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Thread: Electronic Blackjack - hit after doubling down.

  1. #261
    UNKewlJ revels in this sort of thing, sending people on chases to look for something that doesn't exist.

    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Had MaxPen not done his searching, we would probably still be reading long essays about the lawsuits, and how we are all fools to be doubting it.
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Anything requiring research with FraudJ is a complete waste of time.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  2. #262
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    And it is the same with most gambling topics. I am mostly arguing blackjack concepts with people that don't play blackjack. Singer is a losing gambler. Mdawg claims he plays blackjack and I am guessing he dies, but he doesnt seem to have a clue about how winning blackjack works or how Las Vegas casinos work regarding blackjack. The guy has claimed 50 winning hands in a row. Claims a speed of $100-$5000. And that pit folks don't care if players win.

    What a fucking forum.
    I think it was 60, but who cares.

    I don't want to read all the posts, I have too much going on right now.

    Please can you just tell me the HPH and your appropriate edge (in percentage format)?

    Or has someone (tableplay?) done the math?
    Yes, Mdawgs claim was 60 straight winning blackjack hands. That is what I meant to type. I guess I typed 50 and didn't realize it. I am also aware that he later backtracked from that after Wizard got involved and told him it was all but impossible. Similarly to the way he changed 7 months of winning hundreds of thousands to "about even" after Wizard got involved. But enough about him.

    I don't know or didn't at the time the exact edge. THAT is what I was seeking by asking several people and posting about it. I wanted to know the advantage and what the play was worth. The HPH, I initially thought were 100 to 120. That is what I told the two players I asked privately. That may be why their estimates or answers as to what the play was worth per hour were different. BUT, now after having played the game for many hours over the 9 week period, I now believe my HPH estimate was high. I now believe it might have been 90 or so. And that might account for why our actual results were $162 and hour compared to the numbers given me of $200 and over $200. Or that could just be a little negative variance.

    Because the play is over, I don't see the sense in now trying to figure it out further. It isn't going to change what we made. And I doubt I am going to see another identical play.

    It is funny, back in mid March, when I was seeking these answers, I received 2 answers privately and Wizard wasn't one of them. Wizard would only give me what I was asking if I cut him in and gave him the play. And I posted on two forums, including here. NOT a single person responded. Maybe you weren't around at that time, I don't know. But not a single person responded. Now all of the sudden, after the play is over, everyone is interested in the math. I needed the math BEFORE the play. If people didn't want to help me out at that time, that is fine. But don't come at me now after the fact with all this shit.
    I was interested in the math back then, I even quoted and linked to something regarding this rule. Your wording was similar to someome else's regarding this IIRC. I don't have a program that can do the math, I would need a program. Even then, there seemed to be many unknowns. TBH I just didn't think the total edge would be all that significant from the information I got. I'm asking you what you believe the approximate edge is. Did you say there were multiple machines linked? if so, why not play 2 machines?

  3. #263
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    And it is the same with most gambling topics. I am mostly arguing blackjack concepts with people that don't play blackjack. Singer is a losing gambler. Mdawg claims he plays blackjack and I am guessing he dies, but he doesnt seem to have a clue about how winning blackjack works or how Las Vegas casinos work regarding blackjack. The guy has claimed 50 winning hands in a row. Claims a speed of $100-$5000. And that pit folks don't care if players win.

    What a fucking forum.
    I think it was 60, but who cares.

    I don't want to read all the posts, I have too much going on right now.

    Please can you just tell me the HPH and your appropriate edge (in percentage format)?

    Or has someone (tableplay?) done the math?
    Yes, Mdawgs claim was 60 straight winning blackjack hands. That is what I meant to type. I guess I typed 50 and didn't realize it. I am also aware that he later backtracked from that after Wizard got involved and told him it was all but impossible. Similarly to the way he changed 7 months of winning hundreds of thousands to "about even" after Wizard got involved. But enough about him.

    I don't know or didn't at the time the exact edge. THAT is what I was seeking by asking several people and posting about it. I wanted to know the advantage and what the play was worth. The HPH, I initially thought were 100 to 120. That is what I told the two players I asked privately. That may be why their estimates or answers as to what the play was worth per hour were different. BUT, now after having played the game for many hours over the 9 week period, I now believe my HPH estimate was high. I now believe it might have been 90 or so. And that might account for why our actual results were $162 and hour compared to the numbers given me of $200 and over $200. Or that could just be a little negative variance.

