View Poll Results: In the matter of UNKewlJ

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  • UNKewlJ is a compulsive liar

    14 87.50%
  • UNKewlJ's casino backrooming lawsuit story is truthful

    2 12.50%
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Thread: DanDruff care to weigh in on UNKewlJ's backrooming lawsuit "story" now?

  1. #1
    DanDruff we all know how much stock UNKewlJ places in what others think (a LOT). He has stated that you think he is credible…so, When you have time, why not take a look at the UNKewlJ backrooming lawsuit, and give us an informed, updated opinion on how credible UNKewlJ is now.

    Some key points to consider:

    1) He retracted his implying that this all happened at SouthPoint, which his naming the actual casino where this happened was one point you had originally mentioned that weighed in his favor as to whether any of this ever happened.

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    This incident occurred several weeks ago at a notoriously sweaty casino "south" (<- ) of the strip.
    He doubled down on implying it happened at SouthPoint, by referring to the “timeshares” (Grandview) across the street:
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Please don't ask or expect me to know what the security guy was about. He was a young, hispanic, "big" dude. I would say fat, but suppose he thinks he is "built". I think feeling brutish, he just gave me a shove. And because I wasn't expecting it, it threw me off balance and I hit my arm on the desk. He was just $10/an hour security punk with no real power abusing what little power he thinks he has. Other than that, I can't even guess what he was thinking.

    I have actually had run-ins with this same $10/an hour security crew before, 4 or 5 years ago after a back off when a bicycle security guard chased me completely off property after a back off. The back off was actually a "no more blackjack" back off. Didn't say I had to leave the property or anything. But I did. I walked out the front door and was standing there waiting for my partner when the bicycle security punk, rode up telling me I had to leave the property and actually escorted me off, to the south, while I crossed the street to the timeshare location. I think it is a case of this location is using low paid, poorly trained (if at all) security punks in uniform.
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Final update:
    While I can't name the casino involved, it is at this point that I can tell you who it wasn't. It was not South Point Casino.
    2) He stated that the case was filed and served, and said repeatedly that he had the case number:
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    We are now "officially" underway with this action, with the defendant now having been served.
    3) As far as the settlement, there were at least two discrepancies there:

    a) He reported about the signing of the settlement agreement on Juneteenth, a court holiday, on a Monday. He later deflected saying that well it had been signed other than on that day, but that somehow he was only told about it on the court holiday.

    b) He reported that he received the settlement funds via ACH on a Saturday, a non banking day. This could not have happened that way.

    4) Now, I searched carefully, both federal and state cases for Clark County, Nevada and found NOTHING, no relevant lawsuit.

    When UNKewlJ realized that MaxPen was going to search the entire dockets to find the case,

    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    All the personal injury cases in Clark County run thru the Eighth District Court. There is a link you can subscribe to view everything that touches that court. There are about 40-60 new cases per day. They are not all personal injury. Instead of searching this will be easy but probably take about 8 hours to positively confirm. I will acknowledge my results within the week. I have some downtime that I won't have much to do other than hanging out out of town.
    he came up with the new story that the case had been sealed, hoping that this would explain why no one would ever be able to find the case:

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    The time has come. I was hoping to drag this out a little further and have you 2 idiots (Singer & Mdawg) chasing and looking for something that they couldn't possibly find. I really enjoyed that. I didn't anticipate MaxPen getting involved as I wouldn't have wanted to waste his time.

    This case is sealed, at BOTH parties request. That means it is NOT public information, unless an interested party can prove to the court they have a legitimate interest in the case.

    But thanks for screwing up a good trolling effort to have these guys on a scavenger hunt that they couldn't succeed at. I could have watched these two going on and on about "no case to be found" for months...or probably years.
    Now, by quoting the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS), as the basis for the sealing:
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I canNOT talk about the case specifically, but here the general rule. Please note the part where compelling privacy or safety interests outweigh the public interest. It takes a judge to determine that.

    I can NOT get into this, but you are talking about something you don't undertstand like YOU, Rob always do.

