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Thread: The anti-KJ hate team recruitement

  1. #41
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    redietz wrote:

    . I am surprised as to how many people about 90% out there on the right side of the social bell curve perceive themselves as middle of the road. These misperceptions seem to be mainly a male thing.

    You are off again, as 90% of the people on the supposed right side of the bell curve ARE IN FACT MIDDLE OF THE ROAD. All of the movement, extreme as it is, is from the socialist left party side of the bell curve.

    Something to consider. Since these forums are, by definition, international forums, the population you are evaluating should be considered international.

    Another thing to consider: Regarding just the United States, California and New York comprise one-fifth of the United States' total population.

    And third: The popular vote in the U.S. clearly went to the "left" party in the previous presidential election, which indicates "left" may be middle of the road.
    Last edited by redietz; 09-09-2019 at 01:36 PM.

  2. #42
    Dan Druff wrote:

    "I don't think it has anything to do with you being gay. I have arranged to meet gay people in person from my other forum, and I had no concern about their sexuality. In general, I think that most gay guys will be respectful enough not to put the moves on me if they know I'm straight, so I don't worry about it."

    "I don't assume every gay guy wants me. I never said that.

    In fact, given the incredible focus upon youth in the gay community (even more than in the hetero world), I think I'm too old for most gay guys to find attractive."

    I figured it all out Dan, it is sort of like a last ditch desperation move on your part to let others out there know that you are an available opportunist.

    Dan Druff wrote:

    "Anyway, kewl, you freak out about every little thing. Everyone tells you this, but you don't believe them. You really need to lighten up."

    Lighten up Dan, you can't help it that finding partners has been rather slow for you lately.

  3. #43
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Redietz, the Q in LGBTQ stands for either Queen or Queer.
    No it doesn't! It stands for questioning.

    I personally, don't support or even understand most of those groups that those letter represent. Questioning? who cares? Bisexual. If this even exists it is very rare. For the most part guys that use the label bisexual, just haven't accepted that they are gay. And transgender? I will plead politically incorrect on this one. I don't get it and it makes me very uncomfortable.

    Oh and Lesbians....they scare the shit out of me.

    I also don't like effeminate gay guys. Being gay doesn't mean you are or act like a women. It means you are attracted to men. I am a man and I am attracted to men. And I don't like shopping, or musicals and I love sports. And I like other guys that like sports.
    The "Q" stands for Queer or Questioning. Look it up bozo.
    So much for your internet concoction of being a faggot.

    Spook reparations will never happen. Whites already paid it when they died fighting to end slavery in the Civil War.

    Wise up.

  4. #44
    redietz wrote:

    "Another thing to consider: Regarding just the United States, California and New York comprise one-fifth of the United States' total population.

    And third: The popular vote in the U.S. clearly went to the "left" party in the previous presidential election, which indicates "left" may be middle of the road."

    For all intent and purpose, the left majority of the Democratic Party are comprised of people who are bought and paid for. Sad to say they are really victims themselves right along with the middle class who did foot the bill. Resulting in total dependency and expectations that amount to Socialism. The Demcoratic party should be real proud as they own it all.
    Last edited by BoSox; 09-09-2019 at 03:06 PM.

  5. #45
    Bosox, Like you, I consider myself right of center on most issues, and particularly financial issues of which the Republicans under Trump and in fairness, even before Trump have completely abandoned their fiscal conservative origins. I have no idea who I will be voting for in 2020, but I know who I won't and that is Donald Trump. And whether Trump some how eeks out a win, which all data I see says is a very long shot, or whether he loses, he has destroyed the republican party and I don't know that it can be repaired at least for a very long time.

    Both parties are minority parties in that neither is close to 50% on their own. Of the two, the democratic party is bigger/ Democratic party has been slightly bigger for quite a while, that is offset by higher republican turnout percentages. But The republican party has significantly shrank under Trump as quite a few fiscal conservative types have left the party. Actual republicans are probably closer to 33% of the population, maybe 35%, while Dems are about 40, 41%. This means that of the independent or middle group, the republicans need a strong majority to win. Dems need only 40-43% of that middle vote to win.