    Because the play is over, I don't see the sense in now trying to figure it out further. It isn't going to change what we made. And I doubt I am going to see another identical play.

    It is funny, back in mid March, when I was seeking these answers, I received 2 answers privately and Wizard wasn't one of them. Wizard would only give me what I was asking if I cut him in and gave him the play. And I posted on two forums, including here. NOT a single person responded. Maybe you weren't around at that time, I don't know. But not a single person responded. Now all of the sudden, after the play is over, everyone is interested in the math. I needed the math BEFORE the play. If people didn't want to help me out at that time, that is fine. But don't come at me now after the fact with all this shit.
    Tell us the 2 usernames who answered. Forum handles don't matter. It'd be worth it to show these trolls

  4. #264
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    I think it was 60, but who cares.

    I don't want to read all the posts, I have too much going on right now.

    Please can you just tell me the HPH and your appropriate edge (in percentage format)?

    Or has someone (tableplay?) done the math?
    Yes, Mdawgs claim was 60 straight winning blackjack hands. That is what I meant to type. I guess I typed 50 and didn't realize it. I am also aware that he later backtracked from that after Wizard got involved and told him it was all but impossible. Similarly to the way he changed 7 months of winning hundreds of thousands to "about even" after Wizard got involved. But enough about him.

    I don't know or didn't at the time the exact edge. THAT is what I was seeking by asking several people and posting about it. I wanted to know the advantage and what the play was worth. The HPH, I initially thought were 100 to 120. That is what I told the two players I asked privately. That may be why their estimates or answers as to what the play was worth per hour were different. BUT, now after having played the game for many hours over the 9 week period, I now believe my HPH estimate was high. I now believe it might have been 90 or so. And that might account for why our actual results were $162 and hour compared to the numbers given me of $200 and over $200. Or that could just be a little negative variance.

    Because the play is over, I don't see the sense in now trying to figure it out further. It isn't going to change what we made. And I doubt I am going to see another identical play.

    It is funny, back in mid March, when I was seeking these answers, I received 2 answers privately and Wizard wasn't one of them. Wizard would only give me what I was asking if I cut him in and gave him the play. And I posted on two forums, including here. NOT a single person responded. Maybe you weren't around at that time, I don't know. But not a single person responded. Now all of the sudden, after the play is over, everyone is interested in the math. I needed the math BEFORE the play. If people didn't want to help me out at that time, that is fine. But don't come at me now after the fact with all this shit.
    Tell us the 2 usernames who answered. Forum handles don't matter. It'd be worth it to show these trolls
    If kew weren't making this up he'd have given wizard what he asked for. But he couldn't, because it was really nothing but a fantasy from the start. And if he's lying about asking wizard, everyone would certainly understand.

    How many of these AP's from these "teams" around the country have verified this play as authentic? Why is kew and his alter ego the only ones making this claim after all this time?

  5. #265
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    And it is the same with most gambling topics. I am mostly arguing blackjack concepts with people that don't play blackjack. Singer is a losing gambler. Mdawg claims he plays blackjack and I am guessing he dies, but he doesnt seem to have a clue about how winning blackjack works or how Las Vegas casinos work regarding blackjack. The guy has claimed 50 winning hands in a row. Claims a speed of $100-$5000. And that pit folks don't care if players win.

    What a fucking forum.
    I think it was 60, but who cares.

    I don't want to read all the posts, I have too much going on right now.

    Please can you just tell me the HPH and your appropriate edge (in percentage format)?

    Or has someone (tableplay?) done the math?
    No one has done the math. Part of the difficulty is that we keep learning new things about how the glitch works and the speed of the machine as the thread develops.
    New parameters continue to appear because kew has to keep revising his fable every time someone spots his inconsistencies.

    You'd think after all his embarrassments....after all his humiliating slapdowns from being caught unprepared and outright lying about all his fabricated tales, the moron would have learned a thing or two by now.

    He has not.