    4.Grounds to seal or redact; written findings required. The court may order the court files and records, or any part thereof, in a civil action to be sealed or redacted, provided the court makes and enters written findings that the specific sealing or redaction is justified by identified compelling privacy or safety interests that outweigh the public interest in access to the court record.
    He nailed down exactly where the lawsuit supposedly was filed:

    he thereby verified that the case was filed in the Eighth Judicial District Nevada, which is where the NRS apply.
    Eighth Judicial District Court
    Civil over >15K

    so that told us that yes, MaxPen and I were searching in the right place, BUT, besides the fact that a false imprisonment battery civil case would almost never be sealed (his claiming that it was sealed was an obvious lie presented to try to explain why no one was ever going to find the case), what UNKewlJ didn’t realize, was that since 2008, the law in Nevada has been that even for sealed cases the full docket will still appear:
    Rule 3
    4(c) Sealing of entire court file prohibited.  Under no circumstances shall the court seal an entire court file. An order entered under these rules must, at a minimum, require that the following information is available for public viewing on court indices: (i) the case number(s) or docket code(s) or number(s); (ii) the date that the action was commenced; (iii) the names of the parties, counsel of record, and the assigned judge; (iv) the notation “case sealed”; (v) the case type and cause(s) of action, which may be obtained from the Civil Cover Sheet; (vi) the order to seal and written findings supporting the order; and (vii) the identity of the party or other person who filed the motion to seal.

    Even after all that, after MaxPen confirmed that there was in fact no such lawsuit whatever on record,

    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    As promised I have finished looking into this case. I don't think anyone here would dispute that this case would 100% go thru the Eighth District Court in Clark County. The link I provided has every single case that has been filed there.

    I did not use a search function. I reviewed every single day's docket. I did this because unless you know exactly who to search for you could get no results even if there was a case. I also reviewed a dozen or so potential cases by downloading the case summaries and filings.

    KewlJ claims the case is sealed. That is complete nonsense and no chance in this type of case. There would still be a record of the filing at a minimum. I'm no expert by any means but we do have a couple of attorneys on this site. I think they agree.

    KewlJ also claims that I would know someone who knows it's true. I do know quite a few APs but not one of the 3 most likely to know something claims to even believe this story in the least.

    This was KewlJ 's Newell moment. Why he did this is beyond contemplating it is so absurd. I guess he felt the need to see if he could troll as well as some of the greats. He miserably failed.

    Was kind of funny though. Because a couple people realize that they have seen him in the past. Especially back in the day when he ran around town with his husband or whatever. The two together were quite odd

    I'm going to have to now even jump on the belief that he really is a low level card counter that had a sugar daddy like most of the AP community believes.

    This case is over. It never existed. KewlJ has been found guilty of another whopper. Really strange for a guy who wrote literally books worth of material about others doing the same.

    UNKewlJ came back with some nonsense about how he had searched and found “his” lawsuit with just the case number noted, along with two other recent civil cases:

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    So I spent several hours last night trying to find exactly what MaxPen looked up. On July 3 he posted he had no idea how to look anything up, and 3 days later was the an expert. So the link that he said he used didn't work, but I was able to navigate my way. I knew were to find the case "I was interested in" because I have the case number. And I know that is all you are going to see....a case number. No plaintiff. No defendant. No attorney's involved. That is all under seal.

    So again I wanted to see what that would look like for someone searching through a boatload of cases rather than going directly to that case via case #.. I spent two hours last night. Would have taken the better part of a full day to search everything. But in those two hours I found not only the case "I was interested in", but two additional cases that showed ONLY a case number.
    but when pressed, he couldn’t even provide the case numbers for the two cases he claimed he had found, unrelated to himself, and MaxPen further confirmed that his search of entire dockets had unearthed no cases whatsoever where the full docket was not visible.

    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    This is fake news. There was no cases that didn't have the plaintiff, defendant, and attorneys. There was a couple summaries that were not downloadable. But they involved corporate entities as the plaintiff. Anybody can go and review the entire docket for the period like I did. They will find the same thing I did.

    KewlJ the great thing about this is it leaves no doubt. I'm sure if you could have found one case that failed to disclose the plaintiff and defendant you would have linked to it. I get it. Your desperate. You revealed yourself as a complete fraud. I'm sorry for you.
    Additionally, he continued to claim that he could not talk about the sealing “I can NOT get into this”, when the statute provides that the grounds for sealing, Anything related to the sealing, why it was done and who sought the sealing, would be public record. And, anything that is public record cannot be compelled to be confidential by agreement or otherwise.