    Now of course everything I just said pertains to popular vote and as we all know, that is not how we elect a president. But it is the Electoral College that is even worse news for Republicans (of which I am one). There is a Tsunami on the horizon that only a handful of republican strategists are now only beginning to see. And this Tsunami is not very far out to sea.

    The Tsunami I am talking about is Texas, 3rd most populous state and 3rd highest electoral votes at 39, likely increasing to 42 after the 2020 census. It has long been projected that Texas was going to flip in the near future. It has 4 of the top 10 cities in the US population wise, and cities are the democratic strong hold. 4 of the top 10 in one state. So it has been projected that by 2022 there would be more non white voters in Texas than white voters. Now that doesn't strictly break down to Dem/repub, but it is pretty close. The only advantage the repubs have is that white (mostly repub) vote at a higher percentage than Latino and blacks. That may enable the repubs to hold on for 1 or 2 cycles past flipping to the minority, as long as the non-white democrats aren't inspired to vote in higher numbers. Unfortunately Donald trump has inspired just that with his immigration policies. In the 2018 midterms Latinos in Texas voted ta their highest numbers ever!

    To better understand what I am saying here are some scary numbers for you. Since 2012, there have been 3.4 million new registered voters in Texas. 520 thousand white, 1.9 million Latino, 496 thousand Blacks, and 475 thousand Asian. That is 1 out of every 7 is white, 6 out of every 7 non-white, which translates to democratic voters.

    Now lets took at how fast this trend is moving. 2000 thru 2012 presidential elections, Republicans won Texas by an average of 18 percent, from a high of just about 60%-40% to a low of 58-42%. Texas was never in question. 2016, trump won 52%- 43%, that is a 9 point victory, roughly half of what it had been. 2018, Beto O'Rourke lost a statewide high turnout senate election by 2 points. That's how quickly Texas is swinging. Even quicker than anticipated. Texas is going to be in play in 2020, earlier than first thought, and the repubs are just now beginning to realize it. Maybe they hang on for one more cycle, but that's it. Sure as the guy on Titanic said "in an hour or two all this will be at the bottom of the is a certainty", Texas will flip Blue. If not 2020, then by 2024. Just like Titanic it is almost a mathematical certainty. And when it does, it becomes almost impossible for the repubs to win the presidency again.....thanks to the very thing that allowed them to win 2 elections with a minority of the vote.....the Electoral College. It is going to come back to bite the repubs in a very big way!
    Last edited by kewlJ; 09-09-2019 at 03:13 PM.

  6. #46
    What idiots. If you people had 401k's or were heavily invested in the market, you'd comprehend that the majority of citizens would NEVER vote to give up the ton of value that's been created by our financial genius president, even if they say they "won't vote for Trump".. Jobs, lower taxes, and the market. Those overcome the big mouth "elites".

  7. #47
    I know Singer posted a response to me, but I no longer see his responses unless someone quotes and even then, I won't bother with him. He is a bug on the windshield of life, nothing more. Give him a squirt of washer fluid and turn on the wipers and bye bye, hater Rob.

    So moving on, it doesn't escape me that most of the haters on these forums are white males, usually older white males. As a group they appear to be really angry and bitter with life. It also doesn't escape me that almost all mass shooters are white males of varying ages. So why have white guys become so freaking angry and bitter? We have had a good long run on top getting more breaks and opportunities than everyone else. So the playing field is being leveled some with it!

    We still have it pretty damn good as white males in the US. Most of us aren't scrounging for food like our counterparts in other countries. Nor is being sold off into sex slavery a fear as it is for females in other countries. There are people who have to decide between eating and medication for a loved one. My biggest decision is what buffet do I want to eat at today? Or where do I want to watch the Raiders game tonight?