  6. #266
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I am mostly arguing blackjack concepts with people that don't play blackjack.
    Yes you're a BJ "expert" who didn't seem to realize that re-doubling would create more advantage as well as another hit. Please continue to illuminate us mere mortals with your wisdom.
    Last edited by jdog; 05-26-2024 at 11:04 AM.

  7. #267
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post
    But as I indicated, the post was a response to Mickey's belief that nobody really believes KJ is a fake. It was not offered as an argument for KJ being fake.
    Had you simply said "I for one believe he's a fake" then yes, you'd have offered no argument but you went further and DID argue, boldily decreeing that "none of the people that believe he is real have any evidence for it beyond that they find his BJ stories persuasive."

    We view the same evidence and draw different conclusions; absent definitive proof your view is no more correct than mine.

    In the end whether you believe KJ's tales is akin to whether you believe in God, as there is no real proof out there onw way or the other for either proposition.
    The purpose of that remark, as the context might suggest, was to point out that the claim in question, that nobody really disbelieves KJ, even if it were true would not actually constitute any evidence that KJ is legit.

    You apparently think the only evidence of KJ being a fraud is the absence of evidence that he is legit, on which point I would suggest a closer review of the evidence.
    Let’s assume KJ doesn’t make a living at BJ That he’s faking it. Even Shack and Qfit have said his writing on BJ is very good. So that means he’s an excellent faker. That he studied BJ to the point of becoming an excellent adviser on how to play the game. Remember that there are pros on the forums that will take him to task is he publishes any strategy that’s wrong. They are waiting to pounce.

    So if you think he’s fake, well, you can still follow his advice on how to play the game.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  8. #268
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Let’s assume KJ doesn’t make a living at BJ That he’s faking it. Even Shack and Qfit have said his writing on BJ is very good. So that means he’s an excellent faker. That he studied BJ to the point of becoming an excellent adviser on how to play the game. Remember that there are pros on the forums that will take him to task is he publishes any strategy that’s wrong. They are waiting to pounce.
    You crack me up mickeycrimm. Logic and common sense doesn't fit here with these haters. They are blinded by their hate. But thank you for the kind words.

    Mickey, you said something most profound a little while back. Something I too have been saying for a while. And that is that most of these guys, trolling me....they know. Don't want to accept it. Can't accept it. Won't accept it. Won't admit it. But they know.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  9. #269
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    The better lies worn smooth through years of use.

    The not so good lies? The ones UNKewLyingJ didn't have time to perfect.

    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Next time you want to tell a whopper, talk to me and lets walk through it. I'll only charge you $200.
    But, all lies nonetheless.

    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post were far better when you stuck with blackjack. You had your head so far up the ass of online blackjack forums that you actually had reasonable contributions from all the various stuff that people have done/suggested over the years.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  10. #270
    Look at this fucktard talking about lying as he posts a picture, photoshoped with the compulsive liar tag. No better example of who the liar is.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  11. #271
    And let me take this opportunity to add a little fuel to the fire. provide a little something more for the haters to hate on. I spend a bit of time updating records this afternoon. Just shy of halfway through the year and I am already above my annual winnings average for my 15 years in Las Vegas!

    Now there are unusual circumstances, mainly 40 some grand net win (my share) playing this Electronic Blackjack hit/double after doubling down. As much as I wish it wasn't, this was a once time thing and I don't expect something similar to replace it, but who knows. One of the most beautiful parts of being an AP for the last 20 years, especially the last 15 years in Vegas is how unique every year is, and none more so than this for me. I currently have 4 different, what I call streams of income from different AP plays. I have never had more than 3 before and most years only had 2.

    And as happy as I am about this year and how it is going for me, I am even more thrilled for my know, my make believe brother, according to Rob. My brother is also, above his average for the last 8 years he has played blackjack seriously. Above his average with half the year remaining.

    The reason I am extra happy for him, is because he had such a struggle last year. It was his worst year. Just never got going and was always under expectation. Blackjack players have these kind of years that he had last year. It is part of the deal. But as the year wound down, I could see the frustration starting to build. So to see a strong bounce back year for him at this point in his journey is just great. The blackjack Gods, or AP gods have a way of evening things out. Just as the math says will happen. Always believe in the math.

