Ridiculous argument Bob21. Gambling is an addiction. Alcohol is an addiction. Both of these addictions destroy millions of lives and the lives of those families. You are going to compare that to Marriot hotel encouraging people to stay there? Again just ridiculous.
Worst two situation of casino predatory behavior was the practice of cashing social security checks for senior citizens, back when social security checks were paper. Please Bob21 defend that! And while it is true that businesses like a grocery store would cash a social security check, groceries are an essential part to survival. Whatever casino low life executive came up with the idea of cashing social security checks should be shot. No trial. Just shot.
Second and related is the cashing of paychecks. Encouraging a working father to cash and spend his paycheck before he ever gets home to pay the rent and buy groceries for his kids.
And yes there is some personal responsibility. Does that mean we should legalize crack and have a crack/cocaine outlet on every block? Hey maybe employers should make available the option to pay employees in drugs and alcohol and casino chips.
Bob these addictions all ruin lives. And not just that of the addict. When the grandmother on social security loses her social security check and can't pay her rent, and then needs government assistance (welfare) for housing needs, then we all pay. When the father loses his job and can't pay his rent and his family goes on assistance, we all pay. When that same father commits a crime to fuel these addictions that the casinos have encouraged and goes off to jail, we all pay to support his family.
So while there is some personal responsibility there is also corporate responsibility. The casino industry business model is closely tied to something that is addictive and destroys people and families. They have a responsibility other business don't have to not fuel that addiction with other addictions like alcohol. IF they won't do it then maybe the government should. Maybe the answer is that there should be no alcohol served on the casino floor. You can go to dinner within the casino and have a drink. You can go to a bar and have a drink, but no drinking on the casino floor. And no orders for cocktail waitresses to keep someone's glass filled until he can no longer stand.