    As white males, we still have it pretty good in this country. We have ample opportunities to decide what your dream is and chase it, opportunities people in other parts of the world would and do die for. So stop all this hate and bitterness for people that are different than you (race, gender, religion sexual preference). What the fuck do you care what kind of god someone worships to or who loves or sleeps with who. Stop worrying so much about what others are doing, get off your ass and go chase down your own dreams and happiness.

  8. #48
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post

    KewlJ you have always made it very clear that you never wanted to meet up with anyone from the forums. There was never anything stopping you from coming to a WoV spring thing or whatever. You're now again reading into stuff that is not there. As usual.
    That's exactly what I thought when I read this.

    At one point when kewlJ brought up those blackjack shufflers possibly cheating, and claimed he had a machine with which he could prove it, I told him I wanted to meet with him to see it.

    I promised to keep his identity secret, and in fact told him he didn't even need to tell me his identity. He declined. I can respect his desire for anonymity, but when you desire such anonymity, you can't complain when people don't invite you out socially.

    I don't think it has anything to do with you being gay. I have arranged to meet gay people in person from my other forum, and I had no concern about their sexuality. In general, I think that most gay guys will be respectful enough not to put the moves on me if they know I'm straight, so I don't worry about it.

    You, know, Dan, I feel exactly the same way. I have arranged to meet Jews in person from other forums, and I had no concern about them wanting me to pick up the tab if we had dinner or coffee or whatever. In general, I think that most Jews will be respectful enough to not ignore the check if they know I'm not a Jew, so I don't worry about it.

    Now, is that funny? I guess it depends if you're Jewish and/or have a sense of humor. The point is, Dan clearly doesn't hang with the letter crowd (I still do not know what the hell the Q stands for) or read up on it too often. Not that there's anything wrong with that, to quote Seinfeld.

    Anyway, I'm not exactly a metrosexual hip-to-the-letters dude myself, but Dan's response above was so off-key (maybe even deaf) and potentially insulting, that I thought it was funny. So my inclination was to respond with some kind of semi-funny dig, but it was Sunday night, and I stayed up until 4:30 AM EST for the damn Hawaii game the night before, and I thought maybe somebody else would take Dan to task other than kewlJ.

    See, in some sick way, I care about you guys (well, with one exception). Dan, that answer was so bad that it was almost hilarious. Now some people get really pissed off when it's pointed out that they're tone deaf for whatever reason. But I gotta say -- Dan that was really fucking tone deaf!

    KewlJ, I'm sorry I didn't respond immediately, but I think Dan didn't mean it exactly like it sounded. Sometimes you try to speak Greek, and you speak Assyrian, you know?

    Anyway, my two cents. Yeah, Dan ain't running for president of the Rotary Gays anytime soon. KewlJ, I don't think he meant it as bad as it sounded, and I'm sorry I didn't take it into some kind of humorous direction immediately, because I should have.
    Look at one of his earlier responses to someone else (I think MaxPen) for context.

    He was complaining that he was being excluded for being gay, and this was my response to him why I didn't think that was true. I mentioned my own experiences with gay guys on my other forum, in that I wasn't nervous about meeting them, or spending time with them one-on-one. It wasn't meant to be insulting to gay people, nor was it assuming all gay guys want to bang me (I know they don't). It was actually positive, stating that I can meet up with a gay guy and assume that he will be respectful of my own preference.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  9. #49
    Regarding Texas (getting way off topic here, but who cares), it will not flip blue in 2020. Won't happen. If Dems put resources into flipping Texas, they are making a grave mistake, just as they did with Georgia in 2016.

    Texas will flip blue eventually, I agree. And then Republicans are in trouble regarding Presidential elections, as this spots Dems another 76 electoral votes (-38 for R, +38 for D). But that's definitely not happening in 2020, and it might not occur until 2028 or 2032. 2024 is a possibility, but I wouldn't bet on it.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  10. #50
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    Look at one of his earlier responses to someone else (I think MaxPen) for context.