    Which brings us to other inconsistencies about the case and how he has discussed it:

    1) That his arm was broken by simply being pushed into a chair “Brittle Bones” – as AccountInQuestion has put it
    2) That the video was turned over to his attorney simply by request, before even a lawsuit was filed
    3) UNKewlJ’s confusion over whether a judge did or did not sign an order to get the video (before any lawsuit was filed)
    4) UNKewlJ’s confusion over how many days the casino had to respond to the lawsuit (UNKewlJ claimed 60, by statute it is 21)
    5) UNKewlJ’s confusion over whether he was the plaintiff or defendant (he kept referring to the casino as Plaintiff), even after he supposedly signed a long settlement agreement where he would have been referred to as “Plaintiff” multiple times
    6) Told us repeatedly in the past that he has attorney Nersesian on speed dial, and yet has gone out of his way to state that he has never named what attorney might be involved in this case
    7) UNKewlJ’s confusion as to whether a judge was needed or not needed to approve the settlement agreement
    8) UNKewlJ's confusion about what he could and could not talk about as the case was settled, and after:
    a. Claimed he could not discuss what the settlement amount was, but at least three times off handedly implied exactly how much he has received
    b. Claimed he could not name the casino involved, even though this is public record, sealed case or not
    c. Claimed he could not reveal the case number to anyone, even though this is public record, sealed case or not

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I don't see anything specific in my settlement agreement other than I can't discuss the amount or parties involved.
    d. Claimed he could not discuss why the case was sealed, even though this would be public record if the case even was sealed

    (Anything in the public domain cannot be enforced as confidential.)

    e. Claimed that he was released from the requirement to not talk about the lawsuit at all, and yet, has been claiming repeatedly that he cannot.

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    The original agreement said I could not mention the party involved (casino) nor the amount of the settlement. I have done neither in the short time since that agreement, completely honoring the terms. Now they want me to never mention anything about the entire incident.
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    First, another update. Another bizarre little twist (from my perspective). The defendant's attorney has informed my attorney that if we are still in agreement with the original terms of the settlement, they will re-submit it to the court, stating that both sides are in full agreement. I told my attorney yes, to go forward with that.
    9) Claimed that various unnamed APs and the press contacted him about this matter, and yet no one has come forward to say anything about it other than UNKewlJ.

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I am pretty sure something about this case will hit the news very shortly, as I have been contacted by email and text by one local TV News station here in Vegas. I didn't respond to either contact. I can't provide the information they are probably seeking. I don't know if they can get their hands on video, but if they do, I am sure this will be mentioned on the local news. At this point I don't even care, even if they name me.
    Seriously, when it comes to dealing with this convoluted, contradictory story, it is a headache just to make sense of it. It is a function of UNKewlJ’s twisted confused mind that none of it makes sense.

    But the fact remains that there is no record of this supposedly filed and served lawsuit, and that UNKewlJ has refused to even provide the two cases he supposedly found that have nothing to do with his own case, where he claims that only a case number appears.

    Verifiably, he is lying.

    DanDruff, you want to weigh in again on whether this backrooming lawsuit story is credible? It took me only a half hour to recall and summarize all the issues above. If anyone wants to weigh in with anything I missed, feel free.

    And in case you want to wade through the evidence yourself:

    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Everything and anything he has ever said will come into question and years of his forum adventures in BJ and life will be labeled as fiction.
    Last edited by MDawg; 07-12-2023 at 01:17 PM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  2. #2
    Eight minutes after I posted the above, UNKewlJ posted a retraction saying that he had lied and there never was any lawsuit. That would be the next in a series of lies to try to explain why no one could find the lawsuit (one being his claim that the case was sealed).

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    So I quickly lied and said the case had been filed and quickly settled. This got me past that point that info broke that I was worried about. And basically the outcome was the same. It was settled, just before a case was even filed. I was surprised how fast the casino settled. And it was settled for the amount that I have hinted at, which is not a lot of money....several years earning for me
    Of course, we're still back at various other lies he has posted about how he cannot per settlement terms discuss how much money he supposedly got, although the post he just made will be the fourth time he has discussed it.

    And still continues to present the lie that unnamed APs know all about what happened.