    Now let the hate begin....or continue.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  12. #272
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    This was NOT one of the, what I will call Dealer's Angel's clones, or more modern dealer Angel type games in which there was 5 seats and player working off one large screen, and all players would win or lose depending on how the dealer's hand played out.

    Instead, each seat and player had their own smaller screen. However the 3 or 4 stations (I saw about both number evenly) were configured with the screens back to back in a triangle or diamond configuration. I thought this odd because the screens back to back configuration actually takes up more floor space than if 3 or 4 stations were just placed next to each other. But there is probably a reason for this configuration, since every location had this (either the 3 triangle or 4 diamond layout/configuration).

    I have seen individual games like mickeycrimm mentioned that the player really controlled the speed and you could get in several hundred rounds an hour ifdesired. Unfortunately this was not that. There was a timer that ran down between rounds, which contributed to the slow game speed, but unlike the 5 seat, 1 large screen games, it did not count down from 15 or 20 seconds. It was 5 seconds. This was still one of the aspects that contributed to the slower speed of the game.
    Wait a second...this machine *requires* you to act in 5 seconds?

    I can't imagine that goes over well with the recreational players.

    Also a 5s pause, while it definitely makes it impossible to reach IGT level hands per hour, does not seem to be consistent with only getting 100 hands per hour.

    Let's assign 3 seconds for the deal, and 3 seconds to make all of your decisions in the hand, 2 seconds left on the timer, and 3 seconds for the resolution.

    That's 11 seconds per hand or 327 hands per hour. Of course you can play around with those times and get a different figure. Just my first stab at it.
    One console I played with no one else playing had the 5 second bullshit. I was able to get out 3 hands per 2 minutes. About 150 per hour.

    But I know this. When I catch a double hand I would have to slow down to remember what cards would garner another hit and have them in my mind before hitting the double sensor
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  13. #273
    No one disbelieve kew doesn't play and isn't addicted to and completely infatuated with bj. Certainly, the online concoction he's created is totally dependent upon him having read up on and played the game at some level.

    But is he "making a living" from what to him is a "fascinating" game? This is where, in my case, I've separated the man from the boy. I know he doesn't like this one bit, but ever since he made the mistake of threatening to kill me as I showed up on the scene, almost immediately recognizing how very phony all his bs was, I was made aware of just who this character was, his financial standing and proclivities, as well as who supported him and where he lived. He likes to claim I know nothing because it hurts him to accept such a thing, and because I never release any of the information that I am not allowed to release due to the method in which I obtained it.

    Yet while kew claims he's not allowed to release any of the financial and gaming information about mdawg he supposedly was given by MGM execs (after some heat, later changed to "some friends") he fully expects everybody to believe him and accept his words as gospel truth....and if you disagree with him you're "hateful, homophobic, and a liar".

    He truly is just another unremarkable AP-wannabee living in and around LV. And as everyone SHOULD realize, there are a lot of them in that town. That's why his story includes so many lower-level boasts. To him and his real life, his made-up online "pro bj player" life is actually some sort of success story, when only queers and high school kids might barely be impressed.

    I of course 100% know all he does is put on a good show laced with many lies. Why else does anybody think he's had to CONSTANTLY come up with fake story after story--and has been exposed and caught red-handed every single time--just to try and build up whatever reputation he likes to believe be has, along with of course, believing the lies swing the attention & relevance pendulum back to where he craves it be and stay: at his doorstep and ONLY his doorstep.

    People can and will make their own decisions about this. But ask yourselves this--do YOU believe MGM "employees" would ever simply hand over proprietary company player information to a nobody character such as kew, and in the process just fluffing off the risks of being fired and/or being sued (by a lawyer of all people)....and one with deep pockets?

    Simply use your heads.

  14. #274
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    But I know this. When I catch a double hand I would have to slow down to remember what cards would garner another hit and have them in my mind before hitting the double sensor
    So here is the strategy I came up with. And it may not be optimal. It is more common sense than anything. If I doubled down vs a dealer break card 2-6, and especially 4,5,6, and my double card was gave me a crap hand (let's say double 11 and get a 4), I would take no additional action and look for the dealer to break.