    He was complaining that he was being excluded for being gay, and this was my response to him why I didn't think that was true. I mentioned my own experiences with gay guys on my other forum, in that I wasn't nervous about meeting them, or spending time with them one-on-one. It wasn't meant to be insulting to gay people, nor was it assuming all gay guys want to bang me (I know they don't). It was actually positive, stating that I can meet up with a gay guy and assume that he will be respectful of my own preference.
    Good lord, you really ARE clueless aren't you Druff. Let me translate what you just said: I am not racist, I like "colored people".

  11. #51
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Regarding Texas (getting way off topic here, but who cares), it will not flip blue in 2020. Won't happen. If Dems put resources into flipping Texas, they are making a grave mistake, just as they did with Georgia in 2016.

    Texas will flip blue eventually, I agree. And then Republicans are in trouble regarding Presidential elections, as this spots Dems another 76 electoral votes (-38 for R, +38 for D). But that's definitely not happening in 2020, and it might not occur until 2028 or 2032. 2024 is a possibility, but I wouldn't bet on it.
    I hear what you are saying. There are states that look tantalizingly close for both sides that really are not. I have heard them described as "fool's gold". Two such states that come to mind for the Democrats are Georgia and Arizona. For several cycles, both appear close. Close enough that if you dumped some money and resources, it could make a difference. Like I said both are fool's gold. The analytics just aren't there. The Cook Report actually has Arizona listed as one of 5 'toss-up' states, along with Florida, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan. Despite that Arizona elected a democratic Senator, Arizona is not a toss up in a presidential election. Just not.

    But Texas is very different than these tantalizingly close, "fools gold" type states. The numbers are moving and they are moving fast. AND the changing demographics and flipping of the majority of votes from white to non-white is only one part of a perfect storm that is occurring. A second component is Trump's igniting a fire under that electorate that normally doesn't vote in high numbers. If the trend in the mid-terms hold up, where Latinos voted at their highest numbers ever....look out.

    And still there are several other problems for republicans in Texas. White Women. Trump is severely under water from his 2016 numbers with white women, but no where more than Texas. He is polling about 18-20 pts lower than the numbers that voted for him in 2016. Maybe there is some magic trick he can pull to get them back, but this group isn't easily persuadable. They seem to have made up their minds against him for now.

    Another issue for Trump in Texas is the Bush factor. There is a Bush Family following, that probably won't vote for trump no matter what he does.

    And finally, Texas also has a senate seat up for election in 2020. If Beto drops out of the presidential race and runs for the senate, making that a completive race, watch out. I am aware he has said he will not run for that seat. Marco Rubio did exactly the same thing in 2016 and when it came time to end his presidential race, he jumped right back into the senate race that he swore he wouldn't. I expect Beto will do like-wise.

    So Texas is definitely different than other "fool's gold" states. The numbers are moving and they are moving fast and there are several other factors at play, all seemingly coming together for a perfect storm. I think Texas will flip in 2020 or come damn close. Close enough that not only will the dems dump a shitload of money, but the repubs will have to as well. They will have to spend a shitload of money defending a state that has always been a sure thing. Mark my words this tsunami is coming and it is coming quickly. And there are now a handful of republican strategists, standing on the beach, squinting out at the ocean who see it and are starting to exclaim "Oh shit!".

  12. #52
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Now I don't know Todd (Dan Druff) personally, so I can't say for sure whether racism and bigotry that he allows is really who he is. But this forum is listed on at least two national registries of forums that allow and promote racist and hate speech. If I was the owner of this forum and sole administrator, and this perception did not reflect who I am, I would have to take a real look at how this came to be, what message I was sending (or not sending) that allowed this to happen.