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    So after a fellow AP, in California no less, emailed me that he knew of this case
    even though no one, including the press that supposedly also contacted him about this now-claimed-to-be-unfiled matter, has said a word anywhere about it.
    Last edited by MDawg; 07-12-2023 at 02:08 PM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  3. #3
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    So yes, the backrooming incident and lawsuit were complete fabrications. I still think that something might have happened to someone, or some persons, somewhere, and UNKewlJ appropriated a composite story and gave himself the lead, which is pretty much the story of his fabricated life. Who knows - given that UNKewlJ has a habit of being guilty even worse of anything of which he accuses others, maybe given his complaining about my quoting movies for fun, maybe he got this all from a movie or movies he saw or heard of.
    The UNKewl one was a liar, and like most liars, he was constantly changing his stories, altering time and personnel from one telling to the next. One time he would tell a story about someone, next time he would switch the story around to give himself the lead. He would sit in the casino coffee shop over coffee and pound cake, talking at random about his experiences, posting constantly on internet forums, plotting ways to take down all those he is envious of, never actually entering the casino, afraid like a nervous poodle to even play.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  4. #4
    Very well written summary, MDawg.

    I enjoyed it. It is a little less interesting now that kewlJ admitted that there was no actual lawsuit.

    I like how MaxPen called it kewlJ's "Newell moment". Hilarious.

    I have no dog in this fight, and don't dislike kewlJ like you and many others do. However, I will admit that this never smelled quite right to me, and my personal belief at this point is that kewlJ made the whole thing up.

    Perhaps it's loosely based upon a real incident, such as a blackjack ban he received where a security guard roughly handled him and accidentally hurt kewlJ's arm a little bit. I don't think there was any incident which was lawsuit-worthy, which is why we got so many changing and bizarre versions of the same story.

    I give this forum credit for tenaciously digging for details, especially MaxPen who went through all kinds of possible cases in the Eighth District Court! It is very difficult to lie about things in the internet age. Too many ways people can search out the truth, especially if they are good at critical thinking and are willing to put some time into it. This is the exact same reason Rob's whoppers have flopped here so badly, from the Newell to the huge video poker hit at high limits.

    Why did kewlJ do this?

    I have no idea.

    In general, if you have a story to tell the forum, be completely truthful about it. And if it's a story people are likely to doubt, be ready with receipts. If you cannot do either, then don't tell the story at all.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  5. #5
    Dan, how much would you sell this site for in all seriousness?

    It is basically worth a jar of beans outside of being a passion project.

  6. #6
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I have no dog in this fight, and don't dislike kewlJ like you and many others do. However, I will admit that this never smelled quite right to me, and my personal belief at this point is that kewlJ made the whole thing up.
    I respect your opinion, Dan Druff. You are incorrect that the whole thing was made up, but I will not fight you on that. I am not interested in proving anything to anyone, so I will just respect your right to this opinion.

    Now I am just curious...what does that change in your opinion? Whatever you think doesn't change anything for me.

    Here is what you previously wrote about Mdawg:

    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I will also state for the record that I don't believe MDawg is a scammer, and shouldn't be treated like one. Do I believe he was truthful about his casino exploits? Obviously not. He does seem to bet large -- at least at times -- and I believe he does get some impressive comps. However, I believe him to be more of a casino whale than anything else, and not an AP or winning long term gambler. For whatever reason he wants to live a fantasy on these boards that he is a big winner. While I understand legitimate APs being irritated with these claims, it's important to understand that MDawg does not seem to be setting up any kind of monetary scam, nor does he have any history of ripping anyone off. He simply likes to tell tall tales.
    You have written similar a couple times. And you have written exactly what you think of Singer and his many nutty claims. Does this now put me (KJ) into that category for you? It really doesn't change anything for me. I do what I do. Make what I make, live where I live. Just curious.

  7. #7
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Very well written summary, MDawg.

    I enjoyed it. It is a little less interesting now that kewlJ admitted that there was no actual lawsuit.

    I like how MaxPen called it kewlJ's "Newell moment". Hilarious.

    I have no dog in this fight, and don't dislike kewlJ like you and many others do. However, I will admit that this never smelled quite right to me, and my personal belief at this point is that kewlJ made the whole thing up.

    Perhaps it's loosely based upon a real incident, such as a blackjack ban he received where a security guard roughly handled him and accidentally hurt kewlJ's arm a little bit. I don't think there was any incident which was lawsuit-worthy, which is why we got so many changing and bizarre versions of the same story.
    Agreed, and that is what I opined too, from the beginning.