    It was when you doubled vs a dealer non break hand, 7-10, that if you drew the same crap hand (4 to your 10), you would want to hit again, as most likely your 14 was a losing hand to the dealers 7-10 up card and what he would draw. so for the most part you had a free roll second chance to improve your hand in that situation. I assume the regular basic strategies would apply, like hit 12 vs 2,3, ect.

    And of course the rare instance that your double card gave you a 10 or 11, (say doubling a 9 and receiving a 2, you definitely want to double again, no matter what the dealer had.

    So what I am saying that it is possible hitting a 12 or 13 after doubling down, might be the marginally correct play in some cases which would work against my common sense approach. I just didn't have a simulator or access to a simulator that could determine that for me. So we got out and played and did the best we could.

    Now had this been an opportunity that I thought would last a while, rather than that I knew would be limited, I would have found someone, even paid someone to put together a custom simulator that could have given me the definitive answers. But as it was....just did the best I could.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  15. #275
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    No one disbelieve kew doesn't play and isn't addicted to and completely infatuated with bj. Certainly, the online concoction he's created is totally dependent upon him having read up on and played the game at some level.

    But is he "making a living" from what to him is a "fascinating" game? This is where, in my case, I've separated the man from the boy. I know he doesn't like this one bit, but ever since he made the mistake of threatening to kill me as I showed up on the scene, almost immediately recognizing how very phony all his bs was, I was made aware of just who this character was, his financial standing and proclivities, as well as who supported him and where he lived. He likes to claim I know nothing because it hurts him to accept such a thing, and because I never release any of the information that I am not allowed to release due to the method in which I obtained it.

    Yet while kew claims he's not allowed to release any of the financial and gaming information about mdawg he supposedly was given by MGM execs (after some heat, later changed to "some friends") he fully expects everybody to believe him and accept his words as gospel truth....and if you disagree with him you're "hateful, homophobic, and a liar".

    He truly is just another unremarkable AP-wannabee living in and around LV. And as everyone SHOULD realize, there are a lot of them in that town. That's why his story includes so many lower-level boasts. To him and his real life, his made-up online "pro bj player" life is actually some sort of success story, when only queers and high school kids might barely be impressed.

    I of course 100% know all he does is put on a good show laced with many lies. Why else does anybody think he's had to CONSTANTLY come up with fake story after story--and has been exposed and caught red-handed every single time--just to try and build up whatever reputation he likes to believe be has, along with of course, believing the lies swing the attention & relevance pendulum back to where he craves it be and stay: at his doorstep and ONLY his doorstep.

    People can and will make their own decisions about this. But ask yourselves this--do YOU believe MGM "employees" would ever simply hand over proprietary company player information to a nobody character such as kew, and in the process just fluffing off the risks of being fired and/or being sued (by a lawyer of all people)....and one with deep pockets?

    Simply use your heads.
    Rob this entire post is bullshit AND we have been over all this before. You know nothing about me. Not my name, not what I look like, Not what I talk like. There is no one supporting me. That is all baloney. Sure I guess people know where I live now. Maybe you know that. Nothing else.

    AND I have previously given you free reign to reveal any information you think you know, because I am 100%, not 90, not 80, but 100% positive that you don't know. And each time I have given my permission for you to reveal, guess what? Crickets from you. Because you know nothing. More Singer bullshit.

    BUT, go for it. I again give my blessing for you to reveal whatever you want.

    As for Mdawg, no one ever provided me with personal information about him. Not a name, not an address. certainly not bank statements of financial information. And I never suggested that. What my friend looked for, found and provided me was the gambling information, the gambling records that the casino had for a player that matched Mdawgs gambling claims amounts, and at the time, many comped suites. And that record showed a player that was in the red, at a time Mdawg claimed he was ahead a million or more for the 7 months.

    There just aren't than many players playing at that level, that basically lived at the casinos for 7 months, so there is virtually no possibility the info was of the wrong guys. And just for good measure, Mdawg all but admitted that, a short time later when in one sentence he changed his 7 month trip total from winning 1 million to "about even". And even that was BS. I mean I guess if 100k in the red is "about even" then maybe he was about even.