    I mean this is supposed to be a forum on gambling related topics. GAMBLING! I challenge someone's gambling claims, that are mathematically impossible, I believe you yourself (Dan Druff) described Rob's claim as "all but impossible". And that person attacks back with attacks about a person's dead spouse having died of aids? And not just me, attacks of this nature on 3 different members late spouses. He has also made suggestions of me having sex with my brother and mother. All because his math doesn't work proving his claim bullshit.

    And now "spook reparations". Really Todd?

    YOU allowed this Dan Druff. You and you alone are responsible.

    KJ, can you back up this statement with a link. I can't find any national registries of hate forums out there.

  13. #53
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    One thing that has struck me lately. I had assumed, incorrectly as it turned out, that the WoV site had some "left" bias to it. I had never participated there, but after signing up and posting 50 times, it was clear that the most frequent posters were all "right" leaning. My assumptions regarding the site had been colored by what "Singer" and mickey had posted here. The mods may come off as left at WoV, but that's because they are continually reigning in the right leaning posters.
    Total crock of shit, Redietz. The biased moderation was an open joke with members. The one member that took way more abuse than any other was AZDuffman. He put together well crafted conservative arguments. It drove Babs and the lefties batshit crazy. Babs allowed the lefties to openly insult him for a reason. She needed a reason to get rid of him. If they could piss him off to the point he insulted them back she could get rid of him. He took all the insults in stride and kept coming with the well crafted conservative arguments. When SHE tried to debate him he very politely destroyed all of her arguments. It drove Babs nuts and she started chiming in with the insults.

    Her last insult to him she called him pond scum. Shack jumped in and suspended her. A frickin' moderator got suspended for insults. As a matter of fact, Shack, getting complaints behind the scenes, was already jumping in and suspending lefties because Babs wouldn't do her job. He obviously was giving her a clue. She never got a clue from that and still wouldn't do her job correctly.

    The political threads were taken down speciifically because of Babs favoritism for the lefties, and not cleaning it up.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  14. #54
    Since KJ has become King Troll on VCT something should be pointed out to him. KJ, do you remember when Qfit (Wattemberger) lambasted you for participating on that "racist site," Zenzone? You made all kinds of excuses for it.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  15. #55
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    One thing that has struck me lately. I had assumed, incorrectly as it turned out, that the WoV site had some "left" bias to it. I had never participated there, but after signing up and posting 50 times, it was clear that the most frequent posters were all "right" leaning. My assumptions regarding the site had been colored by what "Singer" and mickey had posted here. The mods may come off as left at WoV, but that's because they are continually reigning in the right leaning posters.
    Total crock of shit, Redietz. The biased moderation was an open joke with members. The one member that took way more abuse than any other was AZDuffman. He put together well crafted conservative arguments. It drove Babs and the lefties batshit crazy. Babs allowed the lefties to openly insult him for a reason. She needed a reason to get rid of him. If they could piss him off to the point he insulted them back she could get rid of him. He took all the insults in stride and kept coming with the well crafted conservative arguments. When SHE tried to debate him he very politely destroyed all of her arguments. It drove Babs nuts and she started chiming in with the insults.

    Her last insult to him she called him pond scum. Shack jumped in and suspended her. A frickin' moderator got suspended for insults. As a matter of fact, Shack, getting complaints behind the scenes, was already jumping in and suspending lefties because Babs wouldn't do her job. He obviously was giving her a clue. She never got a clue from that and still wouldn't do her job correctly.

    The political threads were taken down speciifically because of Babs favoritism for the lefties, and not cleaning it up.
    Actually, I was there for the taking down of the political threads and may have been part of the reason. I can state unequivocally that your description of the sequence of events and the whys of it are simply wrong.

    Basically, if you go over and review the threads, certain right-leaning posters were placing the quotes of righties who had been banned in their posts. That somehow evaded the rules and regs, so the people simply quoting the language that caused bannings were not themselves banned. I asked the question as to why this is, and I then self banned because it was allowing certain posters to get away with saying inappropriate things by quoting the previous people (now banned) who had said them.

