don't have some law of large numbers to wave around to justify why you're full of it but the improbability is still there.

    Neither one of us can calculate the probability of such an occurance.

    $50 into $100k but can't say the casino game you were even playing ! lol come'on now.

    Just repent brother and stop the lying. Come with me to the light. Use the force. It is not too late.
    I think the story involved the dead husband hitting the jackpot. You know, the dead husband that never existed according to FraudJ's lying needs at this moment in time.

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