    What I think many of these guys do is they add the over-priced value of comps, rooms and food. So if they lost 100k over 7 months, but got 7 months worth of comped rooms and food, they feel they can call that about even. If that IS about even to them...whatever. The casinos will and do welcome that kind of "about even" play.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  16. #276
    There are many aspects to Mdawgs claims and story that any experienced player just immediately knows is bullshit. Things like the $100-$5000 bet spread for 10 straight hours. Or getting a previous ban reversed. Ot just all the winning that defies math.

    But there is one in particular that stands above the others. Winning players, AP's, players that win long term, playing table games, as both Mdawgs claims of blackjack and bacarát are, play anonymously. Unrated. We don't do this because we don't want the comps and freebies. Of course we do. We do this because casinos will not allow players to just win forever and continue to comp them. They just won't. THAT is NOT the way the casino industry works.! If a player is being comped 7 months of suites and rooms, you can bet your ass the player is losing, or has a history of losing. What Mdawg claims or claimed is just pure fantasy.

    And every real player, AP or not at WoV challenged this ridiculousness. It is just for some reason (we can all guess) Shackleford decided to protect this guy and allow him to make these claims. maybe it was good for forum traffic? Probably was.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  17. #277
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Kewlj you do have a good imagination and a script that you stick to.
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    FraudJ had a highly refined blackjack story that he worked for almost 2 decades before he outed himself as the tunnel dwelling male prostitute fraud that he is.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  18. #278
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    I pointed out the contradictions in his story, more than once long ago:
    Part of where the UNKewl one keeps tripping himself up is in contradictions. He talks about how he barely wins $50. average in a session. At other times talks about how he buys in for so little chips - in the region of $150. - $250. - that he draws no attention to himself. Then he talks about how he declined to start another session because he was $3000. short of the "mandatory" $7000. he needs to play. Very contradictory.

    I also pointed out that his entire fictionalized blackjack story fit too neatly into a "I won exactly what was expected" - someone else, I believe it was AccountInQuestion, mentioned that someone playing like that, unrated, no consistent play, couldn't even know exactly what his handle (amount passed over the circle) was, to begin to figure out what was "expected" over a period of many years.

    Well, now others too know that it was all fiction. All neatly packaged into something he read about, and assumed.

    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Everything and anything he has ever said will come into question and years of his forum adventures in BJ and life will be labeled as fiction.
    Red to green spread, never amounting to much of anything. SeedValue was right.

    That's heavy, to be labeled
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Dude is a fraud.
    Idiot keeps trying to deflect the fact that he was caught in a series of monstrous lies as something to do with "popularity."
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    It's actually pretty remarkably amusing that UNKewlJ even continues to post, anywhere, he must realize that he's made an utter fool of himself and that everyone knows he's been lying, about a great many things. That's the nature of pathology though. It's one thing to be doubted another to be caught dead to rights. And quite another to go on pretending that anyone believes a word you have to say.
    UNKewlJ has also consistently contradicted himself – unable to keep to the same story. One day he’s never ever played rated, next day he talks about all the comps he racked up at table games. Not too different from how she
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    can't even keep track of how many years she supposedly went to college, or the day of the week where she received her ACH settlement? (Or how long it might take to re-program a shuffling machine.)

    Thirty-three UNKewl lies, and counting.
    Tater/Moses once described it as a nervous poodle barking at a glass of water.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  19. #279
    I have long since given up any hope of Mdawg growing up and acting like a civilized normal person. he is a troll. That is what he does.

    Dan Druff banned Blackhole for being nothing but a troll and contributing nothing positive ever to the forum. Druff also made the same comment about coach belly although he took no action.

    I wish he would take a good hard look at Mdawg and his contributions and say something. Not necessarily ban him but say something to the effect that if all you want to do is troll and be disruptive, maybe you should move along.

    God knows as the trolling has been allowed to increase and go unchecked we lose more and more members and have less and less discussion about real gambling.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  20. #280
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    No one should take your advice regarding blackjack, because you haven’t proven to be an expert. Literally they should do the opposite of what you say. I’m not your sweetheart either
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue
    The most pathetic person on every forum is you Kewlj. You continue to talk about nothing, complete failure in the AP world.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

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