    The owners of the forum read all of this. They also read that I had self-banned. I doubt if my self-banning mattered much, but it may have. Evidently that is a rarity -- a new poster with a decent blog and 40 years in the business signs up, posts some useful stuff, then self-bans because the rules are a mess.

    Be that as it may, the owners canned the political threads. Babs was suspended because she called Shackleford out for allowing the repeated use of banned quotes without banning the people abusing the rules. She basically asked to be suspended.

    So that is actually what happened. I don't know where you came up with your summary of what happened, but it's wrong.

    Anybody interested should just track down the thread at WoV and see for themselves. I assume the thread is locked but available. Maybe not. I haven't been back there since.
    Last edited by redietz; 09-09-2019 at 09:36 PM.

  16. #56
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Since KJ has become King Troll on VCT something should be pointed out to him. KJ, do you remember when Qfit (Wattemberger) lambasted you for participating on that "racist site," Zenzone? You made all kinds of excuses for it.
    Could you post a link where I am making excuses for ZenZone Mickey? I don't believe I ever though much of zenzone. Zenzone was clearly about hate. Norm was right to call zenzone a hate site. He was wrong to imply that everyone that posted there was a racist and anti-Semitic. The really crazy anti-Semitic guy that actually drove what few posters were there, was way over the top. I however did not participate in that anti-Semitic stuff, not once.

    My posts were limited to a few blackjack discussions and towards the end, mostly saying nasty things about Norm. Not racist or anti-Semitic things, just nasty things related to what he did at WoV and such. Calling his character into question. I think I had a right to do that and my platforms for doing so was limited. However Norm repeatedly implied that I was a racist and anti-semetic because I participated there, even though I not once posted anything of that nature.

    For comparison, this site is pretty much a hate site. Lots of racist and other hate comments. But if I were to say, someone like RS__ or slingshot, was a racist because they post here, even though I have never seen either post anything racist, would that be honest? Of course not. That is what Mr Wattenberger repeatedly did to me and he did it on a forum that I couldn't respond.

  17. #57
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Be that as it may, the owners canned the political threads. Babs was suspended because she called Shackleford out for allowing the repeated use of banned quotes without banning the people abusing the rules. She basically asked to be suspended. So that is actually what happened. I don't know where you came up with your summary of what happened, but it's wrong. Anybody interested should just track down the thread at WoV and see for themselves. I assume the thread is locked but available. Maybe not. I haven't been back there since.
    Redietz, don't try to play me for stupid. You're just another lefty delivering fake news. Click on the link to the WoV Suspension List below. Babs is the 8th one down. She was suspended for a personal insult. Click on it and it will show you the post she was suspended for. This is what she said:

    "AZD is piling on with his usual misinformed social garbage. It's like pond scum from the disgusting political threads is dragged into every other waterway by the same slimy fouled boats."

    And underneath her quote Shack says "That went to far. Three days."

    PS: You need to go back thru a couple of years of those political threads and read all the lefty insults that went unpunished.

    Another thing that is screwed up bout your post. Babs was a moderator with the power to suspend. Why didn't she suspend those offenders?
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 09-09-2019 at 10:06 PM.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  18. #58
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Since KJ has become King Troll on VCT something should be pointed out to him. KJ, do you remember when Qfit (Wattemberger) lambasted you for participating on that "racist site," Zenzone? You made all kinds of excuses for it.
    Could you post a link where I am making excuses for ZenZone Mickey? I don't believe I ever though much of zenzone. Zenzone was clearly about hate. Norm was right to call zenzone a hate site. He was wrong to imply that everyone that posted there was a racist and anti-Semitic. The really crazy anti-Semitic guy that actually drove what few posters were there, was way over the top. I however did not participate in that anti-Semitic stuff, not once.