    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    So yes, the backrooming incident and lawsuit were complete fabrications. I still think that something might have happened to someone, or some persons, somewhere, and UNKewlJ appropriated a composite story and gave himself the lead, which is pretty much the story of his fabricated life.

    As far as
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Why did kewlJ do this?

    I have no idea.
    Actually, here, many, if not all of us, believe that he did this to try to back up his ongoing story about being a card counter. He wanted to appear like such a menace to the casinos that they were actively breaking his brittle bones just to dissuade him from reentering.

    As MaxPen and the rest of us have pointed out, he has a habit of doing this, saying something or other, repeating it over and over, and then when feeling that his point isn’t getting across, offering some sort of document or person who will corroborate his story, but never actually producing the documents or naming the persons.

    Another viable explanation is that he is a compulsive liar.

    MaxPen on the UNKewl one: Compulsive liar is a fair assessment of what he is. If people go back and look at your last few stories they will see a trend in you always changing the story after you get caught lying.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  8. #8
    Dan Druff while you are here and addressing things, there is something I request that you address and weigh in on.

    The doxing and the lies and accusation of male prostitution that has taken place for over a year now.

    I understand you position on free speech. This shit is not free speech Dan Druff! How would you feel if someone were to post private information like your home address. Information on your wife or girlfriend (I forget if you are officially married) or your son. Would that be ok? Of course the answer is no, so why is it ok for Mdawg to keep repeating this kind of information, and now others are repeating it?

    Now the second part about the male prostitution. Early today I mentioned how a couple years ago I said something about coach belly being a pedophile. I was repeating something said by others. You told me I could not post something accusing someone of illegal activity without proof. Fair enough. So why have these people, starting with seedvalue and now Mdawg AccountinQuestion, and even MaxPen repeating it or alluding to it some form.

    In the real world this would fall under slander and you could sue someone. I am not going to sue anyone, but why is this allowed. This is not free speech Dan Druff. Again, if I posted that you were a drug dealer on the side and sold drugs at your son's school, I don't think this would be ok with you, would it? Free speech does not mean you can just say anything any lie you want attempting to discredit someone.

    Dan Druff, if you cannot or will not address these concerns, I cannot continue here. I know I have threatened that many times, but why would I? I have been a good contributing member of this forum, sharing my experiences as a guy making a living from card counting, including sharing and explaining things I probably shouldn't have. Even as this forum declined from a gambling related forum with some trolling allowed to complete troll forum with just a very small bit of gambling/casino talk.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 07-19-2023 at 10:21 PM.

  9. #9
    Man, why don't you go post your whining in a thread other than the one where your head was handed to you.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  10. #10
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I will also state for the record that I don't believe MDawg is a scammer, and shouldn't be treated like one. Do I believe he was truthful about his casino exploits? Obviously not. He does seem to bet large -- at least at times -- and I believe he does get some impressive comps. However, I believe him to be more of a casino whale than anything else, and not an AP or winning long term gambler. For whatever reason he wants to live a fantasy on these boards that he is a big winner. While I understand legitimate APs being irritated with these claims, it's important to understand that MDawg does not seem to be setting up any kind of monetary scam, nor does he have any history of ripping anyone off. He simply likes to tell tall tales.

  11. #11
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I have no dog in this fight, and don't dislike kewlJ like you and many others do. However, I will admit that this never smelled quite right to me, and my personal belief at this point is that kewlJ made the whole thing up.
    I respect your opinion, Dan Druff. You are incorrect that the whole thing was made up, but I will not fight you on that. I am not interested in proving anything to anyone, so I will just respect your right to this opinion.

    Now I am just curious...what does that change in your opinion? Whatever you think doesn't change anything for me.

    Here is what you previously wrote about Mdawg:

    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I will also state for the record that I don't believe MDawg is a scammer, and shouldn't be treated like one. Do I believe he was truthful about his casino exploits? Obviously not. He does seem to bet large -- at least at times -- and I believe he does get some impressive comps. However, I believe him to be more of a casino whale than anything else, and not an AP or winning long term gambler. For whatever reason he wants to live a fantasy on these boards that he is a big winner. While I understand legitimate APs being irritated with these claims, it's important to understand that MDawg does not seem to be setting up any kind of monetary scam, nor does he have any history of ripping anyone off. He simply likes to tell tall tales.
    You have written similar a couple times. And you have written exactly what you think of Singer and his many nutty claims. Does this now put me (KJ) into that category for you? It really doesn't change anything for me. I do what I do. Make what I make, live where I live. Just curious.
    You're wrong and lying but I respect your right to have this opinion??
    You're Fucked Up with this logic surfer dude.
    Makes no sense.