    My posts were limited to a few blackjack discussions and towards the end, mostly saying nasty things about Norm. Not racist or anti-Semitic things, just nasty things related to what he did at WoV and such. Calling his character into question. I think I had a right to do that and my platforms for doing so was limited. However Norm repeatedly implied that I was a racist and anti-semetic because I participated there, even though I not once posted anything of that nature.

    For comparison, this site is pretty much a hate site. Lots of racist and other hate comments. But if I were to say, someone like RS__ or slingshot, was a racist because they post here, even though I have never seen either post anything racist, would that be honest? Of course not. That is what Mr Wattenberger repeatedly did to me and he did it on a forum that I couldn't respond.
    Look your stupid ass posts up yourself, asshole. You know damn well you defended your posting there to Qfit.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  19. #59
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Be that as it may, the owners canned the political threads. Babs was suspended because she called Shackleford out for allowing the repeated use of banned quotes without banning the people abusing the rules. She basically asked to be suspended. So that is actually what happened. I don't know where you came up with your summary of what happened, but it's wrong. Anybody interested should just track down the thread at WoV and see for themselves. I assume the thread is locked but available. Maybe not. I haven't been back there since.
    Redietz, don't try to play me for stupid. You're just another lefty delivering fake news. Click on the link to the WoV Suspension List below. Babs is the 8th one down. She was suspended for a personal insult. Click on it and it will show you the post she was suspended for. This is what she said:

    "AZD is piling on with his usual misinformed social garbage. It's like pond scum from the disgusting political threads is dragged into every other waterway by the same slimy fouled boats."

    And underneath her quote Shack says "That went to far. Three days."

    LOL. Try again, mickey. Go to the thread where Shackleford asks if anyone wants to be suspended and she says she does. That precedes, I believe, what you're quoting.

    I was there the 48 hours this went down. You were not. Read the thread. I noticed you skipped commenting on everything else I said, which is, as you know, entirely accurate.

    You really should stop the "fake news" nonsense. Tell me I didn't accurately describe what happened, the sequence in which it happened, babs saying, when Shackleford asked who'd like to be banned, that she would (to which Shackleford said nothing until babs posted what you quoted). Tell me I got the sequence wrong, my self-banning wrong, and the fact the owner was monitoring the site wrong. In fact, babs answered that she'd like to be next to be banned immediately after I announced my self-ban.

    Go ahead, tell me I got it all wrong.

    I suggest anyone interested in what happened go to WoV, look up the thread that's locked, and check out the entire sequence of posts for the two days. Simple enough to verify what happened.

  20. #60
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I know Singer posted a response to me, but I no longer see his responses unless someone quotes and even then, I won't bother with him. He is a bug on the windshield of life, nothing more. Give him a squirt of washer fluid and turn on the wipers and bye bye, hater Rob.

    So moving on, it doesn't escape me that most of the haters on these forums are white males, usually older white males. As a group they appear to be really angry and bitter with life. It also doesn't escape me that almost all mass shooters are white males of varying ages. So why have white guys become so freaking angry and bitter? We have had a good long run on top getting more breaks and opportunities than everyone else. So the playing field is being leveled some with it!

    We still have it pretty damn good as white males in the US. Most of us aren't scrounging for food like our counterparts in other countries. Nor is being sold off into sex slavery a fear as it is for females in other countries. There are people who have to decide between eating and medication for a loved one. My biggest decision is what buffet do I want to eat at today? Or where do I want to watch the Raiders game tonight?

    As white males, we still have it pretty good in this country. We have ample opportunities to decide what your dream is and chase it, opportunities people in other parts of the world would and do die for. So stop all this hate and bitterness for people that are different than you (race, gender, religion sexual preference). What the fuck do you care what kind of god someone worships to or who loves or sleeps with who. Stop worrying so much about what others are doing, get off your ass and go chase down your own dreams and happiness.
    This is as bigoted and racist of a post as I have read here. And KJ the hater is calling other people haters. Now that's really funny. And now he will write a 35 paragraph essay on why he is not a bigot or hater.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

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