  12. #12
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Dan Druff while you are here and addressing things, there is something I request that you address and weigh in on.

    The doxing and the lies and accusation of male prostitution that has taken place for over a year now.

    I understand you position on free speech. This shit is not free speech Dan Druff! How would you feel if someone were to post private information like your home address. Information on your wife or girlfriend (I forget if you are officially married) or your son. Would that be ok? Of course the answer is no, so why is it ok for Mdawg to keep repeating this kind of information, and now others are repeating it?

    Now the second part about the male prostitution. Early today I mentioned how a couple years ago I said something about coach belly being a pedophile. I was repeating something said by others. You told me I could not post something accusing someone of illegal activity without proof. Fair enough. So why have these people, starting with seedvalue and now Mdawg AccountinQuestion, and even MaxPen repeating it or alluding to it some form.

    In the real world this would fall under slander and you could sue someone. I am not going to sue anyone, but why is this allowed. This is not free speech Dan Druff. Again, if I posted that you were a drug dealer on the side and sold drugs at your son's school, I don't think this would be ok with you, would it? Free speech does not mean you can just say anything any lie you want attempting to discredit someone.

    Dan Druff, if you cannot or will not address these concerns, I cannot continue here. I know I have threatened that many times, but why would I? I have been a good contributing member of this forum, sharing my experiences as a guy making a living from card counting, including sharing and explaining things I probably shouldn't have. Even as this forum declined from a gambling related forum with some trolling allowed to complete troll forum with just a very small bit of gambling/casino talk.
    Can you prove that you are not a male prostitute?

  13. #13
    Hell must of froze over. Not only did jbjb vote in a poll(first time ever) he voted for the UNKOOL1 !!!

  14. #14
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    Hell must of froze over. Not only did jbjb vote in a poll(first time ever) he voted for the UNKOOL1 !!!
    Have you ever seen jbjb get ANYTHING right?

  15. #15
    Somehow I missed this thread. It must be heartbreaking for kew not to be able to call on Dan to come save him anymore (sniffle sniffle)....even though he's never really saved him from any of his lies.

    But kew never learns; he doesn't want to give up. He thinks he can keep lying and posting fake accounts and lie some more, and everybody will eventually be convinced of his bullshit. And at the same time, his life has been turned upside down over this. His forum reputation is the most important part of his life because, well, he HAS no real life worth posting about.

    Kew, take a hint from the master: Dan mentioned our RV and my big vp win. He doesn't believe them because he doesn't want to believe them--not because he can prove it. And all that's ok with me, because I DO have something far more important than convincing forum people going on--as does Dan and just about everyone else but you (and AQ). People opine--or in your case, prove you stupid wrong--and they move on. Why can't you? And really, no one cares ANYTHING about whether you play low, medium, or hi-limit BJ. No one gives two shits about where you live. Why? Because everybody has to live somewhere. Who the F cares how great or pathetic anyone else lives? You worry WAY too much about what others think of you. Probably why you fabricate so much.'s that beach trip going?
    New name: Oilykew!

  16. #16
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    Hell must of froze over. Not only did jbjb vote in a poll(first time ever) he voted for the UNKOOL1 !!!
    I've seen the guy playing blackjack and have seen his OSN. He's legit whether any other person wants to believe that or not.

  17. #17
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    Hell must of froze over. Not only did jbjb vote in a poll(first time ever) he voted for the UNKOOL1 !!!
    Have you ever seen jbjb get ANYTHING right?
    Multiple times. Your wife is a fucking ugly pig!

  18. #18
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    Hell must of froze over. Not only did jbjb vote in a poll(first time ever) he voted for the UNKOOL1 !!!
    He voted before UNKewLyingJ admitted that he had lied about the lawsuit. More puzzling is why MidWestPlayer voted Yes, because I believe he voted after the lie was exposed.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  19. #19
    The lawsuit was BS. His blackjack play isn't.

  20. #20
    Well, the poll #2 is "UNKewLyingJ's casino backrooming lawsuit story is truthful" - how could anyone vote yes on that now? after even he admitted that he lied about it.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

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